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- rn <br /> � � � � � <br /> 1�7 � rn� � � � <br /> o = �� � c� Q m I�] rn <br /> cn � �o � L C� p o <br /> � � �� � r �� C3� C�1� <br /> � = �� � � �m � � <br /> cr' � �� D I�] D Ca � Cn <br /> �Tl m �rnTl � _� � ,Z�j <br /> � rn C� ❑ � y C1] C3� � <br /> � �� � � r� � <br /> � <br /> - �a a ��. � <br /> 00 � � � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: AFTER REC�RD�N�RET�CTRI�T T�: <br /> Home Federa�Sa�ings&Lvan A�soc�atxon of Home Federa�Sav�ngs&Loan Assncxat�fln of <br /> Grand Is�and Grand Is�and <br /> 2�1 Sauth Lacust S�reet 221 Svuth Locust Street <br /> GRAND ISLAND,NE��SU1 GRAND ISLA�D,NE 68SU1 <br /> (Space Abo��This L�ne Foz Reca�rding Data} <br /> LDAN�R�GINAT�R C�N�PANY NAME:Hame Federal SaW�ngs&Loan Association of�rand Isiand <br /> NML�S C�MPANY II)ENTIFIER:446443 <br /> L�AI��RIG��TAT�R NAME: Ch ris�askie <br /> NMLS flRIGZNAT�R�DENTIFZER:4945�5 <br /> D�ED �F TRUST <br /> CP1�EA�TI-�C]RIZED ��P�N E�I)� �REI�IT -FUTURE AI�VANCES ARE SE�TII�ED <br /> BY THIS DEEI� �F TRUST} <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST �"Security �nstrumen�"} is made on Ju iy 14, �U 15. The grantor �s Dt�NALD R <br /> JEL�NE1�, a�so known a5 I]aNALD R JELIIrl��K, JR, A SI�TGLE PER.S�N, Wh.DS� address is 1544 � <br /> SYLVAN ST, GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska 68SU1-7163 �"B�rr�v�rer"�. Borrower is n�t n�cessarily the sam� as <br /> the P�rson or P�rs�ns who s�gn�he Hame Equ�ty Line Qf�redit Agreernenty dated Ju�y l�y 2�15 �'tContract"}. <br /> The ob���a�xons af Borrovv�rs vvho did nat�ign the Contra�t are exp�ained further in the sec��an tit�ed Successors <br /> and Assigns Bound; Jo�n� and Severa� Lfability; Accarnmodation Signers. The tr�uste� is Arend R. Baack, <br /> At�orney whase addr�ss �s F.�. Bax 794, Grand Island,Nebraska�SS�2 �"Trust�e"}. Th�benef ciary is H�me <br /> Federai Savings & Loan Assaciat�on nf Grand Is�and, wh�ch is organxzed and ex�s�ing under�he lavvs of�h� <br /> Un�ted Sta.tes of A.merica and whase address is 2�1 S�uth L��ust S�reet� �rand Isiand, I�ebras�a 688�1 <br /> �"Lender"}.D�NALD R JELINEK has en�ered into a Contract with L�nder as of Ju�y 14,ZU15,under th��erm.s <br /> of wh�ch Barrower may, from tim� �o �ime, obta�n advances no� to exceed, at any �ime, a ***MA�IMUM <br /> PRINCIPAL AMUTJ�T (EX�LUDING PR�TE�T�VE ADVAI��ES}'�** of Ele�en Thousand and �01144 <br /> Daliars �U.S. $11 sUQO.UU} �"Cr�dzt L�mit"�. Any par�y in�erest�d �n the de�ails r�la�ed �a L��.der's �on�inu�ng <br /> ah�zbatian�� make ad�ances to Borrower�s advxsed fia ��nsul�direc�ly Vvith Lender. �f not pa�d earl�er, �he sums <br /> �wing unde�Barr�wer's �ontrac�vv�th.Lender wili b� due on Augus� 15, 20��. Thzs Security �nstrumen�secures <br /> ta Lender: (a� the r�paymen� of�he �eb� under the �ontrac�, w�th i�aterest, fuiure advances, and a�� <br /> renewa�s,�xtensions arid rnodifica�.�ns af�he Con�ac�; �b��he payment af alI��her sums,w�th in�erest,advanced <br /> ta pr��ect�he s��ur�ty of this Security Instru�men�under�he provisians af the sec�ion t�t�ed Pro�ect�on of Lender�s <br /> Rights in �he Proper�y; and �c� the perfar�man�e of Borrovver's co��nants and agreements und�r this Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rumen�and�he Contract. For this purpose,Borrower, in consideration of the deb�and�he trus�herein crea�ed, <br /> irre�ocably gran�s and�on�eys t�Trus�ee7 �n trus�,w��h poWver af sale,the fo��ov�ing desc�ibed�roper�y l�cat�d in <br /> the CUi�NTY af HALL,S�a�e of Nebraska: <br /> Addre�s: 15�4 S SYLVAN ST,�RA►ND ISLAND,Nebraska 6SSU1-�7163 <br /> Legal Descrip��nn: THE N�RTH FDRTY-SIK AND SIXTY-EIGHT HUNDREI�THS FEET <br /> (N46.6$'} �F THE EA�T HALF[3F THE N�RTH HALF ��112N11�� 4F BL4�K THIRTEEN�13}, <br /> �F PLEASA�T HaME SUBI�I�ISI�N, LUCATED [3N PART �F THE EAST HALF �F THE <br /> S�UTHEAST C�UARTER tE112SE114� �F SECTI�N TW��TTY-(]NE �Zl}, IN T�WNSHIP <br /> ELE'L�EN �11} NURT�-I, RAi�GE NINE �9� WEST �F THE SI�TH P.M., I1�T HALL �4UNTY, <br /> NEBRAS�fA► <br /> T�GETHER �TH aI1 the impr��r�ments no� �r hereafter erected on the proper�y, and aIl easexnents, <br /> appur�enances, and f x�ures no�v o�-hereafter a part of�h� propert�. Al�rep�acemen�s and add��ions shali als� be <br /> cavered by �h�s Securit� �nstrum�nt. Al� of the foregozng is referred �a i.n �h�s Secur�ty Instrum�n� as the <br /> "Proper�y." <br /> BflRRQWER�C�VENANTS fiha�Barrower is �awfully se�sed of the estate hereby canveyed and has the righ�ta <br /> gran� and �an�ey �he P�oper�y and �ha� the Property xs unencumbered, excep� for encumbrances af record. <br /> C�2�04-2614 CornpIiance Systems,Inc.FD54-7Q9ll-2413L2.i0.1.895 <br /> Consum�r ReaI Estate-Security�nstrument DL2a3G Page 1 a�'S ww�.v.complian� <br />