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Z�15��956 <br /> C�EED �F TRUST <br /> ���r�t�nu�d� �age 4 <br /> Tru�tor►�vill deliver, or cause to be deli�ered, tv Lender such instruments as Lender may �+�quest f�-om tir-ne to tim� <br /> to p�rmit su�h participation. <br /> Cvmpliance 'Vl�ith Laws. Trust�r warrants that the Praperty and Trustor'� use vf the Property cvmp�ies with all <br /> existing applicable laws.ordinances,and regu�ativns�f governmental authori�ies. <br /> Sur�riWa� v� Repres�e�tativns �nd Warran�ies. All representations, warranties, and agreements made by Trus�or in <br /> this ❑�ed a�Trust shaff sur�i��the execution and d�li�ery of this De�d o�Trust, shall be �:ontinuing in nature, and <br /> shall r�main in full#orce and e�fect until such�kim� as Borrower's Indebtedness shall be paic�in full. <br /> �DNDEI�NATID�. The�olfvwing prv�isivns relating to �ondemna�ion p�oc�edings ar�a part a�this❑eed af Trust: <br /> Proceedings. I# any pro�eediny in condemnation is fif�d, T'rustor shall promp'tly natify� Lender in vuriting, and <br /> Trustor shalf pramp�ly take such steps as rnay be necessary� ta defiend the a�tion and akk�ain the award, Trusta� <br /> ma�be the namina�party in�uch praceeding, hut L�nd�r sha�l be enfiitied ta parti�ipate in j:he proceeding and to be <br /> represent�d in the praceeding by counsel of �ts awn choice, and Tr�rsto� wif� deli�er or �ause �o be deli��r�d to <br /> Lender such ins��uments and documentation as may be reques�ed by Lender from time tv time to permit such <br /> parti��pation. <br /> Ap�iication �f Ne�Pr�ceeds. ff all or any parf o�the Property i�conc�emn�d by eminent�omain proceedings or by <br /> any prQceeding ar purchase in�ieu of candemnation, Lender may at i�a eie�ti�n require tha�:alf ar any pvrtion��the <br /> net proceeds of th� award be app[ied to the fndehtedness ar th� r�pair or resroration ��'F the Prvperty. The net <br /> prv�eeds af the award shall rnean the award af�e� payment of all reasonable cQsts■ e`X�]��15L5■ and �ttarr+eys' fiees <br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in conne�tian with the condem�ation. <br /> IMPC]SlT��N QF T►4XE5, FEES AI�D CHAR�ES BY �4VERNMENTAL AU�H�RITIES. The f��lt�wing prvvisions relat�ng <br /> to gvvernmental taxes,fees and charges are a part of this Deed of Trus't: <br /> Curren#Taxes, F�e� and �h�r�es. Upan request by L�nder, Trustor shall execute such dQcum�nts in addition t� <br /> this Deed o�Trus�and take whate�er�ther ac�ion is request�d by Lender to perfect and c.antinue Lender's lien �n <br /> the Real Praperty. Trustor shall reirnburse Lender for a{{ taxes, as descri�ed helow, tot�eth�r with a�l expen�es <br /> incurred in recordira�, perfectin� vr continuing this D�ed ��F Trust, including wi�hout lirnitatian a�i taxes, �ees, <br /> do�um�ntary stamp�, and other charg�s far recording or registerins�this Deed of Trust. <br /> Tax�s. The fallowing shall canstitute taxes �o which th�s �ection applies: �1} a speci#i� tax upon this �ype ofi <br /> Dee� af Trust❑r u�aon all or any part of the Indebt�dness secured by th�s Deed flf Trus�; �2y a specific tax vn <br /> Qarrawer whi�h Borrower is �uthori��d ar required tv deduc�from payments an the inde��tedn�ss secured by this <br /> type a# Deed o�Trust; {3� a tax on this type a� Deed ❑f Trust char�eable agaEnst the L��nder or the holder��the <br /> Nvte,• and {4� a specific tax on alf vr any pvr�ion of�he Indebtedr�ess ❑r on paymeng� of principal and int�rest <br /> made hy Borrower. <br /> Suh�equent Taxes. If any tax to which this sectivn applies is ena��ed subsequent t� i:he �ate of this ❑eed o� <br /> Trus�k, this ��en� shal6 ha�e the same effect a� an E�ent af Default, and Lender may �.xercise any vr all o� its <br /> availabie remedies �or an Event af Default as prv�ided bel�w unless Trustar ei�her {�f pays the tax befor� it <br /> becames de[inquen�, or ��} �vntests the tax as pro�ided abv�e in the Taxes and Liens sectivn and deposits ►nrith <br /> Lende�cash vr a s���i�ient corp�rate saarety bvnd ar o�her security sa�isfac�ory t�Lender. <br /> �ECURITY AGR�EMENT; FIIVANCING STATEMENTS. The follvwing pro�isions refating tv t;his Deed flf Trus� as a <br /> security�greement are a part of��is Deed of Trust: <br /> Security A�ream�nt. This instrurnent shall constitute a Securi�y Agreemen� to the extent any of the Praperty <br /> constitutes fix�ures, and Lender shall ha�e all v'�the rights af a secur�� party under�he Unifarm ��mmercial Cod� <br /> as amended from time ta time. <br /> S�curity lnterest. �lpan requ�st by Lender, Trustor shalf take wha���er actian is requesl:�d by Lender tv perf�ct <br /> and continue Lende�'s se�u��ty interest in the Rents and Personal Pr�perty. In addition ta recording this Deed a'� <br /> Trust in the real p��perty re�ords, Lender may, at any #ime and w��hout fur�kher autharizati�n from Trus�ar, �ile <br /> executed counterparts, copies or reprodu��ions vf thfs Deed of Trust as a financing staternen�. Trus'tor shafl <br /> reimburse Lender for a[I expenses inGurr�d in per�rec�ing ❑r cQntinuing this se�urity in�erest. Upon defaul�, Trus�or <br /> shaIl nat r�move, se�er or d�tach the Persanal Property �ram the Property. �p�n de�aul�t, Trustor shall assembie <br /> any Persanal Property not af�ixed t�the Property in a rnanner and at a place reasana�ly��onvenient�a Trus�or and <br /> Lender and mak� it aWailable tv Lender wi�khin three �3y days after r�ce�p� v'� writ�ten der��and fram Lender to the <br /> extent permit�ed hy appliGa�Ie law, <br /> Ad�resses. The �ailing addresses of Trus�or �dek�tor� and Lender �s�cured party� 1�rorn which infarmation <br /> concerning the sec�rity interest granted by this De�d o�Trust may bs vi�tained �each a� requiret� by the �nifarm <br /> Comrnercial Code� ar�as sta�ed�n the�irsfi paga v��his Deed❑f T�us�. <br /> FURTHE� ASSURANCE�; ATTC�RNEY-IN-FWCT. The following pra�isions relating ta i�urther assurances and <br /> at�arney-in-fact are a pa�t of this ❑eed❑f Trust: <br /> Furt�er A�surances. At any time, and from time t❑ time, upan request❑f Lender, T�ustar will make, execute and <br /> d�lio�er, or vrrill cause tv b� made,executed or delivered, to Lender or to Lender's desi�ne�, and when requesf�d by <br /> Lender, cause ta be filed, recarded, r�fi�ed, ar rerecarded, as the case may be, at such ti�rnes and in su�h affices <br /> and p(aces as Lend�r may d�em approp�iate, any and all such martg�ges, d�eds of trust, security deeds, security <br /> agr�emen�s, �inancing stafiern�nts, cantinuativn s#atemen�sf instrumen�s of further assf�rance, �e�ti�ica�es, and <br /> other documents as may, in�he svle opinian of Lender, be nec�ssary or desirable in�rder�❑ef�ectuate, cample�e, <br /> per���tr continue, ar preser�e ��� B�rrower's and Trus�ar's obligatians under fih� hlat�, this D��d of Trus�, and <br /> the R�lat�d Dacurn�n�s, and {2) the liens and securi�y interests cr�a�ed �y this De�d �f Trus� as first an� prior <br /> liens on th� Prop�rty, whether now vwned ❑r hereaf�er acquired �y Trus�or. Unless pr�l�ibited by faw or Lender <br /> agrees tv#he �ontrary in wri�ing, Trustor sha[f reimburse L�nder far afl costs and �xpens�ss incurred in connectian <br /> with�the ma�ters re��rred to in�his paragrapf�. <br /> Attvrney-in-Fact. I�Trustor-�ails to do any vf the things referred�v in the pre�eding par���raph, Lender rnay da s� <br /> for and in the nar�e Q�F Trus�or and at Trust�r's expense. Fvr such �urpvses, Trusto� h�reby irre�ocab�y appain#s <br /> Lender as Trusfiar"s attorney-in-fiact for the purpose❑f makin�, exe�uting, delivering, fifin�, recording, and d��ng all <br /> oth�r things as rna�r h� necessary or desirable, in Lender's soie opinian, �o accvmp�ish tl�e matters ref��red ta in <br /> the preceding para�raph. <br /> ��LL PERF�RMANCE. �f�arrower and Trust�r pay all the lndebtedn�ss when due, and TrustR�r o�herwise per�arms all <br /> �he obligations irnposed upan Trustvr under this❑eed❑f Trust, Len�er sh��f execute and defi��r tv Truste�a request far <br /> #u�� recar��eyanc�and shall execu�e and defi�er�a Trustor suitable statem�n�s af t�rmina�ion c�f any firaancing s�aternent <br /> �n fii[�euidenc�ng Lender's security interest in the Ren�ts and the Personaf Praper�y. Any recv�f�eyance fee required by <br /> !aw shall be paid by Trustor, if permi�ted by appli�ah�e la�v. <br /> �VENTS aF DEFAULTP Ea�h o�th� �allawing, at Lend�r's op�ian, shall ccans�itut� an Event�l� Default und�r this Deed <br /> �f T�ust: <br /> Pay�nent❑�fault. B�rrower fa�fs ta make any paym�nt when due und�r the Indebtedness. <br /> �th�r Defaults. Borrawer ❑r Trus'tvr fails to comply vvi'th or ro perform any ather �erm, obligation, �avenant or <br /> ��. <br />