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��15�5DU1 <br /> #h�follow�ng des�rihed praperty located in Hall County,Nebraska: <br /> Legaf d�scription attached hereto as Exh'rbi�A and hy this ref�rence made a part her�of. <br /> which has the address of: 2�'I S W J�HN 5T,GRAN��SLAN D, NE fi88�3-571�t"P�aper�y Address"}. <br /> T4�ETH ER W[TH all the improv�m�nts now ❑r hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, <br /> rights,appurtenances,and fix�ures now or hereaft�r a part o�the properky.Aii repiacements and additions <br /> shall alsa be ca�e�ed by �his Security �nstrurnent. Ali af �he forega�ng is referred to in this 5ecu�i�y <br /> Instrument as the"Property." <br /> B�RRaV1JER C�VENANTS that garrower is �awfully seized o�the es�ate hereby canveyed and has the <br /> righ� �o grant and �an�ey the Property and that #he Proper�y is only encumbered by a F�rst 5ecuri�y <br /> lnstrurnent given by Borrower and dated �he same date as th�s Security lnst�umen� �"First Security <br /> �nstrurnen�"}. Borr�wer warrants and wi�l d�fend generally th�t��i��o th� Pr�perty againsfi all claims and <br /> dernands,subjecf#o any encumbrances o�record. <br /> TH1S SEGURITY [NSTRUMEIVT comb�nes uniform ca�enanfis �or na�iona� use and nan-unifvrm <br /> co�enan�s with limited �ar�ations by�ur�sdicti�n fi� cons#��tute a unifiorm S�curity lnstrument coWering real <br /> pr�perty. <br /> UNlF�RM��VENANTS. Barrower and Lender covenan�and agree as tollows: <br /> 1. Paymen#of Princ�pal and�nteres�.Borrower shal[ pay when due the principal of, and in�eres�on, <br /> the debt evidenced by�he Second N�te. <br /> 2. Payment af Property Charges. Borr�v►ier shall pay a!f praper�y charges consisting af proper�y <br /> taxes, hazard insurance premiums, �Ivod insurance premiums, ground r�nts, candaminium fees, <br /> plann�d unit de�elopment f�es, hvmeown�r`s associatian fees, and any other special assessmenfs <br /> thaf may be required by loca! or sta�e 1aw ir� a time�y mann�r, and shali prouide evidence of <br /> paym�nt to L�nder, unless Lender pays praper�y charges as provided far in and in accordance with <br /> the Loan Agreement. <br /> 3. F�re, F�aod and�fher Hazard[nsurance. Borrower sha�l insure ali irnpro�ements on the Property, <br /> whether now in ex�stence or subsequent�y erected, against any hazards, casualties, and <br /> con�ing�nc�es,inc�uding but not limi�ed to fire and�load,�vr which Lend�r requires insuranGe. Such <br /> insurance shail be main�ained in the amaunfis and for#he periods�haf Lender requires; Lender has <br /> the discretion to increase or decrease the amoun�of any insurance required afi any time prv�ided <br /> the arnnunt is equa� �o �r greafer �han any minirnum required by �he Secre�ary ❑f Housing and <br /> Urban De�elopmen� �"Secretary"}. Vllhether or not Lender imposes a ffood insurance requirernen�, <br /> Borrower shali at a rninEmum insure ali �mprovemen�s on�he Property, vuhe�her no�rv in exis�ence or <br /> subsequently erecfed, againsf lass hy flaads to the extent required by the 5e�retary. lf the Lender <br /> irnposes insurance requirements, a1� �nsurance shali be carried with campanies approv�d by the <br /> Lender, and�he insurance paficies and any renewais shal� be heid by Lende�and shall include loss <br /> payable clauses in�a�o�af,and in a farm acGep�ab�e to, Lender. <br /> !n�he event o'F lass, Ba�rawer sha�l gi�e Lender�mrnediate no���e �y mail. Lender rnay make proof <br /> of lass i�f not made prampfily by Borrawer. Each insurance cornpany canc�rned is hereby authari�ed <br /> R. <br /> 7754❑ GEN3 �3N <br /> A�centure lyvrtgage Cadence l7a�umenf Center D (2 of 13} Nebraska 5econd❑eed a�Trust-HECM ADJ�STABLE RATE <br /> 0279�3!'i 5 <br />