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��15�4555 <br /> r <br /> � <br /> ' r <br /> I��1�-LTI�IIF�RM��VENANTS.Borrower and Lender further co�enant and agree as follaws: <br /> 7. Acc�leration; Itemedr�s. Lender shall giWe notice to Borrawer pri�r t� acc�leration <br /> following Borrower's brea�h of any co�enant or agreement in this Se�urity Instrument.The notice shall <br /> spe�ify: �a} the default; �b)the action required ta cure th�default; �c}a dat�, not less than 34 days from <br /> the date the noti�e is given to Bnrrower, by whi�h th�default rnust he eured; and(d) that failur�e ta�ure <br /> the default on or before the date specified in the n�tice may resu�t in ac�eleration uf the sums secured by <br /> this 5ecuri�y Instrument and sale of the Praperty.The nutice shal�further inform Borrvw�r of the right <br /> to r�instat�af'ter a�celerati4n and the right Ea bring a c4urt actian to ass�rt�he non-exis�en�e of a default <br /> ar any �ther defense af Borrower tv ae�eleratinn and sale. If the default is nat cured an or b�fare the <br /> date specified in the notice, Lender at its option may requ�re immediate payment in full of all surns <br /> secured by this Se�urity Instrument without further demand and may invoke the power af�ale and any <br /> ather remedies perrnitted by Applicable Law. Lender shall be entitled ta colle�t all expenses inCurred in <br /> pursuing the remedies pro�ided in this 5ection 7,inCluding,but n�t limited ta,reas�nah�e attorneys'fees <br /> and costs of title e�idence. <br /> �f#h�pawer of sa�e is in�aked,Truste�s�a�� recor-d a not�re of defa��t in ea�h county in which <br /> any part af the Praperty is located and shall mail copies vf such natice in the mann�r prescri�ed by <br /> Applicable Law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by Applicable Law. After the time <br /> required hy Appli�able Law, Trustee shail giWe public notice of sale to the persons and in the manner <br /> prescribed by Applicable �.,aw, Trustee, without d�rnand on Borrower, shall sell the Praperty at public <br /> auc�ian ta the highest bidder at the time and pla�e and under the terms designated in�he notice of sale in <br /> one ar more parcQls and in any order Truste�determines.Trustee may pastpon�sale af all or any parcel <br /> of the Praper�y by public annauncement�t the �ime and p�ace af any pre��aus�y schedul�d �ale. Lender <br /> or its dQsign�e may pur�hase the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon re�ei�t �f payment of the pri�e bid,Trustee shal� de�iver ta the pur�haser Trustee's deed <br /> �onv�ying th� Property. The re�itals in the Trust�e's deed shal� be prima fa�ie evidence �f the truth of <br /> the statements made therein.Trustee�hall apply the proc�eds af the sal�in the following order: (a}to all <br /> �osts and expenses of exer�ising the power of sale, and the sale, including#he payment of the Trustee's <br /> fees actual�y incurred and reasonahle attorneys' fees as permitted by Applicable Law; (b} to all sums <br /> secured by this S�rurity Instrument;and�c}any excess to the person or persons l�gaily entitted ta it. <br /> If the Lender's int�rest in this Serurity instrument is held hy the 5e�retary and the Se�retary <br /> ret�uires immediat� payment in fuXl under Paragraph 7 of the Subordinate 1�1at�, th� Secretary may <br /> �n�oke �he n�n-judi�ia! paw��-of sale praWided in the Sing�e Farrt��y I�or-tgage F¢reclvsure A�t of 1994 <br /> {"Act"y (1 Z U.S.C. 3751 et seq.} by requesting a iore�lasure cammissianer designated under the Act ta <br /> commence for�Closure and to sell the Property as pra�ided by the Act.Nothing in the pre�eding sentence <br /> sha�l depri�e the Secretary of any rights atherwise a�ailable ta Lender under this paragraph ar <br /> applicable law. <br /> S. Request for Notices. Borraw�r requests that copies of the notices of d�fault and saie be s�nt ta <br /> Borrower's addres�which i�the Property Address. <br /> 9. Substitute Trustee. L�nder, at its option, �nay from time t� time remo�e Trustee and appoint a <br /> �uccessor trustee ta any Trustee appo�nt�d h�reunder by an instrument recorci�d in the caunty in whi�h this <br /> Securi�y Instrum�nt is r��orded.�Vithout canveyance of the Prop�rty,the successor trustee sha�l succeed to al� <br /> the title,pawer and duti�s c�nferred upan Trustee herein and by Appl icable Lav��. <br /> 10. Re�on��yance. L]pan payment of ali sums secured by this ��curity Ins�rument, Lende� sha�[ <br /> request Trustee to recan�ey the Property and shall sur�-ender this Security Instrurnent and all notes e�iden�ing <br /> Partial Claims Agreem�nt 45�82�15_lOS 11208b9Q79 <br /> First Amerscan Mortgage 5er�ices Page 3 <br />