<br /> DEED �F TRUSI�
<br /> �C�rltirlu�d� Pag� �
<br /> Trustee shaEf, wi�h�ut demand an Trustor� after such time as may then be r�xquired t�y �aw and a�ter
<br /> re�ardation ❑f such Notice of Defau�t and aft�r Notice of 5ale hav�ing heen gi��n as �equired by law, sell
<br /> the Prap�rty at the time and place o�r saie fixed by i� in such Nati�e of Sale, �ither as a whole, or in
<br /> separate Ivts or par�cels vr items as Trustee shall d�em expedient, and in such order as it may�et�rmine,
<br /> at publ�c au�tion t�the highest bidder for cash in �awfui mane� of the United ��tates payable at the time
<br /> of sal�. Trus#ee �half defi�er to such purchaser ar pur�hase�s thereof its gacEd and suf�iei�n� deed or
<br /> deeds c4nueying the praperty sa sald, but without any cavenant or warranty�, express ❑r implied. The
<br /> re�i�als in such deed o� any matters vr facts shall be cancfusi�e proof of the truthfuiness th�reaf. Any
<br /> person, inc[uding without limita�i�n Trustor, Trus�ee, or Lender, may purchase at �uch sale.
<br /> (�} As may be permitted hy �aw, aft�r dedu�ting all c�sts, f�es and exp�ns��s of Trustee and of �his
<br /> Trus�, inc�uding c�sts afi e�idence af titfe in cannectian wifih sale, Trustee shaf[apply the proceeds of sale
<br /> to paym�nt❑f ti� ali sums expended under the terms af thi� Deed of Trust or u�der�h�terms of�he N��e
<br /> not then repaid, incfuding but not limited to accr�ed inter�st and la�e charges, �ii} aEl other surns then
<br /> secured hereby, and �iii7 the remainder, if any,to the person vr persons legally�ntitl�d thereto.
<br /> {�} Trus#ee may in the manner pro�ided�y law postpan�s�le af all or any por�i��n of the Property.
<br /> Rer�edies �V�# E�cc�usi�e. Trus�ee and Lender, and each of them, shal� be enti�led �to enfar�e payment and
<br /> per�armance o�an� inde�tedness ar abfigativns secured by this Deed af Trust and to exe���ise all rights and pvwers
<br /> under�his Deed v�Trust, under the IVote, under any o�the Related Dvcuments, vr under any o�her agreement or
<br /> any iaws nvw vr h�reafter in forGe: notwithstanding, svrne��r all of such ind�btedness a��d obligations secured by
<br /> thi� Deed of Trust may nvv►r or herea�ter be atherwise secu�ed, wh��her b� rnortgage, dE:ed ❑f�rust, pledge, iien,
<br /> as�ignment or otherwise. IVei�her �he aGceptance o� this deed of Trust nor its enforc�.ment, whether by cour�
<br /> �ctivn ❑r pursuant�a fihe power af safe vr❑ther pvvvers containe�l in �his ❑eed vf Trust, shall prejudice or in any
<br /> manne� affect Trustee`s vr Lender's right tv realize upon or enfarc� any �ther security now ar hereafter he�d by
<br /> Trustee or Lender, it being agreed tha�Trustee and Lender, and each o�them,shall be entitled t�enforce this Deed
<br /> �f Trus� ar�d any ❑ther security nav►r or herea�ter held by Lender or Trustee in such ord��r and manner as they ar
<br /> either of them may in their absolute d�s��etian determine. N❑ remQdy c�nferred up�n t�r reser��d �o Trust�e or
<br /> Lender, is in�ended ta be excfusi�e of any vth�r remedy Fn �is Deed o�Trust ar by law ��ro�ided ❑r permitt�d, but
<br /> ea�h shall be �umula�i�e and shall be in addition to every other r�rnedy gi�en in this I]eed o� Trust ar n�w or
<br /> hereafter�xist�ng at law or in equ�ty ar by sta�tute. Every pawer ar r�medy gi�en by�the��Ivte or any of�he Rela�ed
<br /> Documents tv Trustee a� Lender or to whi�h eifiher �f thern may be otherwise en�itied, may be exercis�d,
<br /> cvncurrently vr�ndependent�y, fram time t� time and as aften as may be deemed expedient hy Trustee ❑r Lend��,
<br /> and ei�her afi them may pursue incvnsisten� remedies. f�Jothing in this ❑eed a�F Tru.,� shall �e constru�d as
<br /> prohibiting Lender�rom seeking a deficiency judgment agains#the Tr�star t�the�xten�such ac�ion is permi�ted by
<br /> lav►r. Eie�tion by L�nder t❑ pursue any rem�dy shal! no# ex�lude p�rsuit a� any ❑ther r�rnedy, and an electian ta
<br /> make expendiCures or tv take a�tion to perfa�m an abligatian of T�ustflr under this Deed of Trust, after Trust�r's
<br /> �ailure��perfvrm,shall not a�fect Lender's right to declare a defauit and ex�rcise its rem���ies.
<br /> Rer�uest for No#ice. Trustar� vn�ehalf o�Trustor and Lender, hereby requests that a cop�o#any Natice of�efaul�t
<br /> �nd a copy�f any Noti�e of Sale under�his ❑�ed of Trust�e mai�ed ta them at th� addresses set�orth in the fiirs�
<br /> paragraph of this D��d o�Trust,
<br /> Attarneys' Fe�s; E�cpenses. If Lend�r inst�tutes any suit or ac#ion ta enforce any of �he t�rrns af this Deed o�
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be entitled to r�ca�er such sum as the court may ad�udge reasvnablE �as a##vrneys' fees at trial
<br /> and upon any app�al. 1Nhe�her ar nat any cou�t action �s in�vl�ed, and t� the ex�ent �iot prohihi�ed �y law, ail
<br /> reasonable expens�s Lender incurs that in Lender's opinian are necessary at any tim� far the prate�tion af its
<br /> intere�t vr�he enfarcement af its righ�s shall be��me a par�of the�ndebt�d�ess payab�e c�n demand and shali bear
<br /> interest at�the Nvte rate�rom the date of the�xpenditure unt�� r�paide Expenses cv�ered E7y this paragraph in�lude,
<br /> without limita�ion, hawe�er subject tv any limits under appli�abie la�v, Lender's attorne�►.�' fees and Lender's legal
<br /> exp�nses, whether �r nvt there is a lawsuit, inc�uding at�orneys' f�es and expenses fvr bankruptcy prviceedings
<br /> �including e��orts�❑ madify or�acate any automatic stay or injunctiany, appeals, and any�in�icipa�ed po�t-judgment
<br /> cvl€�c#ian ser�ices, the cost o� searching recards, ob�tain�ng �itle r�pvr�s {includ�ng ��rec�r�sure repvr�s�, surveyors"
<br /> rep�rts, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and �ees for th� Trustee, to the extent perrnitted �y applicable law.
<br /> Trustor also w�ll pay any eourt�os�rs. in�ddition�o all afiher sums pra�ided by iaw.
<br /> Righ�s of T�ustee. Trustee sha�l ha��a�f of the rights and duties af Lender as set forth in this sec�ivn.
<br /> P�VIIER� AND�BLIGAT�C�NS �F TRUS'�"EE. The fvllowing pro�isions relating�❑ the pvwers and vbligations�f Trus�e�
<br /> are part o�this�ee�o�Trust:
<br /> Pv��rs of�"rustee. [n addition t�all pvwers of Trustee arising as a n�atter af law,Truste�:shai� haw�the pawer�o
<br /> tak�the follvwing a�tions with respect ta the Property upvn the w�E�ten request vf Len�er and Trus�or: �ay jvir� in
<br /> preparing and filing a map or plat o� the R�af Property, inG�uding the dedi�ation o� stre��ts o� other rights #o the
<br /> pubfic, {�� join in granting any eas�ment ar creating any res#rictian an the Reaf Pro�e�r�y; and ��� join in any
<br /> su��rdinatian ar ather agreennen�a##ecting�his Deed❑f Trust ar�he interest o�Lender ur�dsr this Deed vf Trust.
<br /> Tr�ustee. Trustee shail meet all qualifications required �ar Trustee under applicafafe law. In addition tv the righ�ts
<br /> and remedies se� fiorth abo�re, with respect to all �r any par� of�he Praperty, the Trus��;e shall ha�e the righ� ta
<br /> foreclvse by nati�e and sale, and Lender sha�9 have the right tv fvre�lose kay judicia� fore�lvsure, in either �ase in
<br /> accardan�e with an�to the fuil extent pro�ided by appficable law.
<br /> Suc�essar Trus�ee. Lender, at Lender's aptian, may�ram time to time app�int a succ�ssc�r Trusf�e�o any Trus�ee
<br /> appainted under this Deed o�Trust by an instrument execu�ed and ��knov�(edged �y L�i�der and recarded €n the
<br /> office of the r�car�er v� H�4LL County, 5tate of Nebraska. The instrument shal� Contairt, in additi�n t� a!� other
<br /> rnatters required by stat� law, the names af th� ❑riginal L�nd�r, Trustee, and Trusta�, the boal� and page ��r
<br /> c�mput�r systern reference� whe�e this ❑eed af Trust is recarded, and the name and �Eddress of the succes�flr
<br /> �rus�ee, and the ins�rument shall he executed and acknowf�d�ed by all the beneficiaries���der this Deed af Trust ar
<br /> their su�cessors in interest. The successor trusfiee, w��hvut con�eyance v�th� Prope�ty, shall succeed tv all th�
<br /> titfe, pvwer, and duties conf�r�ed upon the Trustee in�his ❑eed vf Trust and by appficab'e law. This procedure for
<br /> substifiution of Trustee shall�o�ern to the�xc�usion o�aff atl~�er proui�ions far substitution.
<br /> N�TICES. Any natice required �� be gi�en under �his �]eed o�F Trust, incfu�ing vvithout iimita��ian any► n�tice af defau�t
<br /> and any no�tice o#sale shall �e gi�en in writing, and shall be���ecti�e when ac�ually deli�erecCa when actually received
<br /> by teiefacsimile {unless o�he�wise required by[a►rvj, vuhen deposit�d with a natianally recvgnized o�ernight caurier, ar, i�
<br /> rnailed, �rvhen deposited in�he llr�ited States rnai[, as firs�class, �ertified❑r registe�ed maif pc�stage prepaid, direc'#ed tt�
<br /> the address�s shvwn near the beginnin� a�this ❑eed af Trust. aff copie� of no�ices of far�closure �rom �he halder of
<br /> any lien which has privrity over this Deed af Trust shall be sen�t t❑ Lend�r's addr�ss, as sha►�vn near the beginning af
<br /> �his ❑eed of Trust. A�ny party may �hange its address far noti�es under this Deed of Trust by g�ving formal written
<br /> notice to th� other parties, spe�i�ying that the purpas� of the notic� i� t� Ghange the party's address. For notiGe
<br /> purposes, Trustar agr�es to keep Lender in#ormed at ali tirnes of Trustor's curr�nt addr�ss, U��f�ss❑therwise pra�ided
<br /> vr required by law, if there is more�han on�Trustor, any nvtice g��en by Lend�r t❑any Trus:c�r is deemed�v be n�ti�e
<br /> gi�en to afl Trus�ors.
<br /> MISCELLANE�US PRC�VtS1�N5. The follawing rnis�ellaneous pro��isions are a part❑f�h�s ❑e���af Trus�: ��
<br /> �� �
<br />