<br />Beginning at the southwest corner of Rainbow Lake 3rd
<br />Subdivision; thence southerly along the westerly line of the
<br />SW' /4 of the NW' /4 of Section 33, TI IN, R9W to a point on
<br />the southerly line of the SW' /4 of the NW' /4 of said Section
<br />33; thence easterly along the southerly line of the SW' /4 of
<br />the NW' /4 of said Section 33 to a point one hundred fifty
<br />(150.0) feet east of the westerly line of the SW %4 of the
<br />NW' /4 of said Section 33; thence northerly parallel with the
<br />westerly line of the SW' /4 of the NW' /4 of said Section 33, to
<br />a point on the southerly line of said Rainbow Lake 3`d
<br />Subdivision; thence westerly along the southerly line of said
<br />Approved as to Form
<br />- 2 - January 18, 2001 ♦ City Attorney
<br />tract of land, to the easterly line of said Section 32; thence
<br />northerly along the easterly line of said Section 32, a
<br />distance of two hundred twenty and ninety -three hundredths
<br />(220.93) feet to the point of beginning.
<br />David L. & Beth D. Nelson
<br />Lot 1, Heavenly Haven 3`d Subdivision
<br />1,531.58
<br />Shay P. & Jacey L. McGowan
<br />Lot 2, Heavenly Haven 3`d Subdivision
<br />2,360.98
<br />David L. & Beth D. Nelson
<br />Lot 3, Heavenly Haven 3`d Subdivision
<br />1,688.61
<br />David L. & Beth D. Nelson
<br />Lot 4, Heavenly Haven 3`d Subdivision
<br />2,159.52
<br />Steve & Ginger Johnson
<br />Lot 1, Heavenly Haven 2 "d Subdivision
<br />1,762.44
<br />Steve & Ginger Johnson
<br />Lot 2, Heavenly Haven 2nd Subdivision
<br />102.62
<br />Jeffrey T. & Wendy J. Romsa
<br />Lot 3, Heavenly Haven 2nd Subdivision
<br />176.54
<br />Meadowlark Estates, Inc.
<br />Lot 1, Meadowlark Estates 2nd Subdivision
<br />612.63
<br />Emil Schaupdach
<br />A part of the SE'/4 of the NE'/4 of Section 32, TI IN, R9W
<br />36,871.86
<br />and part of the NE' /4 of the SE' /4 of Section 32, TI IN, R9W,
<br />and part of the W' /2 of the SE' /4 of the SE' /4 of Section 32,
<br />T1IN, R9W, being more particularly described as follows:
<br />The easterly one hundred fifty (150.0) feet of the SE' /4 of the
<br />NE' /4 of Section 32, TI IN, R9W; except the northerly two
<br />hundred (200.0) feet thereof, and
<br />The easterly one hundred fifty (150.0) feet of the NE' /4 of
<br />the SE' /4 of Section 32, TI IN, R9W; and
<br />The easterly one hundred fifty (150.0) feet of the W' /z of the
<br />SE' /4 of the SE' /4 of Section 32, TI IN, R9W.
<br />Emil Schaupdach
<br />A part of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 33, TI IN, R9W,
<br />12,762.01
<br />being more particularly described as follows:
<br />The westerly one hundred fifty (150.0) feet of the SW' /4 of
<br />the SW' /4 of Section 33, T1IN, R9W.
<br />Norman W. Hanssen, Trustee
<br />A part of the NW' /4 of the SW' /4 of Section 33, TI IN, R9W,
<br />18,247.09
<br />being more particularly described as follows:
<br />The westerly one hundred fifty (150.0) feet of the NW' /4 of
<br />the SW' /4 of Section 33, TI IN, R9W, except the tract of land
<br />described in Document #91- 107843, recorded in the Hall
<br />County Register of Deeds office; and
<br />A part of the SW' /4 of the NW% of Section 33, TI IN, R9W,
<br />being more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the southwest corner of Rainbow Lake 3rd
<br />Subdivision; thence southerly along the westerly line of the
<br />SW' /4 of the NW' /4 of Section 33, TI IN, R9W to a point on
<br />the southerly line of the SW' /4 of the NW' /4 of said Section
<br />33; thence easterly along the southerly line of the SW' /4 of
<br />the NW' /4 of said Section 33 to a point one hundred fifty
<br />(150.0) feet east of the westerly line of the SW %4 of the
<br />NW' /4 of said Section 33; thence northerly parallel with the
<br />westerly line of the SW' /4 of the NW' /4 of said Section 33, to
<br />a point on the southerly line of said Rainbow Lake 3`d
<br />Subdivision; thence westerly along the southerly line of said
<br />Approved as to Form
<br />- 2 - January 18, 2001 ♦ City Attorney
<br />