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��15�4979 <br /> to �ec�i�e a refund af an� Mortg�ge In�urance �remiums that vWere une�.rned at the time af <br /> �u�h �ar�re��at�:on �r t�rmination. <br /> 11.Assi�nment af M�s���larneous F�racee��;Farf���ure.All 1Vi��cellax�e�u.s Prac�e�s axe hereby <br /> assigned ta an�sha1�be paid ta Lender. <br /> If the P�opert�is damaged,such Miscellaneous Pro�eeds sha11 be appl��d ta rest�rati�n ar�f the <br /> Pr�perty,if the restora.tivn ar repa�r is ecvnami�al�y f�asib�e and L�nder's s�curit�is not lessened.Dur�ng; <br /> su�h repa��-and r�est�rat�on periad,Lender�hall ha�ve the right to hold su�h M}s�e�laneQus Proceeds unt�I <br /> I�nd:er has�ad an oppor�unity to�nspect such Pr�perty to e�sune the v��rl�has�een��mpleted t�Lender`s <br /> s�.�sfaction,provided.t�at su�h insp��ti�n sh�11�e unc�er�en promptly.�n�er may pay for t�a.�r�pairs <br /> a.��rest+vrati�n in a sing�e di5bur�ement or in a series vfprc��ress payrnents a�the wvrl�is cvmpleted. <br /> �n�ess ar�agreerx�ent is made in writin�or Applicable Law requires i�terest tv b�p�id on suGh <br /> �iis�ellane�us�roceeds,Lender�ha�l not he required to pay B�rrower an�interest vr earnings an such <br /> �i�s�ellan�au�,Pro�eeds.If th�restorati�n or repair�s not ec�n�mic2�11y feas�ble or Lend�r'�security <br /> wvuld be lessened,the M�scellane�u�P�oceeds sha1���app��ed t�the sums secured by�iis Security <br /> I�st��.e�.t,v�het�ier o����#h��d��,vvit�i the e�Cess,i€ar�y,p�d�to B�rrvr�er. Su�h N�is�llar���us <br /> p�+v���d�shall be applied in t�ie nrder pro�ided f�r in Sectian�. <br /> In tl�e�ven�of a t�tal ta��ng,de�truction,or�vs��n�alu�of tl�e Property,the 1Vi�scel�aneous Praceeds <br /> sha��be app��ed ta�.ie sums secured by this Security Instru.rnent,whether or not�.ien due,with the e�ce 5s, <br /> Yf a�:�,�d tc�Barro�ver. <br /> �i th�e�ent of a parti�l taki�g,destrue�ion,�r lass i��ra��e of#�ie P��p�rlt�ix���ic�the�ai��a�ket�a�u� <br /> af t1��P�r�p�rt�imm�diatel�before the pa�tial,�lestruct��n,or�oss in va.l,ue i� t�or greater <br /> than th�a�nvunt�f the sums se�ured by this Security Instru.m�nt immedia�ely before the partaal takin.g, <br /> destru�on,�r�oss in�ra�ue,ur�1��s Barra�er and L�nder�the�se a,g�e ir�vvri.ting,the sums secur�d <br /> b�r th��Se�urit�Instrument sha�l be re�uced b�the arr�aur�t of th�Mis�ellane�us Praceeds rnulti�lied by <br /> the fal�owing fract�on: �a�the total axnount�f the sums secured immediat�ly before�the part�ial tak�ng, <br /> d�stru�ti�n,or lass in va1u�divided b�Cb�the fair market value of th�Prope�#y im�ediatel�before#�� <br /> �arti�al ta��ng,destru�ti.on,or��ss in va�ue.Any balauce shal�be pasd t�Barrov�er. <br /> �n the evex�t of a part�al taking3 de�truction,�r 1Qss in�ralue of the Property in whic�.th�fair marl��t�ralue <br /> �f the P�v�erty ixrunediately before the pazt�ial taking,d�struction,or loss in�a1ue is less than the am�unt <br /> of t�ie sums se�ure�i�nmec�ate��before th��artial takin�,de5tru�t��n,vr 1�55 i��a1ue,ur��ess�arrov�rer <br /> and Lend�r other�vise agree in writing,the Mi��ellane�us Proceeds sha11 be app�ied to the sums se�ured <br /> h�tl�s Se�ur�ty�nstrument vrrhether or not the sums are t�en du�. <br /> I�th��r�per�y is abar�.doned by�orr�w�r,or�f,a.ft�r notice by Lender t�B�rra�er that the�pposing <br /> Party[�s d�fined in th�riext�entence�affers ta make an avvard t��ettle a claim for dama,ges,BarrQv�er <br /> fa��s t��es��nd to I�ender��thin 3a days after the da�e the noti�e�s g�ven,Lend�r��authorized tn��1�ect <br /> aa��.�p��tk�e Miscellanevu�Praceeds either to r�st�ration or rep�,ir�f the Pr�perty or to the�ums secured <br /> b�th�s Securit�Instrurnent,whether�r ri�t then due. "�pQsing Party"mean�t�h�third pa.rty that nwes <br /> I�or����r Mis���anevus Pr�ceeds�r the partY aga;u��t v�hom Borrawer has a right of action in regard to <br /> �Vlis�lla�e��s Pr���eds. <br /> ����� <br /> N�BRA54iA-Singie Farnily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mec UMiF�RM ENSTRUMENT Farm 3a2811�1 <br /> v�� as��� <br /> Vlivl�ets l<luwe�Fir�ancial�ervice� 2Q15�7499'�2-,,i��9 50123Y Page 1 d of'�7 <br /> *85�174215220* <br />