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Z�15��719 <br /> 11. E�VIR�NMENTAL LA�rS AND HA�ARDQUS SUBSTANCES. As used in this section, <br /> �1} Environmental Law means, without limitation, the Camprehens�ve En�rironmental. Response, <br /> Gompensatian and Liab���.ty Ac� (CERCLA, 42 V.S.C. 96�1 et seq.}, and all o�her fed�ral, state and Iacal <br /> laws, regulations, ordYnances, cour� ord�rs, attorney general apixuons or interpret�.ve Ietters cancerning the <br /> pubiic health, safety, welfar�, environm.ent or a hazardvus substanc�; and�2} Hazardou.s Su�as�ance means any <br /> toxic, radiaactive or hazardous mat�rial, waste, pollutant �r contaminant which has charac�er�stics which <br /> render the substance dangerous or pot�ntially dang�raus t� the public health, safety, welfare or environment. <br /> The term includes, vvYthout Iimi.tation, any substances defined as "hazardous material," "toxic �ubstances,"' <br /> "hazardous waste" or "hazardaus substan.c�"under any Env�ranmental Lav�r. <br /> Trustor represen�s, warrants and agrees� <br /> A.Except as previously di�cl�sed and ackn�wledged in writing to Beneficiary, no Hazardous 5u�s�ance is <br /> ar will be lacated, stored or released on or in the Propex�y. Thi� restriction does not apply ta small <br /> quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recogn�zed ta be apprapriate for the normal use <br /> and ma.intenance af the Property. <br /> B. Except as pre�iously disclosed and acknowledged xn writing to Beneficiary, Trustor and ev�ry tenant <br /> have b�en, are, and sha11 remain in fulX campiianc��w�.th an�applicable En�ironmenta�Law. <br /> C.Trustor shall immediately natify Benefxciar�if a rel�ase or thr�atened re�ease of a Ha.2ardaus Substance <br /> oGcurs on, under or about the Prapexrty ar there is a��oiation of any Environmenta.�Law concerning the <br /> Property. In such an event, Trustor shall take alI necessary remedia� actian in accordan�e �vi�h any <br /> Environm�ntai Law. <br /> D.Trus�or sha11 imm�diat�ly natify Ben�fxcxary in writing as saon as Trus�or has reason to believe there is <br /> any pending or threa�ened in�restigat�on, ciaim, �r proceeding r�lating ta the release �r threatened <br /> release af any Ha.�ardous 5ubstan��ar the violation❑f any En�rronmental Law. <br /> 12. ES�R�W F�R TA�ES A1�1D INSUF�AN�E. Unless otherwise pro�ided in a separa�e agreement, Trust�r <br /> wil.l n�t be r�quired ta pay to Beneficiary funds far taxes and xnsuran��in escrow. <br /> 13. JC]INT AND I1�TDT�'IDUAL LIA►.EILITY; �Q-SIGNERS; SUCCESS�RS ANI] ASSIGNS S�UND, A11 <br /> duties under this Security Instrument are j oint and �ndividual. If Trustor signs this Security Ynstrument but <br /> daes not sxgn an �vidence of d�bt, Trustor daes so only to martgage Trustar"s interest �n the Proper�y ta <br /> secure payment af the Secured Dei�t and Trustor does not agree ta�e personally Iia�ie an the Secured Debt. Zf <br /> this Se�urity �nstrument secures a guaran�y b�tween Beneficiary and Trustor, Tru�tor agrees ta wa.i��re any <br /> rights that may prevent Benefzciary from bringing any action or c�aim against Trustor or any party indebted <br /> under the obiigatifln. These r�ghts may include,bu�are not I�mited�o, any ant�-deficiency �r ane-action Iaws. <br /> The duties and henefi.ts of�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rument shall bind and benefit the successars and ass�gns of Trustor <br /> and Benefi�iary. <br /> 14. SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATI�N. This 5ecurity Lnstrument is complete and fully integrated. This <br /> Security �nstrument may not �e amended ar mad�fied by orai agreem�nt. Any section in this Security <br /> Ynstrument, a�ta�hments, or any agreement related ta the Secured Debt that c�n�licts with applicable�aw will <br /> not be effecti�e, unless that law expressly ar impli�dly p�rmit� the vari.atxans by writ�en agreement. Zf any <br /> section of�hxs Security Ins�rument cannot be enfarced according ta its terms, that section will be severed and <br /> wili not affe�� th.e enforceabilYty �f the remainder of this Securx�r �nstrument. Whenever used, �he singular <br /> shaY.l include the p�ural and the plural the s�ngular. The captions and headings af the sections of this Security <br /> Instrument are for �on�enience only and are n�t tfl be used to interpret ar define the t�rms �f th�s Security <br /> Instrument. Time is of the essence in this Security Instrument. <br /> 15. SITC�ESS�R TRUSTEE. BeneficYary, at Benefrc�ary's aption, may from t7m� �o time remov�Trus�ee and <br /> appo�nt a successar trustee withaut any other farmal�ty than the designation in writing. Th�5uccessor trustee, <br /> withaut canveyance af the Praperty, shall succeed��"a1�`t�e�i��k�w�er�-�d�cY��onferr�d upan Trustee by <br /> this SeGurity�nstrument and applicable la�. �='�-= � :;�`-.`����`{����.-�`'�..�: _K':��' �� � <br /> �( .Hx:r}"Y."'[',�"' ,?.�.yl'T _� p' <br /> �g *I�T :1 4-f 4� '.:� �6 <br /> i "��. 1�". �N Y <br /> Y i.'i.....-µ� .s.•►�� �w1 R• d �'� F. <br /> � ,:��K ' -�G. '. <br /> v: F? '.rY �' u�� K�:'����• `'TM--•� <br /> � i r:_'E.��:"''}', y:kw r•�'t:^.r:, _. -. �� <br /> 16. NDTICE, Unless otherwxse required b� 1aw, any��c�`��e�As�a:������=-���n-�����d���r��-�ing it or by ma.iling i� by <br /> �irst class mai� Co �he appropriate party's address an page I of this Se�urity Instrum�nt, ar to any �ther <br /> address designated xn writing. Not�ce to one trustor wil� h� deemed ta be natxce to aIi trustors. Trustor and <br /> Beneficiary h�reby request a cnpy af any notice of default, and a copy of any notice af sale thereunder, be <br /> mailed�a �ach parry at the address for such par�y set for�h an page �. af this Securi�y�nstrument. <br /> 17. �V'AIVERS. Ex�ept �o the extent pr�hibxted by law, Trust�r waive� aIi appra�s�ment and hames�ead <br /> exemption rights relating to the Property. <br /> 1S. IfINE UF CR�DIT. The Secured I3e�t includes a r�vol�rYng lxne df credit_ Al�h�ugh the Secured D�bt may <br /> ��reduce�.to a 2ero ba�.ance, this Securi.ty�nstrument wil�remain�n effect untii release�. <br /> 5ecurity l�strument-Open-End-Cansumer-NE ❑CP-R�DT-NE 71212Q1� <br /> VMP�gankers 5ystemsT�^ VMP-C46�tIVE} t1 1 a7y.D4 <br /> 4Volters KEuwer Fin�ncia[Servi�es 01 99�,��'I'l Page�ot 6 <br />