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��15�4511 <br /> �C} "Lender" is Home F�deral �a��ngs ar�d Lvan Assn �f Grand I sl and <br /> Lenderis a Savi�gs ��d Lo�n <br /> ❑rganiz�d and�xisting under the�aw�af The St ate of Nebr a s ka . <br /> Lender's address is 2�l S�Uth Lo�ust St Grand Is��nd NE �88�1 <br /> Lend�r is the benef�ciary under this Security Instrument. <br /> �D} "Trus�ee" is Ar�nd R Baack, Attarney <br /> �E} "Nate" means�he prflm�ss�ry no�e s�gned by Borrowe�and dated JU1 y 08, �41� . Th�NQte <br /> sta��s that Borr�wer o�es Lender THREE H�NDREa FC�RTY TH�USAND AN❑ �qI1�� <br /> Doliars(U.S. $34a,fl DQ.Q� }p�us�nt�xes�. Borrower has prornised ta pay this debt�n regu�ar <br /> Periadic Payments and to pay�he deb�in fu�l n�t�a�er�han August 1, 2�3� . <br /> �F� "Property`= means th�proper�y that is described beiovw under�he head�ng "T�ansf�r flf R.ights in�he <br /> Property," <br /> �G� "Laan" means the de�t ev�denced b��he Not�, plus interest, any prepa�men�charg�s and late chaxges due <br /> under�he�ate, and a�� sums due under th�s Secur�ty�nstrurnent,plus interes�. <br /> �H3 "Riders" mean�al�Riciers ta th�s Securi�.y Instrument that are e�.ecuted by Barrower. The fo��owing Rider� <br /> are ta be executed�y Barrower �checl�bax as applicable�: <br /> �Adjus�ab�e Ra�e Rxder ��ondomin�um Rider �Secand H�m�R�der <br /> �Ba��oon Rider �P�anned Un�t De�re�apmen�Rid�r � I-4 Fam��y R�der <br /> �VA Rider �Biwee�ly Pa�ment R�der ���her�s} [spec�fy] <br /> ��� "App[icab�e Law" means a��con�ro�I�ng appl�cable federa�, s�ate and loca� statutes, r�gula���ns, ord�nanc�s <br /> a.�d admin�strative ru�es and orders ��hat ha�e the�ffect of Iaw} as w�ll as a�� applzcab�e f�na�, nan-appealab�e <br /> judi�ial opinions. <br /> {J� "Cammunity Assaciation Dues. F�es, and Assessments" means a�l dues, fee�, as�essments a.nd other <br /> charges tha�are irnposed on Borrower ar the Proper�y by a candominium assaciati�n, h�meowners <br /> association or sim��ar arganizat�an. <br /> 4Kj "E�ectronic Funds Transfer" mean�any transfer af funds, other�han a transac�ion originated by ch�ck, <br /> draft, flr s�milar paper instrument, whic�is initiated thrflugh an el�c��ron���ermina�, t��eph�nic in��rument, <br /> cornputer, or magneti�tape so as t�order, instruct, ar author��e a f�nancial �nst�tuti�n to debit or cre�.it an <br /> account. Such t�rm in�iud�s, but�s nat�imited ta, p�int-�f-sale�ransfers, automated tell�r mach�ne <br /> transact�ons, transfers �nx�ia�ed by te�ephone, vw�re�ransfers, and au�omat�d�learinghouse transfers. <br /> �L� "Escrow Items" means those items�hat are d�scribed zn Sec�ion 3. <br /> �M} 'T Misc�i�aneous Prviceeds" means any compensation, sett��ment, award of damag�s, �r proceeds paid by <br /> any thzrd par�y ���her than insurarzc�praceeds pa�d unde�r the co�erages des��r�bed �n 5�ctian 5}fflr: �i} <br /> damag�to, or destru�tion of, the Property; �i�}condemnati�n or other�aking of all �r any part of�he <br /> Property; ��ix}�anveyance�n lieu of candemnat��n; or�z�}rnisrepresentat��ns of, n��rnissions as to, the <br /> value andlar cond�tion of the Pro �r� . <br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe Farniiy-Fannie MaelFredd�e Mac UNI�ORM INSTR�M�NT Form 3QZ8 1ID� <br /> VMP� VMPS�NE�{'�3�2} <br /> Wafters K�uwer�inancia{Services Page 2 of 17 <br />