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��15�4931 <br /> B�RR��V�R C�VENANTS that Borrower is�a�vfully seised of the estate h�reby c�n�eyed and has the right�o <br /> ��an�and con��y the Pr�per�y and tha�the Prap�r�y is un�ncumbered, except for encumbrances of record. <br /> Borrovver warrants and�il� defend generai�y the t��le to the Prop�rty against alI ciaims and demands, ,subject t� <br /> an�encumbrance�af recard. � <br /> T�IS SECURITY INSTRI.�MENT combines un�farm�ovenan�s far na�ianal u�e a�ad nan-un�f��m Ga��r�ants with <br /> limi�ed�raria�i�ns by�urisdiction to constitute a uniform secur��y instrument ca�ering rea�property. <br /> Un�fQrm Co�enants. Borrower and Lender covenant and ag�ee as fol��ws: <br /> 'I, Payrnent Qf Principal, �nterest, Escraw Iterns, �r�payment �harges, and Late Charges. Barra�ver <br /> �hall pay�vhen due the principal�f, and int�r�st on, the debt e�id�nced by the No�e and any prepa�ment <br /> charges and Ia�e charges due und�r�he Nate. Barrawer shall also pa�funds for EsCr�tiv Items pursuant�o <br /> �ectian 3. Payments due under�he�ote and th�s Secu�r�ty�nstrument shal�b�made in U.S. currenc�. <br /> Hav�eve�, zf any check or o�her instrument�received b� Lender as payment under�he Nate or this Secur��� <br /> Instrument is returned�a L�nder unpaid, Lender may require tha� any or all subsequ�n�pa�rn�r�ts due und�r <br /> the No�e�and�his Security I�strument be made in one ar more of�he following forms, as s���cted b� Lend�r: <br /> �a}cash; �b�money axder; �c}cert�f�ed check, bank check, treasure�r's check�r�a�hzer's check, pra��ded any <br /> such check�s dxawn up�n an inst�tut�on u�hose deposits are insured by a federa� agency, instrumenta�i�y, or <br /> entity; ar�d}��e�tron�c Funds Transfer. <br /> Payrnents are de�med r�cei�ed by Lend�r when received at the l�Catzan designated in�h�Nnt�ar at such <br /> o�her�oca�ion as may be��s�gna�ed b�Lender in acco�dance w�th th�no��ce prav�s�ons in S�ctz�n �S. <br /> Lender rnay return any payment or partia�paym�n�if�he payment ar par�zal payments are znsuff�cient�o <br /> br�ng the Loan cur�ent. L�nd�r ma�accept any payment or par�ial paym�nt in�uf�cient to hring the L�an <br /> current, withaut waiver of any rights hereunder or pr�judice ta its righ�s to refuse such payment or partial <br /> payments in�he future, but L�nd�r is not obl�ga�ed t�apply such payments at�he�im�such payments ar� <br /> accep�ed, If each Periodic Payment is applied as of its schedu�ed due date, then L�nd�r need not pay�n�e�rest <br /> on unappl�ed funds. L�nder ma�hold such unapp��ed funds unt��Borrower makes paymen�s t�hr��.g�he <br /> Loan�urrent. Zf Borrower does n�t do so wzthin a reasonab�e per�od of t�me, Lende�r shall �ither ap���such <br /> funds ar r��urn th�xn t� Barrawer. If not applied eariier, su�h funds wil�b�applied t�the out�tanding <br /> pr�ncipal balance un�er the I���e imm���ately prior ta fnrecl�su�e. No�ffset or clairn which B�rrov�er might <br /> have na�v or in the future agains�Lender shal�r�����re Bor�ow�r fram rnakxng paym�nts du�under th��ate <br /> and this Secur�ty�ns�ruxnen�nr perfarming the covenants and agreeznents seGured b�thzs Se�urity <br /> Instrument. <br /> �, App�icat�vn af Pa�ments ar Prviceeds. Excep�as otherw�se d�scribed in�his Se�tian�, all paymen�s <br /> a�cepted and appli�d b� Lender sha��be app�x�d �n�he fn�law�ng order❑f priar�t�. �a} intexest due under the <br /> Nate; �b}principal�u�under the N�te; �c}amaunts�ue under Sectian 3. Such payments sha��b�app�ied tfl <br /> each Period�c Payment�n the arder in which it became due. Any rernaining amoun�s shall be appiied f rst tQ <br /> la�e�harge�, sec�nd�a any ather amounts due under th��Security Instrument, and then to reduce the <br /> principal balance of the Na�e. <br /> �f Lender recei�es a paymen�f�n�m Borrow�r for a de�inquent Periad�c Payment wh�ch�nc�udes a�ufficient <br /> amaunt t�pay any �a�e charge due, the paymen�rnay be app�ied�a the delinquent payment and the�a�� <br /> charge. �f more than ane Peri�dic Pa�rn�nt is ou�standing, Lender may apply an�r payment r�c�i�ed from <br /> Borrower to�he repaymen�af the Periodic Paymen�s if, and to�he�xten�that, each payrnent�an be paid�n <br /> fu��. To the extent that any�x�ess e�.ists aft�r th�payment�s applied to the full pa�ment af one or mare <br /> P�r�odzc Payments, such exc�ss may be app���d�a any�a�e charges due. Voluntary p�epayxnents shail be <br /> appiied f rst t�any prepa�rrnen�charg�s and th�n as described i��h�Note, <br /> NESAASKA-5ingle Farr�iEy-�annie MaelFreddie Ma�UNIFQRM INSTE�UMENT �nrrn 3D2$71�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi(NE�t'�302; <br /> Wolfers Kluwer�inar�ciaE Ser�ices Pag�4 vf i 7 <br />