<br /> vEEo �F T�usT
<br /> ��ont�nued� Pag� 8
<br /> Pr�perty.
<br /> Indebt�dness. Th� word "fndebtedness" m�ans all principai, interest, and other amo�r�ts, costs and expenses
<br /> payable under the No�e ar Rela�ed Documents, toge�her with a[I renewais of, extensi��ns a�, madifications of,
<br /> consolida�ions af and suE�sti�lutians�ar the N��e or Relat�d �ocumen�s and any amaunts�!xpended ar ad�anGed by
<br /> Lender to discharge Trus�ar's ❑biigativns ❑r expens�s incurred by Trus�ee or Lencfer ta enforce Trustor's
<br /> vbligations under this Deed af Trust, tagether with interest on su�h amaunts as prv�idE;d in t�ais D��d �� Tr�st.
<br /> Specificai�y, withaut limita�ian, Indel�tedness inc�udes all amounts that may be inc�irectfy secured by �he
<br /> Crass-Cnliateralizati�n prvviSion o�this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Ler�der. The ward "Lend�r" means Exchange Bank, its successors ar�d assigns.
<br /> Nvte. The wvrd "Nate" me�ns a[[ past, pr�sent and fu#ure nates, �oans or ather abligatians of the borrower.
<br /> Persona� Propert�r. The wards "Personal Praperty" mean �I1 equipment, �ixtures, and c��her artic�es o� persanal
<br /> praper�y naw �r herea�ter owned by Trust�r, and n�w or hereafter attached or affi�c��d to th� Real Prop�rty;
<br /> toge�her with aff accessivn�, par�s, and additions ta, al� repia��rnents o�, and ail substi�u�ions �Far, any af such
<br /> property; and together with all proceeds �in�luding without Iimitativn all insuran�e pra��eds and refunds a#
<br /> premiums}firom an�r saie ar other dispvsitian of the Property.
<br /> Property. The word "Praper�y" means colle��ively the Real Property and the Pers�nal Pra��erty.
<br /> Real Property. The wards "Real Property" mean the r�af property, interests and rights, a:� further described in this
<br /> Deed❑fi Trust.
<br /> Reiated DaGument�. The vvords "Fielated ❑v�uments" mean all p�ornissvey notes, credit agre�ments, loan
<br /> agreernen�s, en�iranmentai agreements, guaranties► security agre�ments, rr�ortgages, deeds af trust, security
<br /> dee�s, co�la�rera� mor�gages, and all other ins'truments, agreement� and dvcuments, �vhether now or hereafiter
<br /> exi�ting,ex�cuted i�conn��tivn with the lndebtedness.
<br /> Rents. The wvrd "Rents" r�eans a[[ present and future rents, re�enues, incom�, issues, royalties, profits, and
<br /> other benefits derived�Frvm the Prvperty.
<br /> Truste�. The wor� "Truste�" means Exchange Bank, v►►hase addre:�s is P�g 76�, Gi�bvn, NE ��84� and any
<br /> su�stitute or succ��snr truste�s.
<br /> Tru�tvr. Th�►►vard "Trustvr" means Trvy L Huff AKA Tray Huf�and Tami�Huff AKA Tamie 5eit�.
<br /> TRUST[�R A�REES T�3�TS TERM�.
<br /> TRUSTDR:
<br /> �--�._..
<br /> x �-
<br /> Troy L uff AKA Trv�Huf�
<br /> x � .�. ,
<br /> Tamie HufF AI�A Tarn�e S���a
<br /> fNDIV�DUAL A�KND'!N'LED�1111ENT
<br /> � �
<br /> STATE C�F � ��� �
<br /> y 5�
<br /> ��UNTY OF y
<br /> �]n this day be�ore me,the undersigned IVotary Public, persona�ly appeared Tr�y L Huff AKA T'rvy Huff and Tam�� HufF
<br /> AK►4 Tar�ie Seita. Husb�nd and V�life, t❑ me known ta be the indi�iduals described in and ►�3t��o executed the Deed ❑f
<br /> Trus�t, and a�knvwfedged that they signed the Deed of Trust as their free and�oluntary act a�d�eed, for�he uses and
<br /> purpases�h�r�in men�t�on�d.
<br /> �-
<br /> �iven undQr my hand�nd vfficial seai this �-� � day of � � ,�D ��,
<br /> � �� �
<br /> 8 � �.�~
<br /> v_
<br /> Printe�Nar�e: � •�__ , � �� �,,,
<br /> ���EflA�.��;ARY-St��e��i�eb��� Nv�#ar�Public in and fvr thf3 State v��
<br /> ��C�E��.HL�F�L���C�ER �
<br /> R�siding at ..�`,�„�-� .� �� �' � _
<br /> �#�Co��.Ex�.,��n�#U,�D�8 �-
<br /> Nty cammiss�on gxpires
<br />