<br /> change of grade, ar for any other injury to or decrease in the value of the Property(collecti�ely,
<br /> the"Awards"};
<br /> k. Tax �ertiorari. All refunds, rebates or credits in c�nnection vvith reduction in real
<br /> estate taxes and assessments char�ed against the Property as a result of ta� certiorari �r any
<br /> applications or praceedings for reduction;
<br /> l. �hts. The right, in the name and on behalf of Borrower, to appear in and defend
<br /> any� action �r proceeding brought With respect to the Pr�perty and to c�mmence any action or
<br /> proceedin�to protect the interest of Lender in the Property;
<br /> m. A�reements. All agreements, contracts, certificates, instrument�, franchises,
<br /> Permits, licenses, plans, specifications and other documents, novv �r hereafter entered into, and
<br /> all rights therein and thereto, respecting ar pertaining to the use, occupati�n, c�nstruction,
<br /> mana�ement or�peration of the Land and any part thereof and any Impravements or any
<br /> business or activity conducted on the Land and any part thereof and all right, title and interest of
<br /> B�rr�Wer th�rein and thereunder, includin�, Without limitatian,the ri�ht, upon th�happenin�of
<br /> and during the continuance of any E�ent of Default, to receive and collect any sums payable to
<br /> B orroWer thereunder;
<br /> n. Intan i�bles. All tradenames, tenant or guest lists, advertising materials, telephone
<br /> exchan�e numb ers i denti fi ed in such materi al s, trademarks, servi cemarks, 1���s, c�pyri�hts,
<br /> goodvvill, books and records and all other general intan�ibles relating to or used in c�nnection
<br /> vvith the operation of the Propert�;
<br /> a. Accounts. All reserves, escroWs and deposit accounts maintained by Barrovver
<br /> vvith respect t�the Pr�perty�, includin�vvith�ut limitati�n, the Accounts and all ca�h, checks,
<br /> drafts, certificates, securities, investment property, financial assets, instruments and other
<br /> property held therein from time ta time and all proceeds, pradu�ts, distributions ar dividends ar
<br /> substitutions thereon and thereof(collectively, the"A��ounts"};
<br /> p. Accounts Receivabl e. Al l ri�hts, titl e and inter�st�f B orr�Wer ari sin�fr�m the
<br /> operation �f the Property in and to all pa�ments for goods or propert�� sold or leased or for
<br /> services rendered, �hether ar nat yet earned by performance, and nat evidenced by an instrument
<br /> or chattel paper, (hereinafter referred ta as "A�counts Re�ei�able"}including, without limiting
<br /> the generality of the foreg�ing, �i� all acc�unts, contract rights, bool� �lebts, and notes arising
<br /> from the operation of a mobile home park on the Property or arising fram the sale, lease or
<br /> exchan�e �f�oods or�ther property andlor the performance of services, �ii)Borrovver's ri�ht to
<br /> pay�ment from any consumer credit Icharge card organization or entity(such as, or similar to, the
<br /> ❑r�anization� �r entities vvhich sp�nsor and administer the American Express �ard, the Visa
<br /> �ard or the Mastercard}, (iii}Borrower's rights in, to and under all purchase orders for goods,
<br /> services or other property, (iv} Borrov�er's rights to any goods, ser��ices or ather property
<br /> repre s ented by any of the foregoi ng, (�}mani e� du e to �r to b ecom e due to B orr�vver under al1
<br /> contracts for the sale, lease or exchange of goods or other property andlor the perF�rmance of
<br /> services including the right to payment of any interest or finance charges in respect thereto
<br /> �v�hether or not yet earned by performance on the part of B�rr�wer} and �vi} all collateral
<br /> security and guaranties of any kind given by any person or entity vvith respect to any of the
<br /> 3
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