<br /> B. A�� future advanc�s fr�m Ben�ficiary t� Trus��r or othe� fu�ure obl�gat�ans af Trus��r �o Benef��xa.ry under any
<br /> p�omissary note, c4ntract, �uaranty, �r ather evidence of d�b� ���cu�ed by Trus�or xn favar �f Benefzc�ary e�ecuted
<br /> after �h�s 5ecurify Ins�rurnent v�hether �r not �h�s Se�urity �nstrumen� is spe���zcally ref�renced, �f m�re than one
<br /> person s��ns th�s Security Ins�rumen�, eaeh Trustar a�rees that thi� Security�nstruxnent will secure ai�futur� advance�
<br /> and fu�ure �b��gatzons �hat are g�ven to ar �ncurred by any one or more TrusCor, or any ane ar more Trus�nr and
<br /> flthers, All future advan�es and other future �biiga��ons ar� secur�d by this Secu�ity �nstrument even though a�� or
<br /> pazrt may not yet b� advanced. AI� fu�ure advances a�.nd other fu�ure ob�igatian� are secured as �f�nade on the da�e of
<br /> th�s Secur��y �ns�rument, Nathin� �n �his Security �ns�rument sha�� �ons���.ute a �ornm��men� to make additiona� ar
<br /> future�oans�r advanc�� in any amoun�. Any such camrni�ment must�e agreed�o in a s�parate wr�t�ng.
<br /> C, Ail obl��a���ns Trustar�wes�o B�ne�i��ary, wh��h may �ater ar�se, �o the���en�not pr�h�bited by law, includ�ng, but
<br /> na�Iimi��d to, X�a�xlit�es for overdrafts re�a��ng��any de osi�accoun�agreementi be�ween Trustor and Benef�c�ar�.
<br /> D. A1� addit�onai sums ad�anced and ex enses �ncurred b �enefcia tor �nsurin reservin ar o�herwise rotec�zn.
<br /> �
<br /> the Pro ert and its �a�ue an� an ath�r sums advanced and e� enses incurred h Beneficiar� und�r�h�terpms of�h s
<br /> Secur��P�ns�rument. y � Y �
<br /> �
<br /> T��s Securit�r Ins�rument ���] nat secure an� other d�b� if Benefic�ar� fails t� give �ny requ�red notice af �he r�bh� of
<br /> rescission.
<br /> 5. PAYME�TS. Trus�or agrees �hat all paymen�s und�r �he 5ecured Debt wiii be paid v�hen due and in accordance with �h�
<br /> �erms of the Secured Deb�and th�s Securit� Instrumen�.
<br /> �. '�'LTARRA�TY 4F TITLE. Trust�r warrants tha� Trustor is or w��l be Iawful�y sez�ed of the estate �anveyed by �his
<br /> Securit� Instrurnent and h.as the right�o irr��acab�y gran�, cflnve�, and s����he Proper�y �o Trustee, �n�rust, u��th pov�er of
<br /> sa�e. Trus�or a�s�vvarrara�s�hat the Prop�r�y�s unencumbered, except for encurnbran�es of record.
<br /> 7. PRI�R SE�URITY I�TERESTS. V�i�h regard to any oth�r mor�ga�e, de�d of trus�, se�urity a�reemen� or other �ien
<br /> d�cument�ha�crea�ed a pr�ar secur����ntere���r en�um.��ance on the Property, Trus�or a��r�es:
<br /> A. T�make a���ayment�when due and�o pe�form or carr�piy�nrx�h a��covenants.
<br /> B, 'To gram tly���iv��t�Bene�iciary an�notices that Trustor rece�ves fram the�o�de�r.
<br /> �. IVot ta a�low an rnodification or ex��nsian af, nor �o re uest an future advan�es unde� an r na�e �r a �-eement
<br /> secured b �he��en dflcument vvzthout Benefieia 's r�ar wr�ten co�sen�, � �
<br /> �' �'Y �
<br /> S. �LAIMS AGAINST TITLE. Trust�r wi�� pay a�� �axes, assessmen�s, �xens, encumbrances, �ease payrnents, g�rflund z�en��,
<br /> uti��ti�s, and other charbes rela��n� �o the Prop�r�� when du�. B�ne�icxary may re�uire Trustor to prov�de t� Bene�c�ary
<br /> �ap�e� of all n�tic�s that such amoun�s axe due and �h.� receip�� e��denc�ng Trus�or'� paymen�. Trus�or wi�l defend t��ie ta
<br /> �h� Pr�per�� against an� claims that wou�d �mpair the Iien af this 5eeurzty �nstrumen�. Trustar agr�es ta assign to
<br /> B�n�fc�ary, as re�uested by Benef�ciary, any ri�hts, cla�m� or defenses Trustar may have aga�nst parties wha supply labor
<br /> ar materia�s �o ma�ntain or�rnpr��e the Proper�y.
<br /> �. DIT� UN SALE �R. ENCI�M�3RAN�E. Bene�ciary may, a� i�s aption, d���ar��he enti�e ba�ance �f�he Se�ured Debt t�
<br /> be imm�diateiy�u�and payable upon the crea��on of, transfer or sai.e�f a.1� or any part of the P�roper�y. This righ�xs subjec�
<br /> �o �he restrict�ons �rnposed by federa� law �I,� �.F.R. 59�}, as app�xcab�e. T�is coWenant shal� run wzth the Pra�er�y and
<br /> sha�� are�nain in�ffect un�x�the Secured De�t�s paxd�n full and this S�cur��y�nstrument is released.
<br /> 14. PR�PERTY�U�DITID�, ALTERATI�NS AND INSPECTI�N. Trustor wi��ke�p the Propert� �n g�od cond�tian and
<br /> make a�l r�pairs that are reasonabl�n�cessary. Trustar shall not cammi�or al��w any tivaste, �mpa�rmen�, ar de�eriarat��n of
<br /> �he Pr�per�y. Trustar ur��l keep �he Praper�y free af noxi�us weeds and grasses. Trus��r agrees tha� �he na�ure af �he
<br /> occupane� and us� �vz�� z�o� substantia��y change tivi�hau� Ben�ficiary's prio� v�r����n consent. Trustor wi�� n�� perrn�t any
<br /> change xn any Iicense, �es�ric�ive cov�nan� ar �asement w�thout Ben�fi��ary's p�xor written �onsent. Trustor �ill n�tify
<br /> B�ne�ciar�r of all demands, proc�edings, cla�ms, and actions against Trust�r, and flf any Ioss or dama��t��he Proper��.
<br /> Ben�fzc�ar� or Benefic�ary`s agent� may, at Benef�c�ary's optzan, en�er ��� Pxoper�y a� an� reasonable �ime for the purpos�
<br /> of inspec�:�ng the Proper�y. Beneficiary shal� g�v� Trust�r n�t��e at �he �ime af or before an inspec�.ion sp�cxfy�n� a
<br /> reasanab�e purpose for th� �nspec�ion. Any �nspection af th�Prflper�y shall be en��re�y for Benefc�ary s benef�t and Trus�a�r
<br /> wi1� in na way re��on Benefic�ar�'s insp�ction.
<br /> 11. AUTH�R.ITY TC3 P�RF�RM. If Trustar fails to perform a��� dut� o� any of the cav�nants c�ntained in �his Secu�r�ty
<br /> Instrument, B�nefi��ary may, v�r�thout na�ice, perform or cause �hem to be perfarm�d. Tru��ar app�ints B�neficiary as
<br /> attorney �n fact ta ��gn Trustor's narn.e or pay an� amoun� necessar�r for pe�rf�rrnance. Beneficiary's r��h� �o perform for
<br /> Trustor shal� not crea�e an obl�gation �a perform, and Benef�c�az�r's failure to perform wi�� no� pr�clude Beneficiaz-� fxarn
<br /> e��rc�s�n�an��f Beneficiary'��ther rights und��r�he 1av� or th�s Securi�y �nstrument, �f any cflnstruc�i�n on the Pr�p�r�y �s
<br /> discont�nued or not carried �n xn a reas�nabXe manner, Bene�ciary may take aII steps necessary to protect Benef�c�ary's
<br /> secur��y�n�erest in�he Frflper�y, in��ud�ng comple�zan of the construct�on.
<br /> 12. ASSI�NM�NT �F LEASE� AND �.ENTS. Trustor irrevocably assigns, grants and �on�eys, to Trus�ee, in�rust fnr the
<br /> benef�t of Ben�ficiary as add�t�ona.� se�uri�� a�l �he righ�, ti�le and interest xn the fol�a�zn� �a�� referred ta as Proper�y};
<br /> exis�inb ❑r fu�ure leas�s, subleas�s, lic�nses, guaran��es and an� o�he� writ�en o�r v�rbal ag�reernen�s f�� the use and
<br /> ac�:upancy of�he Prflperty, in�luding any extiensYans, renewals, mfldificat�ons �� repiacements �a�l referred �a as Leases};
<br /> and rents, �ssues and pr�f�ts �a�� r�ferred to as Rents�, �n the e��nt any �tem listed as Leases ar Ren�s is d�t�rrnined to b�
<br /> per�onal property, �hzs Ass�gnm�nt vvi��al�o be r�garded as a security agreement. Trus�o�r�vill prampt�y pr�vid�Bene��ciary
<br /> wi�h cop�es af the Leases and �vz�� certify �hese Leases are true and correc�copies, The existing Leases wzll be prov�ded on
<br /> ex�cution of the Assignment, and aI� future Leases and any o�her infarma�i�n w�th respect ta these Leases will be�rovzded
<br /> �xrllmediate�y af�er �h�y are e�ecut�d. Trustor ma�r cal�ect, recez�e, en�a� and use �he Rents so lan� as Trustor zs nat in
<br /> defaul�.
<br /> Upon d�fau��, "�rustar w��� receive a.ny Rents �n trus� for Benef�ciary and v���l not commin�le �he Rents v��th any other
<br /> funds. Trustar agrees that�hzs Security �ns�rurnent �s imme�YateZy effec�lve be�ween Trus�or and B�nef�ciary a�d�ffeG��ve as
<br /> �o th�rd parties on�he recard�ng�f�h�s �.ssignrnent. As�ong as th�s Assignm�n�zs in effe�t, Trustor warran�s and r�presen�s
<br /> �hat no default exists under�he Leases, and the par��es �ubject ta the Leases hav� not violated any appl�cab�e�aw on�eases,
<br /> �icenses and �and�ords and tenan�s.
<br /> 13. LEASEII�LDS; C[lND�MINI�JIVIS; PLAN�ED I�NIT DE'�'EL�PNIENTS. Trustor agrees to cornply �u��h �he
<br /> pr��xszons of an� l�ase if th�s Securx�y Ins�rurnen� is on a leasehald. �f the Proper�y includes a unit in a condominium a�- a
<br /> pianned unit deve�opment, Tru�t�r tiv�ii perfarm ali af Trustar's du�ies under the cavenants? by�Iaws, a�r regulat��ns �f�he
<br /> condnxninium ar planned unit de�e�apment.
<br /> �� (page 2 af 4�
<br /> [] 1994 Walters Kltrw�r Financia�Services-8ankers SystemsTM Farm RE-�T-NE 1�l'I 5J2Qa6 �
<br /> VN�P�-C'1�54NEj tv�as�
<br />