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Z�15��956 <br /> �EE� �F T�usT <br /> �C�r�tinued� Page 2 <br /> perform alf their r�spec�ive vbliga�ions under the Nate,this C�eed c}f Trust, and the Related ❑�Guments. <br /> P�SSESSIaN A�VD M�I�ITENAN�E �F THE PR�PERTY, Borrawer and T�ustor agree that E�orrvwer's and TrusYvr's <br /> pvssessian and use of the Property shall be go�erned by the following prnuis�ons; <br /> Passessian and EJs�. LJnti� the occurrenc� af an E�ent of �efault, Trus#or may {1 y rE:main in possession and <br /> con�rol of the Property; ��f us�, vperate ar manage the Property; and �3} �allect the Rents from the Prvperty. <br /> Qut�► ta Maintain. Trustor shall maintain th� Praperty in t�nantabfe conditian and prorr�pt�y perfarm a!I repairs, <br /> repfacemen�s, and main�enance n�cessary�v preser�e its�aiu�. <br /> Cor�plian�e With E�rriranman�al Laws. Trustar represents and warran�s to Lender'that: �1� ❑uring the �eriod o# <br /> Trustor's❑wnership of the Prvperty'there has been n� use, �eneratian, manufiacturer storage, �rea�rr�ent,disposal, <br /> releas� or threa�en�d release af any Hazardous Subs�ance k�y any person on, under, a�aaut or from the Prvperty; <br /> �2� Trustar has no knowled�e of� �r reasvn to b�lie�e that�here has been, ex��pt as pr�,�iously discl�sed �o and <br /> acknowledged �ay Lender in writing, ta� any breach or �.�iolatian o� any En�irvnme�taf Laws, {bj any use, <br /> �eneratian, rnanu�acture, 5�03'a��r treatment, �15[JdSaI, release or thr�atened release �� a�7y Hazardvus Substan�e <br /> on, under, about ❑r �ram the Prop�rty by any privr vwners vr ❑ccupants af the Prvpsrty, or ��y any actual or <br /> thr�atened litigativn or claims of any kind �y any persan relating fio such rna#ters; and �3� Except as pre�iQusfy <br /> disGiosed ta and acknaw�edged by Lender in writing, �ay nei�he�Tru�t�r nor any�enant, contract�r, agent ar other <br /> authoriz�d user o�the Prvp�rty shall use, g�n�rate, manufac�ur�, stare, treat, dispos�❑f�ar release any Hazardous <br /> 5ubstance�n, under, abvut or from the Property, and �b� any such a�ti�i�y shall be cand�.�cted in compliance with <br /> a�! applicakale federal, stat�, and [acal laws, regula�ians and ardinan�es, inciudinc� vvithou� fimitation all <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trustor authari�es Lender and its agents �t❑ enter upan fhe Praperty t� rnake suGh <br /> inspectians and tests, at Trustar's experase, as Lender may deem apprapriafie to deter�m�ne compliance ❑f the <br /> Praperty with �his section of the Deed ❑f Trust. Any inspectians or tests made by Len+�er shafl be far Lender's <br /> purposes�nl�and shall nat be canstru�d ta Gr�ate any respc�nsibility ar liability vn the par�of Lends�tv Trustor vr <br /> to any vther persan. The representafiians and warranties cv�tained herein are based on�`rustor's due diiigen�e in <br /> in�estigating the Prvper�ty for Hazardaus 5ubstances. T�ustar hereb�,� (�� releases and �n►ai�es any future clairns <br /> against Lender for indemnity ar contribu�ion in the e�en�Trustor becam�s �iabfe �or�lear�up ❑r❑fih�r casts und�r <br /> any such iav►�s; and t�� agrees ta�ndemni#y, defend, and hc}Id harmless Lender against any and all Glaims, fasses. <br /> liabilities,damages, penal�ies,and expenses whi�h Lender may di�ec�ay or indire�tly sustaii�ar su#�er resulting f�om <br /> a breach of this se�tivn af t�e Deed ofi Trust or as a consequence af any use, gen�rati�n, manufacture, storage, <br /> disposal, reiease or fihreatene� release vc�urring priar to Trustvr's vw��rship❑r interest in the Proper�y, whe�her or <br /> not the same was �r shoufd have been known �a Trustor. The provisinns o� �his s�c�ian of the Deed o� Trusfi, <br /> incfuding�khe vf�ligation to indemnify and de�Fend, shall sur�i�� the payment of the Indebte�ness and the sat�sfaction <br /> and recvn�eyance of�he lien of this Deed of Trus�and shall �ot be a�fected by Lender's acquis�tian of any interest <br /> in the Prvp�rty,wh�ther by foreclasure❑r otherwise. <br /> Nui�ance, I�laste. Trustar shall nat cause, canduct or permi't any nuisanc� nvr �vmmit, permit, vr suffer a�y <br /> stripping of vr waste on ❑�-t� the Prvperty ❑r any partion of the Prvperty. VVithaut limiting the generali'ty af the <br /> foregoing, Trustar vuill not remave, or grant tv any ather par�y the right�o rerno�e, any -i�nber, rninerals 4includ�ng <br /> oil �nd gasy, coal, cfay,s�aria,soil, gra�el or rock products withau�LEnder's�rior written t:onsen�. <br /> Rerr�a�al vf Improds�nents. Trus�vr shall nat demvlish or rem��e any lrnprv��ments�ram�he Real Property withau� <br /> Lender's pr��r written consent. As a conditian to th� remo�al o�any Impra�ements, LendE;r may require Trus�ar t❑ <br /> make arrangemen�s satisfactory tv Lender to replace su�h �rnpro�ements with �mpro�ements of �at least equal <br /> valu�. <br /> Lender°s R�ght to Ente�. Len�er and Lender's agents and �epresen�a�:ives may enter upcn the Rea! Praper�y at all <br /> reasonabfe times t� attend to Lender's interests and tv inspec� t�e Real Property foi� purpases ❑f Trustor's <br /> cvmplian�e tirvith the terms and c�nditions a�thi� ❑eed af Trust. <br /> CoErapfiance with G��ernmenfia! Require�nents= Trustar �hall pramptfy c�mply with �II ��W$� ordinances, and <br /> regulations, now ar hereafter in efi�ect, a�F aff ga�ernmentai auth�rities applicable t� the tas� or oc�upancy vf the <br /> Pra�erty, in�iuding withou� fimitatian, th� Americans 11Vith Disabilities AGt. Trusto� may contest in gaod faith an� <br /> su�h iaw, o�dinancer ❑r regulatian and withhald car�p�iance dur�ng ar�y proceeding, incl�cling apprapriate appeals, <br /> so lang as Trustar has n�t€fied Lender in writing priar t�daing so and so long as, in Lend�r's sole apin�on, Lende�'s <br /> interests in the Prop�rty are not jeapardi�ed. Lender may require Trusto� t� pvst ad�quate securixy ar a sur�ty <br /> bond, reasonably sa�is�actary to Lender,to p�-vte��Lender's in�erest. <br /> Du#� to Pro�ect. Trustvr agrees nei�her to ahandan or lea�e unattended the Prope�ty. Trusta� shall da a�1 �ther <br /> acts, in addition to�hose act�set�orth aba�e in this sectian, which frarn�he�haracter an�� use v�th� Proper�y are <br /> reas�nably necessary�� prate��and p��ser�e the Proper�y. <br /> ❑UE�N SALE-��NSENT Bl� LEIVI]EH. Lender may, at Lender's optian, declare immediately clu�and payab��all sums <br /> secured by this Deed af Trust upon th� sa[e or transfer, withaut Lender"s priar w�-itten cvns�nt, o�a�l ar any par�t a�F the <br /> Reaf Prape�ty, ar any interest in the Rea! Property. A "saie ar transfier" means the conveyanG��vf Re�f Property or a�y <br /> right, title vr interes� ir� the Rea! Praperty; wh�ther fega[, ben��i�ial or e�uitable; whether ��oluntary vr in�afuntary; <br /> whethe� by outrigh� sale, deed, instaffrnent sale cantract, land contract, cantraGt fvr de�d, I�.asehald interest with a <br /> �erm gr�at�r than thr�e �3� years, lease-aption contract, ar by sa1e, assignment, v�trans�er a�=any beneficiaf interest in <br /> �r ta an� land�rus� hol��ng titie t�the Rea� Property, or by any�ther m��:hod of con�eyance c�f an interesx in�he Real <br /> Pr�perty. How��er, �his ap�ian shalf no� be exercised by Lend�r if such exercise is prahib�ted by �ederal faw �r b� <br /> hlehraska faw. <br /> '�A�CES �ND L�ENS. The foffawing pro�is�ans relating �o the taxas and liens on �he Propert�+ are part o�this �eed af <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay when due {and in ali events prior ta delinquency� afl�ax�s, s�ec�a[taxes, assessments, <br /> �harges �in�luding water and sewer�, �ines and irnpositians I��ied against or�n ac�vunt�f the Prflperty, and sha{[ <br /> pay when due alf claims �or wark dan� vn ❑r for ser�ices rendered ar materiaf �urnish�d#v the Prop�rty. Trustar <br /> shall mainfia�n the Prvp�rty free❑�all fiens ha�ing priority av�r or equal ta the in�erest vf�.ender under this �eed of <br /> Trust, except far �he fien of tax�s and assessmen�s nv� due and e�ccept as �therwise pro�ided in this D�ed af <br /> Trust. <br /> Right�v�vntest. Trustvr rnay uv�thhald payrnent af any tax. assessment, vr cla�m in c��r�ection with a gaod faith <br /> dispute o�er the abfigation t❑ pay, sv Ivng as Lend�r's interest�n the Pr�perty �s nvt jevp�irdized. (f a lien arises vr <br /> is fiBed as a resuit �f nvnpayment, Trustor shall wi�hin �Fifteen 4�5� clays a�ter the lien �rises vr, i� a �ien is �iled, <br /> wi�khin �ifteen �15y days a�fier Trustar has natice o�the �iling, secure the di�charge o�th� li�n, or if requested bY <br /> L�nder, deposit with Lender cash or a su��icient corporate surzty bond vr a�her s�curity satisfactory tv Lender in an <br /> ama�nx suf�icien��to discharge�he lien plus any cvsts and attarneys' fees, ar vfiher charg�s that�oufd aGcrue as a <br /> resul�of a fareclosur�❑r sale under the fien. In any cantest, Trustor shall de'�end itself an� Lender and shall sat�s�y <br /> any�ad�erse judgment before en�arcemen�against the Proper�y. Tru�tar shail narne Lender as an add�ti�nai obligee <br /> under any surety bond fiurnished in the cvntest proceedings. <br /> Evid�nce of Payment. Trustor shall upon demand #urnish ta Len�er satisfactary��idence❑f paym�nt af the taxes <br /> ar a�sessments and shal� author'rze the appropriate go�ernmental of�i�iaf�v deli�er�o Lender a�any ti e a writ#en <br /> statemsnt�f the taxes and a�sessments against the Praperty. ,� � <br />