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��15�4931 <br /> satisfaction, provided tha�such insp�cti�n shai�be undertaken promptl�, Lender may pay for the repa�r5 <br /> and restoration in a single d�sbur�ement�r in a s�ries of progre�s payments as t�ae�vork is complet�d. <br /> Unle��an agreement i�made�n wr�t�ng or Applicabie Law r�quires int�rest t�be paid fln such <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender sha�i no�b�required to pay B�rrawer any interes�or earnings on such <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds. If the restara�ion�r repai�r is not econarnically fea�ib�e ar Lender's secur�t�would <br /> be lessened, �he Miscellaneaus Pr�c��ds sha�i be appli�d��th�sums se�ur�d b�this 5e�ur�ty Instrument, <br /> whether ar not th�n du�, vvith the excess, if any, pa�d ta Borraw�r. Such M�sceilaneous Proceeds sha��be <br /> app��ed zn�he flrder provid�d for in Secti�n 2. <br /> In�he e�ent of a total taking, destructian, ar Ioss in�alue of�h�Pr�perty, the Mzs�el�aneous Prace�ds shall <br /> be appl�ed to the sums secured by �h�s Secu��ty�nstrument, wheth�r�r n�t then du�, with�he excess, if any, <br /> pa�d ta Borrow�r. <br /> In the ev�nr af a part�a��aking, de�tru�tiot�, ar loss �n valu��f the Proper�y in which the fair market value of <br /> th�Property immed�ate�y befo�e�h�par�ial taking, destruction, or lass in va�ue is equal ta or greater than the <br /> amoun�of the sums �ecured by thzs Secur�ty�nstrum�r��imme��ate�y befor�the pa���a�takinga dest�-uc�ion, �r <br /> �oss �n�ralue, unless Borrower and Lender�th�rw�se ag�re��n wri�ing, the sums secured by�h�s 5��urity <br /> Instrumen�sha�1 be reduced by the amount of the Miscellaneau�Pro�eeds mu��iplied b�the fall�wing <br /> fractian: (a}the to�a� arnount nf the sums secured immedia�ely before the par�ia�ta�zng, d�struction, or loss <br /> in value di�ided b��b}�he fair market value�f�he Pr�per�y imme�ia�ely before the par��a�taking, <br /> destructzon, �r lass�n�alue. Any ba�ance shai�be paid to Borrower, <br /> �n the event af a part�al taking, destruction, or lass in va�ue af the Property�n v�hi�h the fair mar��t value of <br /> the Praperty immedzately befare the par�ial tak�ng, des�ruc�ion, ar loss in val�e is�ess than the amaunt�f�he <br /> sums stcured immed�ate�y befor�the partial tak�ng, destructi�n, or loss in�alue, un��ss Barrower and <br /> Lender�therwis�agree in wri�ing, the M�scel�ar»aus Proc�eds shall be applied to the surns secu�r�d by th�s <br /> 5ecur�ty�nstrument whether�ar not th�sums a�e then due. <br /> If�he�rop�r�y�s abandoned by Barrower, or if, after notice by L�nd�r�o Borrov�er�hat�he�pposing Par�y <br /> �as defin��i in the ne��sentence}offers to make an award�a se�tle a c�aim for damages, B�rr�wer fails�o <br /> respand to L�nder within 34 days af�er th�da�e the notice is gi��n, Lender is authflr�7�d to collect and apply <br /> the Misce�Ian��us Pro�e�ds either to r�s�ora��an or repa�r�f�he Pr�perty t�r�o the�ums secur�d by�hi� <br /> Secu��ty�nstrumen�, �heth�r�r na�then due. "�ppos�ng Par�y" m�ans the third party that owes Borrower <br /> Miscellaneous Pr�ce�ds or th�party agains�whom Borrawer has a right of act�on�n r�gard to Miscellaneous <br /> Praceeds. <br /> Bor�r�wer sha�l be in defauit if any act�on o�r p�oceeding, wh�ther c��i�or cr�minal, is begun that, in Lender'� <br /> �udgm�nt, cou�d resul��n farf�iture of the Praperty o��the�r mater�al�mpa�rment of Lender's interest�n the <br /> Pr�per�y or rights under this�ecurity�nstrum�nt. Bflr,�aw��r can cur�such a default and, if acceleration has <br /> accurred, reinstat�as pra��ded in Se�tian I9, by�au�ing th�action or proc�ed�ng to be di�missed with a <br /> ru�ing that, in Lenc�er's judgment, pre��u�e� forf�iture of the Pr�per�y ar ather mate�r�a� impa�rment�f <br /> Lend�r's in�eres�in the Praper�y�r righ�s under�his SeGur�ty�ns�rument. The praceeds of any award or <br /> �;�a�m f�r damages that are attributab�e to th�impa�rrnent of L�nder'�interes� �n the Property are he�eby <br /> assign��and sha�i be pa�d to L�nder. <br /> All M�scellaneaus Proceeds that are nat app��ed to restorat��n or repa�r of th�Property shai�be applied in the <br /> o�der pro�ided far in Sect�an Z. <br /> N�BRASKA-Singte�amily Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFURM 1N5TRUMENT Fvrm 3428'i 10'� <br /> VMP� VMP�4N���13D2� <br /> Wvlters Kluw�r F�n�nC�at Servfces P�g�1 D ot�7 <br />