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��15�455� <br /> B�RR��VE�R��VENA�T'TS that Barrower is lawfull�seis��.of the estate here�y canv�yed arid ha.s th�right to <br /> grant and con�ey the Prapert�and that the Property is unencurr�er�d, except for encumbrances of record. <br /> Sorrower wa�rants and will defend gener�Il.y the�i�le to the Property against a11 clain�s and demands, su�ject to <br /> any e�cum�rances of re�ord. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT camhines unifarm cov�nants for natiQnal use and non-urufarm co�enants with <br /> limited variatiQn��y jurisd.i�ion ta constitute a uniform security instrument covering r�ea1 property. <br /> U n if orm C av�na nts. B�rrovver and Lender co�en�nt ar�d agree as follows: <br /> 1, Pa�ment of Principal, lr�terest, Es�r�w ltems, Prepayment Char�es, and Late Charges. Barrower <br /> shall pay wh�n due the prxnc�pal of, and interest vn, the debt evidenc�d�a�the I�T�te and any prePaYment <br /> charg�es and late charges due under the Note. Borr�wer sh�11 a�so pay funds f�r Escraw Items pursuant tv <br /> Sec�ian 3. Payments du{e under the Nv�e�nd thi� Security Ins�.ument s�.11 be mad�in U.S. currency. <br /> H�we�er, if arYy ch�ck ar other ulstiumer�receiyed by Lender as pa�m�ent ur�der the Note or this 5ecurity <br /> Inst�ument i�returned to Lender unpa.ld, Lender may re��we t}aat any ar a1I subsequent paymen�s due un,der <br /> �he Note and�h�is Security Instniment�e rnade in ane or more af the following fvrms, as s�Ie�ted by Lender: <br /> �a}cash; �b)money order; �c�c�rtif'�ed check, bank�heck, treasur�er's check or cashier's check, provi�ed any <br /> such check is drawn upon an inslitution wh�ss�deposits are in�ured hy a federa�agen�y, ir�strumentality, or <br /> entity; or�d)Electrvruc Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments ane�eemed r+e�eived by Lender wh�n recei�ed at the 1o�ation designated i�n the Nate vr at such <br /> other lo�ation as may be designated by Lender in accardance�vith t�notice pro�isions�n Se�ction 15. <br /> Lender may r+eturn ar�y payrnent or partia�payment�f'the paymen�vr partial payments ar�insuff'�cient t� <br /> brin�the Lnan current. Lender may accept any payn�nt ar partial payrn�n�insufFcient to bring the Loan <br /> current, wYthaut waiver of any rights hereund�r or prejudice to its rights to refuse such paym�nt or partial <br /> pa.Ymex�,s in the fuh�e,�ut Lender is not o�ligated to apply svch payments at the�me such pa.ymen�s are <br /> ar�cepted. If eaeh Periadic Pa�ment�applied as of its sc�eduled due da.te, then Lender need nat pay interest <br /> on unapplied funds. Lender may hald such u.napplied funds until Borrower makes payments to hring t�ie <br /> Loan curren�t. If Borrower does nat do sv within a reasonable period of time, Lender sha.11 either apply such <br /> funds�r return th�m t�Borrower: If not applied ear�ier, such funds will be applied to the�utstanding <br /> principal ba�ance under th�e No�e unmed�ately priar t�foreclosure. No affset ar c�a�rn which Barrower nugh� <br /> have na�v or in the future again�t Lender sha�l reli�ve Borrower from m�king paym�nts due under the Note <br /> and t�iis Security Instn�xr�ent or performing th�e cover�an�s anc�a�r+eements secured�y this Security <br /> �nsttwnerrt. <br /> �. A pplicat ivn �f Paym ents �r P roceeds. Except as other�ise described in th�is�ection 2, a��payments <br /> accepted and applied�y Lend1er shall�e app�ied in th�following�rder�f priority: �a�i�rest due under the <br /> N�te; �b�PrinciPa.�due under the Note; ��)amaur�s due under Sec�ion 3. Such payment�shall be applied to <br /> each P�riadi�Payment in the�rder in which it became due. Any rernaining am�unts 5hali b�applied f�rst#o <br /> late�harges, second to any other amounts due ur�der#his Security In�ment, and�lien t�reduce the <br /> principal�alar�e of the Nate. <br /> If Le�der receives a pa.yment fr�m Bvrrower for a de�u�uent Peri�dic Payrnen�which�n�ludes a su.f�'�cient <br /> am�unt ta PaY anY 1ate charg�due, the payment may�e appl�ed t�the deiinquent payment and the late <br /> charge. If mare than one Perioclic Payment is outstanding, Lender may apply any paymen�received from <br /> Borrower tQ th�e repaymer�t of the Periodic Paym�nts if, and to the extent tha�, each paym�nt can be paid in <br /> full. To the extent tha�any excess ex�sts after the p�a.yment�s app�ied tv�he full payment of�ne or more <br /> Peri�di�Payments, such excess may be applied t�any�ate�harges due. Voluntary prepayments shall he <br /> applied�rst to any pnepayment�harges and th�n as described in the Note. <br /> �2Da518738 ❑VBNE <br /> N�RA5KA-5ingie Fam�ly-FannEe�AaelFreddie Mac LJNIFDRM 1NSTRlJIN ENT Farm 3D28 1101 <br /> YMP� VMPB�NE}�13Q2] <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial SQrvices P�����f'� <br />
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