<br /> �EED �F TRU�T.
<br /> ��ar�t�nued� P��e 4
<br /> Trust, this event shall ha�e the same effe�t as an Even� of Defau�t, and Lender may exercise any ar all af its
<br /> a�ailabl� remedies fvr an E�ent of De�Fault as pra�ided bel�w unless Trustar eifiher 4'!} pays �he tax befvre ��
<br /> becomes delinquent, ❑r ��} can�ests the ta�c as prvvided abo�e in �he Taxes and Liens s�ction and dep�sits wi�h
<br /> L�nder�ash ar a su�fi�ient cot�p�rate surety b�nd or ather securi�y satisfac�ory to Lender.
<br /> SE�URITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The faiiawing pravisions relating ta this Deed �� Trust as a
<br /> seGurity agreemen�are a part af this D�ed of T�-ust:
<br /> 5ecurity Agreem�n#. This instrument shall G01�5tI�L1�B a Security Agreement to the extent any o� the Prvperty
<br /> �onstitutes fixtures, and Lender shall have alf of th�rights o�a se�ured parky unde�-th�Uniform �vrnmer�ial Cade
<br /> as arnended fram tirne tv time.
<br /> 5ecurity �nterest. Upon request by Lender, Trustor shall take whatever actian is requested by Lender ta perfect
<br /> and cantinue Lender's securi�y interes�in the Rents and Persvnal Property. ln addition to recarding #his Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust �n the real property �-ecards, Lender may, at any time and without further authori�atian �rarn Trustor, fiCe
<br /> executed counterparts, copies nr repraduGtivns afi this Deed a� Trust as a fnancing statement. Trustor shall
<br /> �eimburse Lender for all expenses incurred in perFecting or cvn�inuing �his security interest. Upon default, T�ustor
<br /> shall not remo�e, se�er❑r d�tach the Personal Praperty from �he Property. lJpon d�faul#, Trustor sha11 assemble
<br /> any Personal Property not affixed to the Praperty in a manner and a�a place reasonably can�enient�❑Trus�or and
<br /> Lender and rnake it a�ailable#o Lender within th�ee �3} days a�ter re�eip� af writ�en d�rnand from L�nder to the
<br /> exten�p�rmit�ed by applicable iaw.
<br /> Addresses� The mailing address�s of Trus�or �d�btar} and Lender (secured par�y} firom which informativn
<br /> concerning the security interest granted by this ❑eed of Trusf may be obtained ��ach as required by the Uni�nrm
<br /> Commereia�Code}are as stated an the first page�f this Deed a�T�-ust.
<br /> FEJRTHER ASS�RANCES; ATT4RNEY-IN-FACT. The fvllowir�g pravisior�s rela#ing #o further assurances and
<br /> attarney--in-fac�are a part of this Deed vf Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. �4t any t�me, and from�ime to fime, upan request o�Lender, Trustor wif! make, execut�and �
<br /> del E�er, flr wi I1 c�use�o b�made,�xec�.rted ar def i�ered,ta Lender ar ta Lender`s designee,and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause tv be filed, recorded,refiled, or rere�orded, as the case may be, at such�irne5 and in such offces
<br /> and places as Lender may de�m appropriate,any and alr sud�mor�gages, d�o�iru�t, securi�y deeds, �e�urity
<br /> agreements, fin�n�ing sta�emenfs, oan�inuation stafernents, instruments af furkher assuranae, certificates, and
<br /> �ther dacumen�s as may,in the sole opinion pfi Len�ier, be nec�essary or desirable in order to effec�ua�e, camp�ete,
<br /> p��Fect, �ontinue, vr preserve �'l} Borrower's and Trustor's ablrgat��n��rnder the�late, this �e�d af Trust, and
<br /> the R�lated D��umen�s, and �2} the liens and se�urity i nterests C�'eated by th[5 De�d of Trust as fi rst and pr"rar
<br /> liens an�he Property, whether now owr�ed vr h�rea�ter�cquired �y Trusf�r. Unless prohibited by!aw or Lender
<br /> agrees ta th�contrary in writing,Trustvr sha�� reimburse Lend�r�or ail costs and expens�s inGurred in connec�ion
<br /> with the matters re�err�d to rn�his p�ragraph.
<br /> Attvrney-in-Fac�. ��Trustar�ails fio do any of the things referred to in the p�eoeding paragraph, Lender may da so
<br /> f�r and in the name of Trustor and at Trustar"s expense. For such purposes,Trustor hereby irr�vacably appoints
<br /> Lender as Tru�tor's attorney-in-fa�fvr the purpose a�makinc�,executin�,delivering,f�ing, reoording, and doing all
<br /> other things as may be neoes�ary or desirable, in Lender's svle opinion, t❑ ac�omplish the matters referred t� in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> F�LL PERFDRN�ANCE. If Borrpwer and Trustor pay aIl the [ndebtedne.ss when due,and Tn.�stv�otherwise pertom-�all
<br /> the obligations impased upon Trustor under this�]eed of Trus�,Lender shall execute and deliver to Trusfee a requ�sfi�or
<br /> full recon�eyance and shall execut�and d��i�er to Trus�ar suitabfe s�a�ements af terminativn Qf any financing s�atemen�
<br /> on file e�idencing Lender's se�urity in��rest in the F�ents an��he Personal Prpperty. Any recon�eyance�e�r�quired by
<br /> �aw sha�(be paid by Trus�ar,if permitted by applicabie law.
<br /> � EVENTS�F DEFAL]LT. Ea�h of#he fallowing, at Lender`�option, sha!! canstitu�e an E�ent❑f Default under this D�ed
<br /> of Trust:
<br /> Payment❑efault. Borrawer fails to make any payment when due und�r the Indebte�iness.
<br /> �ther Defaults. BorrQwer vr Trustor fails �a comply wi�h ar t� pe�fiorm any�ther terrn, ob��gation, �a�enant or
<br /> con�ition cantained in this �eed�f Trust ar in any af�he Related Dvcuments ar to camply wi�h or�o perform any
<br /> �erm,c�bligatian,covenant�r c�nditi�n cnn�ained in any other agreemen�between Lender and Barrowe��r Trust�r.
<br /> Gvrnpliance Defau�#. Failu�e to comply wi�h any ❑ther term, ob�igation, covenant or candition �antained in this
<br /> Deed❑fi Trust,the Nvte or in any ofi the Related flacuments.
<br /> Default an�ther Payments. Failure af Trus�vr within the time �equired by this Deed o�Trust fo ma�Ce any payment
<br /> �or�axes or insurance,❑r any❑th�r payment necessary ta prev�nt filing of or to effec�discharge of any lien.
<br /> Default �r� Fa�qr of Thi�d Parties. Should Borrower or any Grantor default under any I�an, extension o� cred�t,
<br /> security agreement, pur�hase vr sa�es a�re�ment,ar any ather agreemen�, in fa�or❑f any�ther cred�tor or persan
<br /> that may materially affe�� any of Bvr�owe�-'s or any �rantor`s property ar Bvrrawer's abif ity ta repay the
<br /> lndebfiadness❑r Borr�wer's or Grantvr's ab�lity to per#�rm�heir respe�tiv� abligatians under this I]eed o�Trust or
<br /> any o�the Related Dacumen�s_
<br /> False�tatements. Any warranty, repressntat�on or s�atement mad�or furnished t❑Lender hy Bar�-awer❑r Trustor
<br /> or on 6�rrovver's or Trus�or's behalf under�his De�d a�Trust�r the Rslated Dv�uments �s�a�se or mislead[ng �n
<br /> any ma#erial resp�ct, ei�her now or at the �ime made ❑�-furnished ❑r becvmes false Qr misleading at any�ime
<br /> �hereafter.
<br /> Defective �a�lateral�zation. This Deed of Trust ar any af the Related Docurnen�s c�ases to b� in fiu Il �arce and
<br /> effect �in�fuding failure of any cnIlateral dacumen�to create a va�id and perfe�ted securFty interest or l�en}at any
<br /> time and for any reasan.
<br /> Death vr Insolr►ency. The death of 6orrower vr Trus�ar,fhe insofvency of Borrvwer ar Trusfo.r,�he appointment v�
<br /> a recei��r for any part o�Borrower's❑r Trustar's property, any assignment far the benefi�of cred��ors, any typ� of
<br /> creditar workout, or the camm�ncement a�any praGe�ding under any bankruptcy or insolvency�aws by�r against
<br /> Borrower ar Trustor.
<br /> Creditor or Fartei�ur� Praceed�ngs. Commencement vf foreclasure or forFeitu re proceedings, whether by judiciaf
<br /> praceeding, self help, repassessian or any other rneth�d, by any creditor Qf Borrower ar Trustor or by any
<br /> g�vernrnental agency against any praperty securing the In�ebtedness. Th�s includes a garnishrnent ❑f any of
<br /> Borrower's or TrustQr's accaunts, inc�uding deposit accounts, with Lend�r. Howev�r, this E�ent of De�ault shall
<br /> not apply if�here is a gvod �aith dispute by Bar�Qwe�or Trustor as�a �he validity ar reasonableness of the claim
<br /> whi�h is the basis❑f�he Cr�ditor ar�orfeitur� proceeding and if Borrvwer or T�-us�or gi�es Lender wr�tten notice❑�
<br /> the Greditor ar fo�feiture prviceeding and depasits with Lender mvnies or a sure�y hond far the creditar or�orfei�ure
<br /> prviceeding,in an amount deterrnined by Lender, in its sole d�s�retivn,as�eing an adequa�e reserve❑r bvnd far�he
<br /> dispute.
<br /> Breach o#flther Agreement. Any breaGh by Barrvwer or Trus�vr under the terms vf any other agreement b��nreen
<br /> Borrower or Trustvr and Lender that is not rernedied within any grace perEad pra�ided therein, includtng �rvi�hvut
<br />