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��15�4511 <br /> far th�repairs and restorati�n in a single paym�n�ar in a series of p�a��ess payments as�he w�rk is <br /> completed. If�he�nsurance or condemnation pr�c��ds are not sufficient�o repazr or restore the Property, <br /> Borrawer is nat relieved�f Borrovver`�obligation for�he�ornp�et�an�f such repair or restaration, <br /> Lend�r or its agent may mak�reasonab��entri�s upfln a�d�nspe��ians af the Pr�per�y, �f it has reasonable <br /> caus�, Lender ma�insp�ct the interiar of th�irnpra�em�nts on�he Proper�y. Lender shal�gi�e Borrower <br /> natice a�the time of�r pri�r ta such an in�eri�r inspe�tion spec�fy�ng such caus�. <br /> 8. Bvrrawer's L�an Applicatian.Borro�er sha�l be in defauit if, during�he Loan appli�at�on proces�, <br /> Borrow�r or any persons or ent�t�es ac�ing at the directian vf Borrawer or wi�h Barrawer's knovv�edge ar <br /> c�nsen�gav�mater�a�l�fals�, m�s�ead�ng, ax�naccu�-ate�nformation or�tatements to Lender�or failed�o <br /> pr��ide L�nder with rnaterial information}in cannection wi�h the Loan. Material representatians include, but <br /> are nat�imi�ed to, repres�nta�i�ns c�ncerning Borrawer's occupancy af the Property as Borrawer's pri�cipal <br /> r�s�dence. <br /> 9. Prv�ectivn of Lend�r's lnterest in the Property and Rights under this �ecuri�y Instrum�nt. �f�a� <br /> �3arrow�r fails ta perf�rrn the covenants and agreem�nts�anta�ned in this�ecurity Instrum�nt, �b}there is a <br /> lega�proc�eding that might significantly affeG�Lender's in�erest in the Prap�r�y andlnr rights under this <br /> Secur�t��nstrument�su�h as a proceedir�g in bar�krupt�y, probat�, for condemnatxon or forfe�ture, for <br /> enforc�men�of a��en which may a��ain pr�or��y aver th�s Security Instrun�en�ar�o enfor�e�a�vs or <br /> regulat�an,�}, �r�c}Borrower has abandaned the Proper�y, then Lender ma�da and pay for wha�e�rer zs <br /> reasonable ar appr�pria�e to pra�ec�Lender's intere��in th�F�roperty and righ�s under�h�s Security <br /> �ns�rumen�, including protecting andlor assessing the�a�ue af the Proper��, and secur�ng at�dlor r�pa�xing <br /> the Prnper�y. L�end�r's actions can includ�, but are not lirnited to: �a}pa�ing any sums secur�d by a i��n <br /> whxch has pr�or�ty over�h�s Securit�Instrument; ��� app�aring in c�urt; and�c}paying reasonab�e a��orne�s' <br /> f�e��o pro�ec�zts�n�eres��n�he Proper�y andlo�r�ghts under this S��urity Instrum�n�, including i�s secured <br /> posit��n in a bankrup�c�praceeding. Secur�ng the Proper�y�nclud�s, but is not�imi�ed ta, en�ering�he <br /> Proper�y�a make repairs, chang�locks, r�p�ac�or board up d��rs and v�indows, drain water frorn pipes, <br /> e�iminate buildz�g or ather code v�olati�ns or�angerous cond�tz�ns, and have uti�zties turned�n or off, <br /> A�though Lender ma��ake actz�n und�r this Se�tzon 9, Lend�r daes not�ave�a do so and zs no�under any <br /> dut�ar ob�zgatian�o do so. �t��agreed tha�Lender�ncurs n�l�ability for not taking any or a�� actions <br /> authori2ed under thi�Sectian 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 sha��be�ame addi��ona�debt of Borrov�er secured by <br /> th�s�ecurity Instrument. These am�unts shall bear int�rest a��he h���e rate from�he date of d�sbursement <br /> and shal�be payable, with such �nterest, up�n n�tice from Lender to Borrovv�r request�ng pa�ment. <br /> If th�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�is on a�easeho�d, B�rravc�er sha11 cornply tivith a�i�he provisians of�he Iea�e. �f <br /> Bo�rnwer acquires fee title to the Proper�y, the�easeho�d and the fe��it�e sha�� na�m�rge unless Lender <br /> agrees ta the merger in writing. <br /> '14. M���gag� �n�uran�e. If Lender�equired Martgage�nsurance as a�onditian af mak�ng the Loan, Barro�v�r <br /> sha�i pay the prem�urn.s require�to rna�ntain the Mor�gag��nsurance in effe�t. �f, far any reason, the <br /> Mor�gage Insurance coverage re�uired by Len�er ceas�s ta be ava�la�ie from the mvrtgage�rzsurer t�a� <br /> pr�viousl�pro�ided such insurance and Borro�ver was required�a m�.ake separa���y des�gnat��.payrnen�s <br /> �award the premiums for Mar�gage Insurance, Borrower shal�pay the pz�emiums z�eq€��red to flbtain Gav�rage <br /> substantia�ly equiva�en�to the Mor�gag�Insuran�e pr�viou�ly in�ffe�t, at a c�s�sub�tantially e�u�va�en�to <br /> the co�t ta Barrawer af the Mor�gage�nsurance pre�iousl�in eff�ct, frorn an alternate martgage insurer <br /> seiected by Lender. If subs�an�ia�Iy equivalent M�r�ga�e�nsuranCe c�verage is not a�ai�able, Borrower sha�l <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFaRM INSTR�MENT Farm 3d28�tl07 <br /> VMP[� VMPfifNE1�1302� <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Services Page 8 0#17 <br />