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��15�4979 <br /> Bo�ro��r sha�l pramptly dischar�e an�lier��vhi�h has priority aver this Se�urity Instrument uril.ess <br /> Bar�vt��r:(a�agr+���in wr��g ta�he pa�m�r�t�f�he ohligation secured hy th�li�n i_n.a mar�ner accepta�le <br /> �a Len�ier,but�onl�so lan�as Borrower�s perfvrming su�h agreement;�b)c��tests the�ieri in goad fa�th <br /> �y,�r de�ends agasnst enforcement vf the li�n in,legal proceeding�vvhich in Lender's�pin�or��perat� <br /> tv�revent the enfvr�ement of the lien while th�se proc�edi�n�s are pendin�,but vn�y unt�l suCh prace�dings <br /> a;�e�onc�udec�;or�e�secure�fr�m th�holder of�t�ae lien an agreement sat�s�act�ry ta Lender subardinat�ng <br /> the li�n t�this Se�urity Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of the Pr�perty is suhj e�t t�a lieri <br /> �rhich�an a�tain�riority over th�s Security Instrurn�nt,Len�.er may�x�e Borrovver a n�ta�e identifying <br /> t�ie li��.�ithi� 1�da���f the dat�vn which tha.t n�tice�s given,Borr�vver�ha11�atisfy the li�n�r take <br /> o�.e�r m�re�f the act�ons set fo�th abave in th�s Secti�n 4. <br /> ��nder may requ�re Borrovver to pa�a one time�harge for a real estat�t.a�v�rif'i�atior�and���re�arting <br /> servic�us�d by Lender in connection�r�th this Loan. <br /> �. Property I nsuranc�.B�rrower sha111�eep the impravements naw exist�ng�r herea�r�re�t�d on <br /> the Pr�perry insur�d aga�nst loss by f�.r�,hazards in��uded within the terrn"ext�nded Gaverage,"and any <br /> o�he�ha,�ards in�luding,but not limrted to,eaxthqua�es and floods,fflr wh..��h Lenc�er r�qu�res insur�.nce. <br /> Th�s�nsuran�e�ha�l be maintained in the arnaunts(including deduct�bl����re�s]and for the period�that <br /> Lender requ�res.�hat Lender requires pursuant t�the preceding sent�nces c��har�ge durin�the term <br /> af the L�an.Th+e insurar�ce carner pro�iding the insurance shal.l be chasen by Borrower subject to Lend�r's <br /> ri�ht t�di�approve Barrovver's ch�ice,�rh�ch right shal�n�t�e exercised unreasonahly.L�nder may <br /> r�t�u�r�Borrvv�rer to pay,in connecti�n�vith this Loan,either: �a)a one-tirne charg�for flood�ane <br /> de�rminat�an,certi�icat�an a�.d tracking ser�ice�;or�b�a�ne-time char��f�r fl�d zo�e d�terrninat��n <br /> ��.ceftifi�a�on�er�ri�es and subsequent char�es ea�h time remappings or sirn�lar changes€�ccur which <br /> r��on��y mig�.it affect su�h d�terminatian�r�rti�icatinn.Borro�v�rer�ha11 a1s�be responsible f�r the <br /> p�:y�e�nt of any fees impas�d hy the Fed�ral Emerger�cy Management Agency�n c�nnect�an�ith the <br /> �-e��evv�f any f�ood zon�d�term�nation resulting fram an obj ecti�n by B�rrawer. <br /> If Borrov�er fa�.l�to maintain any of the cav�ra�es described above,I.�ender may o�tai�1 insura�ce caverage, <br /> at L+e�d�r's o�tion and Borrower`s expense.Lender is under r�o ob�ig�ti�n tv pur�hase any�a�tiGular type <br /> or am�unt af co�era�e.Ther�fare,su�h coverag�sha1�.c��rer Lender,b���ni�ht o�n�ight not protect <br /> Barr���r,Borro�ver's equ�ty in the Praperty,ar the contents vf the Pmp�r�y,against any r�sk,haza.rd or <br /> I�abili�and might provide gr+eater�r lesser c��erage thatl was prev�ously in effect.B�rraw�r acl�nowledges <br /> that th�e c�st of�he insuran�e�ov�rag�so�btained might signifir,ant����ceed the c�st of insurance that <br /> B�rr�v��r could have obtaine�.An�amount�disbursed L��L�nder under this Se�tion 5 sha11 become <br /> add�t��na�debt of B�rrower secured by�h�s S�curity Instru.ment.�ese amounts shall bear�nt�rest at the <br /> N�te rat�from the date of disbursement ar�►d sha1�be payable,with such interest,upon natice fr�m Lender <br /> t�o Borrower requesting paym�nt. <br /> Al�i�s�urar»e�olicies required by Ler�der and r�nevvals of su�h pali�es sha11 be subject tv Lender's right <br /> t��.�sa�prove such poli�ies,s�all include a srtandard martgage clause,and shal.l na�m�Lender as mor�gag;e� <br /> andlo�r a�an additianallass�a.yee.Lender sha11 have t�ie right t�hold the po�icies and renewal r�r���icat�s. <br /> If Lend�r requir�s,B�rrav�er�ha1�pr�rnptly g��e t�I�en�.er a11 receipts of paid premiurns ax�d r+enewa� <br /> noti�es.If Borra�rer�btains ariy fann of insuran�e c��erage,not otherwis�required by Lend�r,for <br /> ,— -- .. � ___ �_�....,.,..,_�.�_, <br /> HGFG-OE�i59 <br /> N�BRA5f4A-5ingle Family-Fa�nie MaelFreddie Illla�UN{F�RM INSTRUMENT Farm 3Q281I01 <br /> VMp� 48l1 d <br /> 1�►iolters Kluweer Fina�cial�rices 2015Q70915.1.D.3'112 J2d15[3'l23Y Page�af 17 <br /> "SS217421 S22D* <br />