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Z�15�51�5 <br /> int�rest fram �he da�e of disbursemen� at �he same ra�� assessed an ad�ances under �he Contrac� and shaZ� b� <br /> payab�e,wx�h int�rest,up�n nn�ice fram Lender to Borrovver requestrng payment. <br /> �nspect�on. Lender or xts aaen�zna�make reasonab�e en�ries upon and inspec��ons of the Proper�y. Lender shall <br /> gi�e Barrower not��e at�he time af or pr��r to an inspect�on spe�ifying reasanable cause for the inspec�i�n. <br /> �ondemnat�on. The proceeds tif any award or�laim f�r damag�s,direc�or consequ�ntxa�, in cor�nect�on vvi�h an� <br /> condemnation or ather tal�ing�f any par�af the Prop�r�y, or far �onveyance in lieu af candemna�i�n, are hereby <br /> assigned and shall he paid to Lender. <br /> In th� even� af a��ta� �ak�ng �f the Proper�y, th�pr�ceeds shall be applied to �he sums secured by�h�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrument, v�h�ther or nat th�n du�, w�th any exce�s paid �a Borrower. �n �he event of a par��a� taking of the <br /> Property in which�he faxr market�alue nf�he Proper�y immediately before the �aking �s equa�to �r greater than <br /> the amoun� of�he sums se�ur�d by this Secur�ty Instrument �rnmedia�el�befare the taking, un�ess Borrower and <br /> Lender otherwis�agree �n wri�ing,the surns secured by th�s Security�ns�rum�nt sha��be reduced by the arnoun�af <br /> �h�proceeds muXtxp��ed by the fo��a�vxng fract�on: �a�the tatal am�unt of th.e sums secured immediately b�fore the <br /> taking, divided by �h� �he fa�r mar�e�va�ue of the Proper� immediately�ef�re �he tai�ing. An}�balance sha�1 be <br /> paid to Borrau�er. In the event of a partial taking of the Proper� in which the fair market value of the Praperty <br /> immedzat�ly before the �ak�ng �s �ess than the amoun�of�he sums se�ured immediately before �he �aking, unless <br /> Barrower an�i Lender ather�vise agree in vvri�ing or unless Applicab�e Law o�herwise provides, �he praceeds sha�1 <br /> be appl�ed to the surns secured by�his 5ecurity�nstrurnent whether or na��he sums are tihen due. <br /> If th� Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrovv�r that the condemu�.�r affers�o <br /> make an award or se�tle a�lairn far darnages,B�rro�v�r fai�s�o resp�nd to Lender wxth�n�he minimum nurnher of <br /> days estah�ish�d h�App���a�I�Law aft�r the da�e the natice is gi�en,Lender�s author�zed��c�Ilec�and apply the <br /> proceeds, a� its opt�on, e��her to restora�ian or repair of�he Prop�r�y ar �a �he sums se�ured by �his Security <br /> Instrumen�,whether or nat then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower atherv�is�agree in writing, any appl�cat�an of proceeds to principal shall nnt extend <br /> ar pos�pane�he due da�e af�he payments due under�he�on�ract ar change th�amount af such payments. <br /> Borrow�r Not Re�easedy Forbearan�e By Lender Not a ''�aiver. Ex�ens�an of the �ime for paym�nti �r <br /> madxficati�n of amort�,zation of�he sums secured by�h�s Secur��y rnstrumen�gran�ed by Lender t� Borrower or <br /> an� success�r in ir�terest �f Borr�wer sha�� no� operate to release the lzabi���y of �he original Barrawer ar <br /> Borrawer's successors in�n�erest. Lender shal�not be required to corn.mence proce�d�ngs agains�any successor in <br /> in�erest or refuse to exten���me for paymen�or otherwise rr�odify am�r��zat�on af�he sums secured by�h�s Security <br /> �nstrument by reason af any demand mac�e by the �riginal Borrower or Barrnwer's success�rs in in�er�s�. An� <br /> farbearance�y Lender in exercising any righ�or rexn�dy shal�na�be a waiver of�r preclude�he e�ercxse of any <br /> r�gh�ar remed�. <br /> Successars and Assign5 Bnund; .Join� and Several Liabil�ty; Accflmmvdation S�gners. The ca�enants and <br /> agreernents of this Security�nstrum.en�shail bind and beneft the su�cessars and assigns of L�nder and Borrow�r, <br /> sub�e�� �o �he p�avisions ❑f section �����d Transfer of fhe Praperty or a Benefi�ial In�erest in Barrower. <br /> Borrawer's covenants and agre�ments shall be j o�nt and several.Any person�h�Go-signs�h�s Se�urity Instrument <br /> but has no pers�nai lzabz�ity under �he �on�ract �"Accammodatian S�gner"}: �a} is ca-s�gnzng �his 5ecurity <br /> �nstrument on�y ta mor�gage, grant and convey �hat Accomrnadat�an ��gner's in��rest in �he Praper�y under �he <br /> ��rms of �he Secur�t� �nstrumen�; �b� �s not personall� o�liga�ed �o pay �h� sums se�ured by �hxs Security <br /> �ns�rument; and�c�agrees tha�Lender and any other Borrourer may agree to ex�end,modify, farbear�r make any <br /> accommodatians�vi�h regard to the terrns of thzs Securzty Instrument�r�he Con�rac�withou��ha�Accammodation <br /> Signer's cansent. <br /> Laan Charges. �f th� Iaan se�ured by th�s Secur��y �nstrument i� subj ect ta a law v�hich se�s ma�imum I�an <br /> charges, and�ha�Iaw�s finally interpr�ted sa that the interest or other loan charges collecfied or ta be�allec�ed in <br /> connec�xon with �he �aan exce�d �he �ermitted limi�s, then: �a� any such loan charge sha�l be reduced by �he <br /> arnaun�necessar���r�duce�he charge to�he permitted limi�s and�b) an�sums alr�ady col�ected from Borrower <br /> vvhich exceeded permit�ed l�m��s v�ill be refunded to Borrovver. Lender rnay choose �� mak� this refund by <br />�he princ�pal o�ed under the �on�rac� or hy making a d�r��t payment�o Borrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> princ�pal,the reductian vvx��be�r�a�ed as a par�ia�prepaymen�under the C�n�ract. <br /> Notices. Any n�t�ce to Borrower pro�ided for ua �hxs S�curity �nstrument shall be gi��n by del�vering �� or by <br /> ma��xng it�y first class ma�X un�ess App�icabl�Law requires use af ana�her me�hod.The natice shall�e d�r�c�ed to <br /> the Prflperty Address or any ather addr�s� Borrower designates by notice to Lender. B�rrower agrees to pravide <br /> Lender v��th Borrvwer's mas�current mai�ing address, as x�may change from tiixne-��-time. Any notic�to Lender <br /> shall be gxven by frs�c�ass ma�l�a Lender's address stated herein�r any fl�h�r address Lender de�ignates b}�nati�e <br /> �o Barrovver.Any no��ce pra��ded for xn�his Secur�ty rnstrumen�shall be deemed�o ha�e been given to Borro�er <br /> or Lender v�hen given as provided in this paragraph. <br /> �nverning Law; Se�era�ili�y.Th��Se�uri�y�nstrume�t sha��be governed by federal Iavv and the Iaws�f the s�a�e <br /> vf Nebraska. �n �he e�ent�ha� any provision or �lause of�his SeGurity �nstrumen� ar�he Con�rac� canflicts with <br /> Appl�cable Law, such can�.�ct sha�i not affec�other provxsions of th�s Securxty Instrument�r the �ontract wh�ch <br /> can be given effect wi�hou��he confl�c�in�provision.Ta�his end the provisi�ns of�his 5ecurity Ins�rumen�and�he <br /> Contract are dec�ared to be severai��e. <br /> Barravver's Copy.B�rr�wer shall be���en ane�opy of th�s 5ecu�r�ty Instrument. <br /> �2044-24I4 Camgliance Systems,Inc.FDG�-D�86-20I3L�.1�,1,895 <br /> Consumer Reai Estate-5ec�irity Fnstrument DL2�36 Pa�e 3 of 5 www.compliar�cesystems.c�m <br />