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REITJRN TO: Lena .04(20 1 C <br />q2d W -10t <br />grid' ISicand, NE bffePd I <br />RESERVED FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS RECORDLNG SPACE <br />(att. 23-1503.01) <br />HALL COUNTY, NE <br />-• . <br />The goutherly.One-Half (tt 1/8) of that c�rtainful1 lot forbad by Fractional' <br />Lot inee(g), in.Fiactional Black Nineteen 119), in Fairytale Park Addition, <br />and Frattional Lot Five - in Fractional Block Twelve (i2), in H. g.. <br />Mark'* Addition, both Wino additions to the City of Brand - Island, Hall • <br />County, Nebraska, wore particularly described-as follows, to-aits Coesencing <br />at the Southeasterly corner of Fractional 'Lot Si,, ' (e), in Fractional Block . - <br />Nineteen (19) in FaiNVIIIIIN Park Addition to the City of Brand -Island, <br />Nebraska, running thence Northerly along and upon the Westerly Boundary in. <br />of said Fractional Lot Mu (6) in Fractional Block Ninoteon 419) in Fairview <br />Park Addition to the" City. of Brand •Inlarvd, for a distance of <br />Sixty-Six (66) feet, running thence- in in easterly direction parallel with <br />the Northerly .boundary line of Eighth Street in the City of 13rand <br />Nebraska, for a distance of Fifty Two 'and Eight Tenths (52.11) feet, running <br />thence Southerly parallel with the Westerly Boundary line of Fractional -Lot <br />(6), in Fractional- Block Nineteen, (ig) in Fairview Park Addition to- the <br />City of Brand Island, Nebraska for a distance of Sixty Six (66) fast, running <br />.thence- gesterlY. parallel With the 'Northerly Boundary line of Fractional Lot <br />Six (6), in Fractional Block Nineteen (i9), in. Fairview Park Addition to the <br />City of grand :Island, Nebraska, for a distance of Fifty Two and Eight Tenths <br />(52.8) feat to the place beginning. <br />1 <br />C_ <br />6 <br />lit- <br />