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Z�15�511� <br /> Transf�r of the Proper�y or a Benefcfal Int�res�in Bflrr�wer. If all or any part of�he Property or any interest <br /> in �t �s so�d �r transf�rred �ar xf a benefic�a� �nteres� �n Barrower �s sold ar transferred and Barrovver is not a <br /> natura�person} w�thout Lender's prxor wr��ten consen�, Lender may, a� its aption, require imm�diate paymen� in <br /> fu1� af all sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument. Hovvever, th�s opt�an sha�� not be exercised by Lender if <br /> exercise is pr4hibited by federal Iaw as of the date of�his Se�urity�nstru.ment. <br /> rf L�nder exer�ises �hzs opt�an, L�nder shall g�ve Borrower no�ice of ac�eleration. The no�ice shall provide a <br /> per�od �f no� less than the minimum number of days es�abl�shed by Applicable Law from the da�e the n�tice is <br /> d�livered ar mailed vv�thin�vhich B�rrov�rer must pay all �ums secured by this Security Ins�ru.�ment. �f Borraw�r <br /> fails to pay the�e sums pria�to �he exp�ra�ion of th�s period, Lender may �.n�roke any remedxes perm�tted by�his <br /> Secur�ty�nstrument withou�fur�her n�tice or demand on Borrower. <br /> Barrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower rneets certa�n c�nd���ans, Borrovver shall hav� the right to have <br /> enfarcemen��f this Secur�ty�ns�rurnent discont�nued a�any�ime prior��the earlier�f �a} 5 days �ar su�h other <br /> p�rio�as Applicable Law may specify f�r re�nstatement�hefare sale of the Proper�y pursuant�o any povver of sal� <br /> con�ained in th�s Se�ur�ty �ns�rument; or �b} entry of a �udbm�n�: enfarcing �hxs Secur��y �nstrument. Th�se <br /> conditions are �ha� Borrawer: �a} pays Lender ail sums which �hen wauld be due und�r�his Securxty I.ns�rument <br /> and�he Contract as xf no acce�eration had occurred;�b�cur�s any defau��of any ather cavenants or agreemen�s;�c} <br /> pays aIl expens�s in�urred i.�.enforcing this Secur�ty Instrumen�,including,but nat 1imi�ed to,reasanable attarneys' <br /> fees ta�he extent perm��ted by Ia�; and�d��akes �uch ac�ian as Lender may reasanably require to assure�ha��he <br /> l�en af this Se�Ur��y�ns�rum�n�, Lender's rights in�he Praperfiy and Borrower's ob��gation�o pay the sums secured <br /> by�hxs Securifiy In��rumen� sha�� cont�inue unchang�d. Upon reinstatement by Barrflwer, �his Secu.rz�y Znstrurnent <br /> and the �bliga�ions se�ured hereby shall remain fu��y effective as if no a�ce�eratzon had ❑ccurred. Howe�er, this <br /> r�gh�to reinstate sha�l not apply in the case of accelerati�n under the section�z�I�d Transfer of#he 1'roperty or a <br /> Sene�cial Interest in Borrower. <br /> Hazardous Substances.Barrov�er shall nat caus�or permi�th�presence,use,disposala storage,or rel�ase af any <br /> Hazardaus Subs�ances on or in�he Property.Borrower shali not da,nar allow anyone else to do,anything affec�in� <br /> the Froperty �hat is in v�olation of an� EnW�ronmen�al Lavv. The preced�ng two sentences sha11 no� app�y tio �he <br /> presence,use,or s�arage�n�h�Prop�r�y of sma�l quant��ies of Hazardaus Subs�ances that generall�recognized <br /> �a b�ap�rapriate�o normal residen�ial uses and ta main�enance af the Proper�y. <br /> Barrflvver shal�promp�Iy gi�e Lender vvrit�en not�ce of any invest�gation,claim,d�mand, lawsui�ar a�her actian by <br /> any go�ernmental or r�gu�atory agency flr pri�ate party invol��ng�he Proper�y and any Hazardous Substance ar <br /> Env�ronmen�al Law �f whi�h Barrov��er has actual 1�novvledge. �f Borrower learns, �r xs no�zf ed by any <br /> governmental or regula�ory au�h�rit�,�ha�any removal or��h�r remediatian of any Hazardaus 5ubs�ance affe�t�ng <br /> �h� Properfiy �s n�ces�ary, Borrow�r sha�� promptly �ake al� �eces�ary rerned�al act�ons in accordance with <br /> En�ironmenta�Law. <br /> As used in�his paragraph, "�azardflus �uhs�ances" ar�those subs�ances defuaed as toxic or ha�ardous subs�ances <br /> �y Envrronrnen�al Law� and the f�llow�ng substan�es: gasoline, kerosene, other flamrnable or �o�ic pe�roleum <br /> praduc�s, taxic pes��cides an.d herbicides, volatile sQl��n�s, materials �ontain�ng asbes�os or formaldehyde, and <br /> radxoactive ma�erials, A�used in�his paragraph, "Env�ronmen�al Law"means federal�aws and laws of the sta�e af <br /> Nebraska tha�re�at��a heal�h,safety flr�nvironrnen�al protect�on. <br /> Acceleratian; Remedies. Lender sha�l give noti�e ta Borrow�r prior �� accelera�ion followin.� Borrower's <br /> breach of any co�enan#or agreement in�his Security Instrument�r the�ontract undQr which a�celeration <br /> is perm���ed ��ut n�t prior to acceierati�n under the sectian�it�ed Transfer�f the Proper�y�r a Benef�cia� <br /> Interest in Bvrrawer, unless App�icab�e Law provide5 ather�vi5e). The�.o��ce shall spe�ify: �a� �he d�fault; <br /> tb� #he action required to �ure the defau��; �c� a date, not less than the minimurn number of days <br /> establ�shed by Applicable Law from the date th�notice zs gi�en to Borrflw�r, by wh�ch the default must be <br /> cured; and (d� that fa�lure to �ure �he default v� vr before the date speci�ed in the notiee may re�uit �n <br /> aGcelera�ion af the sums �ecurcd by �his Security Instrurn�n� and sale af �he Proper�y. Tfl the extent <br /> permitted by Ia�, �he notic�shall furth�r infnrm Barrawer af�he righ�to reinstia�e af�er acc��eratian and <br /> the right ta bring a�our�a�tion tfl asser�the non--e�is�ence of a defau��or any o�her defense of Borrawer to <br /> acee�erativn and�ale. If�h�d�fault i5 n�t�ured on or before�he date spe�ified in the nat��e,Lender at its <br /> op��4n may require �mm��ia�e payment in full of alI sums secured by �his Se�urity Ins�rument w�thaut <br /> further demand and may invoke the power of sa�e and any �ther rernedies permitted by �pplicable Law. <br /> To �he extent permi�ted by law, Lender �ha�l �e �nt�tled to callect all expenses in�urred in pursui�g the <br /> remed�es prflvided in th�s Section,including, but not Iimited ta,reasonable attorneys' fees and ��s�5 of title <br /> evid�nee. <br /> If the p�wer nf sa�e �s in�oked,Trustee sha��record a notice of default in each county in wh�ch any part �f <br /> the Prflper�y is Iocated and shall ma�i cap�es�f such natice�n the manner pre�cr��ed by Applicab�e Law to <br /> Borrower and �o �he o�her persvns pres�ribed by Appli�able Law. Af�er�he time requ�red by App��cable <br /> Law, TruS�ee �ha�i g�ve public natice �f�ale to the persons and �n �he manner prescribed by Appl�cabl� <br /> Law. Truste�,without demand on Borr�wer,shall sei�the Pr�perty at public auction �o�he high�st bidder <br /> at the time and pla�e and under�he terrns designated in the notice of�ale in�ne or more parceis and�n an� <br /> vrd�r Truste� determ�nes. Trus�ee may postpone sa�e of all or any parcel af �he Prvper�y by �ublic <br /> announcemen�at the time and place of a�ry pre�v�ousl��schedu�ed sale.Lender or i�s designee rnay purchase <br /> the Proper�y at any 5ale. <br /> Upon receipt of paymen�of th� pr�ce bid, Trus�e� shalX deli��r�o �he pur�has�r Trust�e's deed conveying <br /> �he Property.The re�i�als in th�TruS�ee's deed shall be prima facie e��dence of the truth�f t��s�atements <br /> �2404-2414 C�mpliance Systems,Inc.FD60�-SEDQ-2�t 3L2,?4,1.895 <br /> Consumer Reaf Estate-SeGurity Instrument llLZ�3� �age 4�f S www.c�mpliar�ces}� <br />