<br /> sa�isfactian, prQvid�d that such inspe����n sha�� 1�e undertaken prom.pt�y. L�nder may pa�for t�Ze repairs
<br /> and re�tora���n in a sing�e disburs�men�❑r�n a ser�es af progress payrx�en�s a�the w�rk�s c4mp�et�d.
<br /> Unless an agr�em�nt is made�n wr���ng ar App�i�ah�e Law require� �nterest to��paid�n such
<br /> Miscellaneous Pro�eeds, L�nder sha��not b�r�qu�red to pay Borr�vver any interest�r earn�ngs nn such
<br /> N�iscel�aneous Prac�eds. If the restoratian ar repa�r�s not econ�m�ca��y f�asibl�or Lender's security wou�d
<br /> be lessened, the Mis�elia��ous Praceeds shal�be appiied to the sums s�cured by this Secur�ty�ns�rumen�,
<br /> whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid�o Barrower. Such Mis�ell�ne�us Pra��eds shall be
<br /> applicd in�he flrder pro��ded fQr in Section 2.
<br /> �n the���n�of a tota�tak�ng, de�tructi�n, �r l�ss in value of the Praper�y, the Misce��aneous Proce�d�sha�l
<br /> be applied ta�he surns�ecured�y this Security Instrument, wh��her ar not then due, w�th the excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the even�of a par�ial�a��ng, destru���on, or�ass in vaxue�f the Praperty in which�he fair market�alue of
<br /> the Praper�y immed�ately bef�re�he part�a�tak�ng, des�ruct�on, or�oss �n value is equal�o or greater than th�
<br /> amount flf th�sums secured��r th��Security Instrurnen� immediate���efare the part�al ta�ing, destruction, or
<br /> �ass�n�ra�ue,un�ess Borrawer ar�d Lender�therwisc agree in vvriting, �he sums s�cured by th�s Securi�y
<br /> �nstrumen�sha��be reduced by the amount of the Misce��aneous Praceeds mu�tiplied by the fal�av��ng
<br /> fracti�n: �a}the�atal amoun�af th�sums secured irnmedia�ely bcfor�the par�ia�tak�ng, destruc�zon, or lass
<br /> in va�ue divided by�b}the fair market value af the Praper�y�mmediately bef�re the partxal�aking,
<br /> d�structi�n, or�oss�n�ra�ue. Any ba�ance sha11 be paid to B�rr�wer.
<br /> In the event of a partial ta�ing, destruc�i�n, or�oss �n�a�ue�f the Pr�perty in v�vhich the fair mar�et va�ue af
<br /> the Proper��immediately bef�re the par�ial tak�ng, destructi�n, or�oss in�a�ue�s less than�he am�unt�f the
<br /> sums secured�mmediately befare the par�ial tal�ing, destruction, or�ass in value, unless Barr�wer and
<br /> L�n�.er a�herwise agree�n wr�ting, �he Mi�cel�aneous Proceeds sha��be appl�ed�o the sums 5e�;ured by th�s
<br /> Security Instrurnent whether�r not the surns are then due.
<br /> �f�he Praper�y is a�andoned b�Borro�ver, or�f, af�er no�ice by Lender to Borrow�r tha�the�pposing Par�y
<br /> �as def�ned in�he n�x�s�ntence}offers to ma.ke an award�o�ettle a claim for damages, Barrower fai�s to
<br /> resp�r�d ta L�nder�vithin 34 days after the date the not�ce is g��en, L�nd�r is auth�ri2�d to co��ect and app�y
<br /> �he Misce�la�eous Pr�ceeds either to restaration or repair of the Praper��or to the sums secur�d by this
<br /> Securxty�nstrument, whe�her nr not then due. "Qpposing par�y" means the thzrd party�hat owes Borrow�r
<br /> Mi�cellaneous Proceeds or�he party agains��vh�m B�rrower has a right of action in r��ard ta M�scel�aneaus
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Barrawer sha��be�n defau�t if any act��n or praceeding, whether c��i�or criminal, �s�egun�hat, �n L�nder's
<br /> judgm.ent, cou�d resu��.in farfeiture of the Prop�r�y or��her material imp��rmen�of L�nd�r's interes�in th�
<br /> Praperty ar rights und�r this Secur�t�Zns�runr�ent. Barrav�er can Gure suc�a default and, �f accelerati�n ha�
<br /> accurred, reins�ate as pra�ided in Sectzan �9, by causzng the act�fln.or proceeding to be d�smzss�d with a
<br /> ruling that, in Lender's judgment, precludes forfeiture af th�Praper�y�r other mat�riai �mpa�rment af
<br /> Lender's interest in the Prnp��ty�r right�under this Security Instrument. The pr�ceeds af any av�a�d or
<br /> c�aim far darnages that are at�rx�utab�e t��he�mpa�rment�f Lender's int�r�s��n th�Pr�per�y ar�hereby
<br /> assigned and shall�e pa�d t�L�nder.
<br /> Al� Mxsce�laneaus Pr�ceeds that are not app�ied�o r�s�orati�n�r repa�r of th�Praper�y shali be app��e�in�he
<br /> arder p�ravided for in Sectian�.
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannis Ma�l�reddie Mac UNIFORM 1N5TFifJM�NT Farrr�30�8 1141
<br /> VMP Q VMP84NE){13���
<br /> W�Iters Kluwer�inanciak 5ervices Pac�e 14 of"�7
<br />