<br /> aEEa o� TRus-r
<br /> Lnan Na: 'I�'1287375 ��ont�nued� Page �
<br /> Compliance Qefault. Failure t❑ �amply wi�h any other terrn, obligation, covenan� or condi�ion �an�ained �n this
<br /> �e�d of Trust,the Note or in any a�the R�lated Docurnen�s.
<br /> De�ault on��her Payments. Fa[lure of Trus�ar�nrithin the time required by�his Deed❑F Trust to malce any paymen�
<br /> for�axes or insurance,or any other payment necessary to preven�filing vf�r ta effe�t discharge of any�ien.
<br /> False 5�ta#ernents. Any representation ar statem�nt made or furnished to Lender by Trustar or on Trustor's beha�f
<br /> under this De�:d af Trust or�he Relat�d Documents is false ar misleadEng in any ma�erial respect, ei�her now ❑r a�
<br /> th�time made or furnished.
<br /> Defe�t��e Collat�raIizativn. This Deed o� Trus� or any ❑f the Rela�ed ❑ocuments ceases ta �e in ful[ farce and
<br /> effec� �including �ailure ❑f any �olfatPral dacument�o �reate a �alid and perfected security int�r�st ar Eieny at any
<br /> time and for any reason.
<br /> Death or Insolvency. The d�ath of Trusfior,the insol�en�y❑f Trustor, the appain�ment of a receiver f�r any part of
<br /> Trustar's property, any assignmen� for the benefi� o� creditars, any type �f credi�or workout, �r �he
<br /> camm�ncemant of any pr�ce�ding under any bankruptcy or insol�rency laws by�r againsfi Trustar.
<br /> Taking �f the Properfiyx Any creditor or goU�rnmental agency tries ta take any a� the Property ❑r any ❑the� ❑�
<br /> Trustar's praperty in which Lender has a lien. This includes talcing ofi, garnishing of or l��ying ❑n Trusfiar's
<br /> ac�ounts with Lender. Howe�er, if Trust�r disputes in gaod �ai�h whether �he �laim on which fihe taking of the
<br /> Prap�rty is based is �alid or reas�nable, and i� Trustor �ives Lender written n�tice vf �khe claim and furnishes
<br /> Lend�r with m�ni�s or a surety bond sa�is�fa��ory to Lender to sa��sfy the claim, then this default pro�ision will not ,
<br /> apply.
<br /> greach o#0#her Agreement. Any br�ach b�Trustor und�r the terms of any�ther agreement he-kween Trustor and
<br /> Lender �ha� is na� remedied wi�hin any grace p�riod provided ther�in, including withaut limitation any agreement
<br /> can��rning an�indebfedness or other abligation of Trustor tv Lender, whether existing now❑r la�er.
<br /> E�ents A�fecting Guarant�r. Any ❑f the pr�ceding e�ents ❑ccurs with res�ect �❑ any Cuarantor of any of th�
<br /> Ind�bt�dness ar any Guaranta� dies ❑r bec�mes incarnpet�nt. ❑r revokes ❑r disputes �he �a�idity af, or iiability
<br /> under, any Guaranty of the �ndebtedness.
<br /> �nsecurity. Lender in gaad�Fai�h believes itseif insecur�.
<br /> Exis#ing Indebtedness. The payment❑f any ins�aflment ofi prin�ipa! or any interest ❑n the Exis�ing Indebtedness is
<br /> n�t made�rvithin the tim� re�u�red by the prornissory not� evidencing such indebtedness, ❑r a default accurs under
<br /> the instrumen�securing su�h indeb�edness and is nat �ured during any appli�able grace perifld in such instrument,
<br /> ar any suit�r�ther action is cnmrn�nced�o fareclose any existing lien on the P�operty.
<br /> Righ��o Cure. If any defiaul�, other than a d�fault in paymenfi, is curabie and if Trustor has not been gi�en a notice
<br /> of a breach❑f the same p�'oWisian of this Deed a�Trust within the preceding �welve �12} months, it may b�cured if
<br /> Trus�tar, after Lender s�nds written no�ice ta Trustor demanding cure�f such d�fau�t: {1} �ur�s the defauit within
<br /> ten ���y days; or {2� if the cur�requires m�re than ten �1�} days, imm�diat�ly initiates �teps which Lender deems
<br /> in L�nder's s�le discretion�❑ be sufficient to cure the defaul�and therea�Fter Gontinues and cample�es all reasana�le
<br /> and necessary s�eps su�fEcient t� produce campliance as saon as reasanably practical.
<br /> RIGHTS AND RElUIEDIES ON DEFAULT. if an Event af Default occurs under this aeed ❑f Trust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustee Qr Lender may ex�rcise any one flr mor�of ths fa�lo►nring righ�s and�ernedies:
<br /> A�celerafiion Upon Default;Additional Remedies. If any E��nt of Default�ccurs as per�he terms of the Note
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare all lndeb�edness secur�d by this Qeed�f Trusfi#o be due and payabl� and
<br /> the same shall�hereup�n be�ome due and payable withou�any pr�sentrnent, dernand, pro�est❑r notiGe of any
<br /> Icind, Thereafter, L�ndar may�
<br /> �a� E�ther in person ar by agent, wi�h ❑r without bringing any ac�ion ❑r praceeding, or by a rece��er
<br /> appainted by a �ourt and v�ri�haut regard to the ad�quacy of its securit�, enter upan and kake passessian
<br /> ot the Property, �r any part th�reofi, in its❑wn name ❑r in�he name ❑f Trustee, and do any�c�s which it
<br /> deems necessary❑r desirable ta preserve the Walue, marketab�lity or rentabili�y❑�F the Praperty, or part vf
<br /> the Pr�perty or interes� in the Proper#y; increase the income frvm the Property �r protecfi�he se�uri�y vf
<br /> the Praperty; and, with ar w�thout talcing posscssian �f �he Property, sue for or otherwise coll�ct the
<br /> rents, 155ULS and prafits af the Praperty, including �hose past due and unpaid, and apply th� same, [ess
<br /> costs and expenses❑�opera�ion an�l�ollec�ion attorneys' feesr fo any indehtedness secured by�his Deed
<br /> of Trust, all in such order as Lender may de�ermine. The entering upan and taking possession ofi �he
<br /> Prop�rt�, the call��tian ot su�h rents, issues and prafits, and �he appiicat�on thereof shall nat cure ❑r
<br /> waive any defaul�❑r natic� of d�fault under this Deed af Trus�l or inWa�idate any act don� in respanse to
<br /> such default�r pursuant�k❑such noti�e of default; and, notwithstanding�he can�inuance in passession ❑f
<br /> the Property or the coll�ction, receipt and appfication ❑f rents, issues or pr��1�5� Trus�ee �r Lender shall
<br /> b� en�i�led ta exer�ise every right pr�vided f�r in the Nate or the Rela�ed Docum�n�s or by law upon�he
<br /> occurrence��any��en�of de�Fault, inc�uding the right to�xer�ise the power of sale;
<br /> �by Commence an a�tion to foreclase this DaGd af Trust as a rnor�gage, appaint a recei�er�r spe�ifically
<br /> enf�rce any of the c��enants her�of; and
<br />