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��15�4944 <br /> required by RESPA, and Borraw�r shail pa�ta L.ender th�a,nYount necessary ta rnake up the deficiency�n <br /> accardance�vith RESPA�but in nv mare than l�mgnth��r payments. <br /> Up�n gayment in full of all sums secured by this Security�nstrum.�nt, Lender shal�promptl�refund to <br /> Borrower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges, Liens. $orrov�er shall pay a1I taxes, asse�sments, charges, fines, anr��mpos�tivns at�ributab�e to <br /> the P�aperty which can attain priority over this Security�nstrument, ��asehald paymen�s tir grt�und rents an <br /> �he Proper�r, �f any, and�ommunity Associatian Du�s, Fees, an�.Ass�ssm�nts, if any. Tv the ex�ent�.hat <br /> �hese items ar�Escra��tems, Borrawer shall pay them in the manner provided in S�ction 3. <br /> 8�rr�vc�er shall grom�atl�discharge any Iien�vhich has priority Qver this Security�nst�rum�nt un�ess <br /> Barrower: �a}agrees in wri.ting tv the payment af the obligation�ecure�d b3�the lien in a manr�er acceptable <br /> ta Lend�r, but anly so ic�ng as Borrawer is perfarm�ng su�h agre�ment; �h}c�nt�sts the lien in ga�d faith�y, <br /> or def�nds aga�nst enforcernen�vf the lien in, �egal pr�ceed�ngs which in Lender's apinion vperate to pre��nt <br /> the enforcernent of t�.e lien while�hose proce�d�ings are pendi�g, but on�y until such proceedings are <br /> conc�uded; ar�c}se�ures from�he holder af the Iien an agr�eme�at satisfactary to Lender subarc�ina��ng the <br /> �ien t��h�s Security�ns�rurnent. �f I�nder deterrnines that any part of the Praperty�s subject to a lien which <br /> can attain pr�orit�o�er�his Security�nstrcument, Lender may g�.We Barrower a nati�e iden�i�ng the l�en. <br /> Within 1 Q da�s af�he date on vvhich that notice is given, Borrawer sha�l satisfy the lien or take flne vr more <br /> of�he a�tipn�set forth aho►ve in this Sec�ian 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrow�r to pay a one-�time char��for a real es�a.te tax v�rification andlar report�ng <br /> sexv�ice used�y Lender in connection� this Loan. <br /> 5. Praperty Insurance. Borraw�r shall k�ep th�unprovemen#s naw existing Qr hereafter erected an the <br /> Property�nsured against�oss by fire, ha2ards in��uded w�thin the term"extended cv��rage,"and any other <br /> ha.zards in��uding, but not lirni�ed to, earthquakes and floods, far which Lender requzres insuran.�e. This <br /> insurance shall he maintained in the am�un�s�including deducti�le 1e�eis}and far the periods t�iat Lender <br /> requires. What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding senten�es�an change during the term 4f�he Laan. <br /> The insurance carr�er pro�iding the insurance sha��be�hasen by Barruwe�subject to Lender's right�� <br /> di�appro�e Borrower's cho�ce, wh�ch right sha11 not be exercised unreasonab�y. Lender may require <br /> Barrow��ta pay, in connec�ian w�th�his�oa,n, either: �a)a one-time charge for flood zone detern�ination, <br /> certif cation and tracking ser�ces; or�b�a one-time charge far flvod zane d.etermination and cert�fication <br /> services and subsequent charges each time remappings or similar changes o�cur�hich reasonably might <br /> aff�c�such detem�ina�ion or cer�if Ga.tion. Borrawer sha�l also b�resp�nsihle for the payment af any fees <br /> im�osed by the Federal Emergency 1Vlanagem�nt Agency in connect�on with the review�f any flood zone <br /> detemuna��on resulting from an ab,�ect�on by Borraw�r. <br /> If�3vrro�rer fails to maintain any of t�i.e coverages described above, I.�nder may obtain insurance coverage, <br /> at Lend�r's ogt�an and Barrnwer's expen5e. Lender�s under no abligation to purchase any particular type vr <br /> amaunt�f coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall c�ver Lender, but might or might not protect Borrower, <br /> Borrower's equ��in rhe Praperty, or the contents of�he Property, a�ains�any risk, hazard or Iiability and <br /> might pro��de greater or Iesser�overage�han was pre�iausly in ef�e�t. Eorrv�rer ack�ov�ledges that the cast <br /> �f�he insuranc�ca�erage sa obtained might significantly exceed the�ast of insurance tha#B�rrower could <br /> have ohta.ined_ Any amuunts disbursed by Lender under this Sectian 5 shal�be�ome additiona�d�ht�f <br /> Barruwer secured by this Security Inst�rument. These am�unts shall bear interest at th�Note rat�from the <br /> date af disbursement and sha11 be payab�e, with such in�erest, upon no�ace frvm Lender to Borrower <br /> requ�st�ng payrr�ent. <br /> 234�376a2� 0 V6NE <br /> I�EBRASKA-5ingle Famiiy-Far�nie MaelFreddie Mac UNtFORM iNSTRUMFJVT Form 3D28 i1D1 <br /> VMP[r� VMPfi(NE}�13�2� <br /> Wolters Kluw er�inancia�Ser►rices Page fi of 17 <br />