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��15�5111 <br /> c�n�inue to pay�o Lender the amoun�of the separate�y designa��d payments�hat were du�when the <br /> insu�rance co�rerage ceased�o be in effec�. Lcnder v�i��accep�, use and r�tain these paymen�s as a� <br /> non-refu�adab�e�oss reserve in l�eu of Martgage Insuranc�. Such 1os�r�serve sha11 be non--refu��dable, <br /> n��w��hs�and�ng�he fact�hat the I.�an is ul�imately paid in fu�l, and Lender sha�l not be required to pay <br /> Bnrro�re�any�n�erest or earning�on such loss reserv�e. Lender can no�onger r�qu�re Io�s reserve pa��nen�s <br /> if Mor�gage Xnsurance caverage�in the amoun�and f�r�he period�ha�Lend�r requir�s}provided by an <br /> �nsurer se��c�ed by Lender aga�n becomes a�ai�a�le, is obtained, and Lender requir�s separatel�designated <br /> paymen�s toward the premiums f�r Martgage Insuran�e. If Lender requ�red M�r�gage Insuran�e as a <br /> c�nd�t��n of making�he I..�an and Barr�wer v�as required to make separa�ely desi�na�ed payments toward the <br /> prem�urns for Mor�gage Insurance, Borrower sha11 pay the pr�miums requ�red�o maintain Mor�.gag� <br /> Znsurance�n effec�, or to pro��de a nQn-refundable loss reserve, un�i� L.ender's requ�rement for M�rtgage <br /> �nsurance ends in accor�ance�vi�h ar��wri�ten agreemen�be�w�en Barrower and Lender providing for such <br /> termination ar un��i�ermina��on is required by Appl�Gable Lavv. N��hing in th�s Sec�ion 10 affects <br /> B�rrawer's obliga���n t�pa��nterest at the ra�e pro�vide�in�he No�e. <br /> Mor�ga�e�nsuranc�reimburses I.�nder[ar any entity�ha�purchases the Note}for cer�a�n losses�t may incur <br /> �f Barrower does not repay the L.oan as agreed. B�rrower is nat a pa�rty�v the Martga�e Insurance. <br /> Mortgage insurers e�raluate their to�a�risk on a�l su�h�nsurance in f�rce from txme�o t�me, and may enter <br /> �nto a�reem�nts wi�h a�her par��es tha�share ar rnadify�h�ir r�sk, or reduce losses. Th�se agre�ments are an <br /> �erms and candition�that are sa�x5factor�r to the rnortgage znsurer and�he��her party �or part�es}�o these <br /> agreem�n�s. These agr��ments may re�uire�h�mor�gage insurer to rnake paym�ents us�ng any source of funds <br /> t1�at the mar�gage i��surer may have ava�lable�which may include funds obtained fr�m M�r�gag��nsurance <br /> premiums�. <br /> As a resui�of these agreements, Lender, any purChaser of th�N�te, another insurer, any reinsurer, any o�her <br /> en�ity, �r an�r affilia�e of any of the foregaing, may r�cei���direc�ly or�ndirec�ly} amounts that deri�e from <br /> �ar rnight b��haracterx2ed as) a por��on af Barrawer's pa�rment�far Martgage Insurance, in exchange far <br /> sharing flr m.�dif�ing�he m�r�gage insurer's r�sk, or reducing�osses. �f suc�agreemen�pro��des that an <br /> affiliate af Lender�akes a share of�he insurer's risk in�x�hange for a share�f�he premi.urns paid to��.e <br /> insurer, the arran�ement is of�en te�rmed "eap�ive reinsurance." Fur�her: <br /> �a� Any such agreernen�s w��.�na�affect the amaun�s that Borrower has agreed to pay for Martgage <br /> Insurance, or any other term5 of�he Laan. Such�greements w�II nat�ncrease the amaunt <br /> Borrowcr w�I�owe far 1Vlortgage Insurance, and�hey wi��no�en���Ie Borrower�o any refund, <br /> �b j Any su�h agreemen�s w�ll not affect the righ�s Borrower has-if any-with respect t��he <br /> Mor#gage Insurance under�he Horneowners Prate���on Ac�of�995 or any other Iaw. These r�gh�s <br /> may�nclude�he right t�rece��e certain d�sci�sures, to reque�t and o�tain cancel�at�on of the <br /> Mortgage Insurance, ta have�he�Vlar�gage Insurance term�nated auto�n.ati�al�.y, �nd�or to receive <br /> a refund of an��or�gage Insurance prem�ums�hat were unearned at the time of��ch <br /> can�ellatian or term�aatxon. <br /> 1'i. Assignment of Miscel�ane�us Prnceeds; Farf��ture. AIl�Vlisce�laneous Proceeds are h�reby assigned�o <br /> and sha��b�paid tfl Lrend�r. <br /> �f�h�Praperty is da��.�aged, such Miscel�aneaus Proc�eds sha11 be appl�ed��res�ora�ian or repair of the <br /> Proper�y, if the res�oratzon or repair�s ecanomi�a�ly f�asib�e and Lende�r's securi�y is not lessened. During <br /> ��ch repair a��d restaration periad, Lender sha��have t.he right ta hald such M�scellane�us Pr���eds untii <br /> Lender has had an opp�rtun�ty to inspec�such Pr�per�y�o ensure the work has been comp��ted�a L.ender's <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fanr�ie Mael�red�ie Mac UNIF�RM fNSTRUM�NT �orm 3Q28 1 JD'i <br /> VM P[�} <br /> VMPfi{N�}{�3ti,23 <br /> Waiters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 9 af 17 <br />