<br /> satisfaction, pro�ided tha�such ir�spection shall be under�aken promptly, L�nder m�y pay for the repairs
<br /> and restorativri in a single di�bursement�r in a series�f progress pa�ments as�he�vark i�compl�ted.
<br /> Unle��an agr�em�nt is made in writing or App�icable Law requires intere�t to be paid on such
<br /> Miscellane�us Pmc�eds, Lender sha11 n�t be r�quired t�pay Borro�c�ver any int�rest or earnings on su�h
<br /> Miscellaneous Proce�.s. Lf the restara.t�on�r repa.ir i�nvt econamically feasit�le�r Lend�r's security would
<br /> b�lesser�d, the Miscellaneous Pro�eeds shall be applied to the sums secur�d by this Securifiy Inst7ument,
<br /> whe�her or not then due, with the�xcess, if any, paid to Bortower. Such N1�sce�ianeous Proc�eds shall.be
<br /> applied in the order provided for in Sect.�on 2.
<br /> In the even�of a total taking, des�ru�tion, or loss in�aiue of the Pmperty, th�Miscel�ane�us Prac�eds shall
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by�his Security Instnim�n� whether or nat then due, with th,e exc�ss, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrow�r.
<br /> In t�e event of a pa�ial tal�ing, de�tru�ion, or lass in value�f the Prvperty in w�rich the fair rnarket value of
<br /> the Propert�imm�edia�el�before the partia�taking, destruction, �r l�ss in�alue is equal to or greater th�an the
<br /> amount of the sums seeured by this �e�urity Instrun�ent irnmedia�ely before the pa.rtia�taking, destru�ian, or
<br /> �oss in value, unless Borrower and Lerlder otherwise agree in writing, the sums s�ecured by this Security
<br /> Inst�ument sha11 be reduced by the amount of�lie Miscellaneous Prace�ds multip��ed��#he following
<br /> frac��n: (a}the tot�l amount of the sums secured imrnediate�y before the parp.al takin�, de5'trixCt[�n, or 1pS5
<br /> in�alue divided by�h}the fair rn,arket value of�he Pro�rty immediately bef�r+e the partia��aking,
<br /> destru�tion, or loss in�alue. Any balance shall he paid t�Borr�wer.
<br /> In the�ent of a partial tak�ng, destnuction, Qr loss in�a�ue of the Property in w�uch the fa.ir marl�et�alue of
<br /> � the Praperty irnmedi�tely befvne the par�a�tak�ng, destruction, or l�ss in valu�is l�ss than the am�unt of the
<br /> surns secured immediately befare the partial taking, destrt.iction, or lvss in�a�ue, unless Borrower and
<br /> Lender otherwise agr�e in writing, the Miscel�aneaus Prviceeds shall be a�plied t4 th�e sums secured hy this
<br /> Security Ins�ment w�ther or not the sums are then due,
<br /> If the Property is abandan�d by B�rrvwer, or if, after no�ice�y Lender to Bvrrower that the npposing Par�y
<br /> �as def�ned in the next sentence�offers ta rnrake an award to settle a c�aim fvr damages, B�rrower fails to
<br /> respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is giv�n, Lender i�authari�ed ta��llect and app�y
<br /> �he MiscellaneauS Proceeds either to restoration or repair of the Prvperty or to th�e sums secured by this
<br /> Security�nstrument, whether�r n4t then due. "�]pPosing FartY" means the third party that�vr�es Borrower
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds vr th�party against whom H�rr�vver bas a right af action in regard tv�s�ellane�us
<br /> Frviceeds.
<br /> Borrower shall b�in defar�t�f any a��ian or proceecling, whether�i�il or crinunal, is begun tha�, in Lender's
<br /> ,judgment, could resul�in farfeiture of the Property or other material impairment of Lender's�nter�st in the
<br /> Pr�pe�ty or rights un�er this Security Ins�trument. Borrower�an cure such a default and, if acceleratifln ha.s
<br /> vccurred, reinstate as pro��ded in Section 19, by causing the activn or proceedu�g t��e d�smissed with a
<br /> ruling t.�at, in L�nder's judgment, precludes farfeiture of the Property or other rn�teria�impairrne�t of
<br /> ' Lender's�nt�r+est in th�e Pro�rty or rights under this Secur�ty�nstrument. Th�pr��eeds of any award�r
<br /> c�ai.m for damtage5 that are attx�ibu�le to th�impa.irm�nt of Lender's inter�st in the Pruperty are h�re�y
<br /> ass�gned and shall be�aid ta Lender.
<br /> A�1 Miscellaneous Froceeds�hat are not applied to restoration or repair of t.�e Prop�rty shall be applied in the
<br /> order provided for in Se�lion 2.
<br /> 27dd5i 8736 D VfiNE
<br /> NEBRA5ICA-SE�gle Family-Fannre MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM fNSTRIJM ENT Form 3D28 11�1
<br /> VMP� V M P��NE��9 3aZ)
<br /> W altars ICiuw�r Financiaf Serrr�r,es Page�4 0#17
<br /> 3
<br />