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<br /> T.T.S. BAI�T� 1MTATI�NAL .ASS�CI�TI��T, as Trustee for the �ertificateholders of
<br /> Citigroup �ommercial Martgage Securities Inc., �omme�cial Mortgage Pass-Through
<br /> �e�-�.ificates, S eries �013-��J 11 �`��Tatehoider"�, her�b� declares that it is the current lawful
<br /> o�vner-and hold�r of the indebtedness secured by that Deed of Trust, Securit� Agreement and
<br /> Assignmer�t of Lease� and Ren�s dated as �f March f, 2�13, origina�ly from �est Parl� P�aza
<br /> M�b�le Home Park, I.�LC, a I�elawar� lirni���1ia�ility c�mpany �"Borr�vv�r"�, to Firs�American
<br /> Title Insurance �ompax�y, as Trustee, for the benefzt of�itigroup �rl�bal Markets Rea�ty ��rp.,
<br /> as benefici �"�rzgxnal Lender"}, which was rec�rd�d nri the l lth da �f March, ��13, as
<br /> �Y Y
<br /> Instrument No, 2�13�1819 in the martgage records of Hall �aunty, Nebrasl�a �"M�rtgage
<br /> R�cards"}, as assigned pursuant to an assignment recorded as Instrument Na. ��13�5��1, �n
<br /> M�rtgage Records �as assigne�, the "Deed af Trust"), and fur�her secured b� that cer�ain
<br /> As�ignment �f Rents �"Ass�gnment of Rents"� rec�rded March �l, 2�13, as Instrument l�o.
<br /> 2��13�18��, in Mort�age Recards, as assigned pursuaxit to an assignment recorded as Instrument
<br /> N�. 2�13�5��2, in Martgage Records, and �r�gi.nal Lender has requested in writ�ng that this
<br /> D�ed of Recanveyan�e be executed and delivered.
<br /> In cansideration of such payment and in ac�ordan�� with the request of the beneficiary,
<br /> the Trustee reconveys ta the person ar persons enl:itled �hereto a11 the right, ti�tle, interest and
<br /> claim acquired by the Trustee pursuant ta the Deed�f Trust in the Prc��erty�as def�nec�below).
<br /> Notv�ithstanding th� re�onveyance of the I�eed �f Trust and the Assigr�ment of Rents as
<br /> provided herein, that certain Promissory I�Iate, made by Borrov�er, in fa�o�af�rigir�al Lender, �n
<br /> the pr�ncipal amaunt �f$59,4�D,��O,�� �the "Not�"}, �vhich is secured by the Deed of Trust and
<br /> .the Assignment of Rents, shal� remain in full force and effect and is no� cance�led anc� a1I
<br /> indemnities and ather ob�igati�ns u.nder the Deed of Trust and the Assignment of Rents vvhich,
<br /> b� their terms, survi�e a release �f th� Iien of the Deed of Trust and the Assignment of Rents
<br /> shall remain ix� ful� force and effect and are not cancell�d. The �bligations of B�rravver under the
<br /> N�t�e are ��xng a�sumed by Wacho�ia DefeasanGe �i�igroup ��13-��J 11 III LL�, a Del�aware
<br /> lim�t�d �iabxlity campan� �"Su�cess�r Borrower"}, pursuant t� �hat certa�r� D�feasance
<br /> As�ignine�zt, Assumption and Release Agreement dated as of the date hereof by and among
<br /> Barrawer, Success�r Borr�wer,N�tehalder and the other parties signatory theret�.
<br /> Furthermore, n�twi�hstanding anything to the contrar� conta�ned herein, the lien created
<br /> �gainst�he real property describ�d in the De�d of Trust�the"Prop�rty"� is released rn its ent�rety
<br /> and in aI�respects,Noteho�der shall have no c�ntinuing rights, interests or privileges whatsoever
<br /> with respect to the Prap�r�y, or any porti�n thereof, and Nateholder sha11 ha�e na rights of act��n,
<br /> . �����`��� �
<br />