<br /> �n�he Property and r�gh�s under this S�curi���nstrument; and�d}takes su�h action as Lender may
<br /> reasanably requ�re�a assure�hat Lender's xnteres��n�he Proper�y and r�ghts under this Securi�y �ns�rumen�,
<br /> and Borro�nrer's�bliga�ion�o pay the sums 5ecured by thi5 Securi�y�ns�rurnent, shall can��nue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require tha�Barrawer pay su�h re�ns�at�ment sums and expenses �n ane or rnore af th�f�Ilow�n�
<br /> farms, as selected by Lender: �a} cash; �b� money order; (c} cer�i�ed che��, b�nk�he�k, treasurer's�h��k or
<br /> cashier's check, pro�ided any such check��drav�rn upon an institu�ion whose depasits are insured by a
<br /> federal agency, instrumen�al�ty or entity; or�d}Ele�troniG Funds Transfer. Up�n reinsta�e�nent b� B�rrower,
<br /> �his Security Instrum��t and ab��gat�ans secu�red here�y shal�remain fully effe�t��e as if na acceleration had
<br /> ac�urred. However, th�s r�ght to rexns�ate shall no�appl�in�he case of ac�e�era�.�on und�r�ec�ion 18.
<br /> ��. Sale of Nvte: Change of Loan Ser►�icer; Na#�ce of Grie�ance. The�Iat��r a par��a.l inter��t�n�he
<br /> Note�tog��her with�h�s Secur�ty�nstrument}can be sold one�r more times w��haut pr�or not�ce to
<br /> Borrower. A sa�e might resu��in a change�n the entity��nawn as the "Loart Servicer"}that cal�ects Periadic
<br /> Payrnen�s�iu�under�he Note and thi�Secur����ns�rumen�and performs Q�her martgage loan serv�c�ng
<br /> �b�igations under the Note, �hi�Securi�y Instrumen�, and App�icab�e Law. There a�so rnight be�ne or rn�re
<br /> �hanges of the Loan Servicer unr��ated to a sa��of the�Iote. Zf there is a change of�he Laan Serv�cer,
<br /> Borrower wi�l be g��en wr���en no�ice�f the change wh�ch w�ll s�ate the narne and address of�he new Laan
<br /> Sez-�ricer, �he address�.o which paymen�s sh�uld be made and any oth�r�nformation RESPA requ�res in
<br /> connecti�n wi�h a notice af transfer af s�rv�cing. �f�he Na�e zs sald and thereaf��r the Loan is ser�iced by a
<br /> Loan Serv�cer other�han th�purchaser of�he Note, �he mor�gage�oa�.servicing����ga�ions to Borrv�er wi�i
<br /> remain wi�h�he Laan Serv�cer or b��ransferred�o a successor Laan Serv�c�r an�i are no�assumed by�he
<br /> Na�e purchas�r un�ess ath�r�ise pro�ided�y the Note purchaser.
<br /> Neither Barrower nar Lender may commence,�oin, or be�ained to any judic�al.ac��on�as�ith�r an
<br /> indi�iduai li�igant or�h�m�mber of a class} that ariscs fram the ather parry's a�tions pursuant to this
<br /> Secu�r���r�nstrum�nt or tha�alleges�hat the o�her party has breached any provision flf, ar any duty�wed by
<br /> reasan of, �his�ecurity Instrumen�, un�i�such Sorro�ver or Lender has n�t���d�he a�her�ar��tvvith such
<br /> r�otic�g�v��zn catx���zanc�wzth t��r�q��r�rr�en�s o�������an ���of s�.Gh ai�eged br�ach ant�a�'�o�rded�h�
<br /> other party here�o a reas�nable periad after the g�v�ng of such notice to tak�corr�ct��e ac�ion. �f Appl�ca�le
<br /> Law provides a�ime�er�od which mus�elapse before�er�ain a��ion can be�ak�n, �hat t�me period wi�l be
<br /> deemed to be reasonab�e for purpases af this paragraph. The na�i�e�f acceiera�ian and opportuni���o cure
<br /> given to BQrrower pursuant��Sec�ion��and the noti�e of acc�lera�ian g��ven�a B�rrower pursuan�tn
<br /> Se���on �.8 shal�be deemed�o satxsf��he nati�e and oppor�unity�o take correct��e a�tion pra��sions of�h�s
<br /> Sec�ion 2fl.
<br /> 2'I. �azardnus Substances. As used in this S�ction 21: �a} "Ha.�ardous Subsranc�es"are�h�se substances
<br /> de�ned as t�x�c flr hazard�us substancesy po�lu�ants, or�vastes by Envir�nm�n�a1 Law and the fol�owing
<br /> subs�an�es: gasaline, kerasene, other flamrnah�e o�r tox�c p��ro�eum pr�du�ts, t�x�c pestfcides and herbic�de�,
<br /> voia�il�solvents, materia�s c�ntaining a.sbestos ar formaldehyde, and radioac�ive rna�er�als; �b}
<br /> "Er�virortrrterttal Law"means fed�ra��aws and laws af�he jurisd�c�ion vvhere the Propert�r�s�oca�ed�hat
<br /> r�late to hea�th, safety ar environrnenta�prate�t�on; �c} "Erzvironmental C�eanup"�ncludes any response
<br /> actz�n, remed�a� act�on, or remo�a�actian, as d�fin�d�n Environmental Lav�; and�d}an "Enuironmen�al
<br /> �'nndition"means a cflndition that can�ause, contri�u�e�a, or athervvise�rigger an Env�ranmental�leanup,
<br /> Borra�ver shall n�t�ause or permi�the presence, use, disposa�, s�ora�e, �r re�ease of any Ha2ardous
<br /> Su�s�anc�s, �r threa�en�a re�ease any Ha�ard�u� Substances, on or�n�he Prop��`�y. ]3arrav�rer sha11 not do,
<br /> �or al��w anyane else to do, any�hing affect�ng�he Proper�y �a}that�s in�iolat�on of any En�rzronm�nta�
<br /> Law, �b}wh�ch�rea�es an Environmen�al Cand�t��n, �r��}v�hich, due to the presence, use, or re�ease of a
<br /> Hazardous 5u�stance, erea�es a c�ndition that adverse�y affe�ts the vaiue�f the Froper�y. T`he precedin�t��
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ing(e Famity-i=annie Mael�=reddie Mac UNI�ORM lN5TRLIM�NT �Qrm 3Q28 110'I
<br /> VMP� VMP6tN�S�13�2y
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