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��15�45US <br /> ���D �� `T�11��' <br /> 4�o�t�nu�d� Page 8 <br /> amendmen�. <br /> Gaptian Headings. Captian headings in this Deed af Trust ar� for con�enience purpas�s anly and are no� �o be <br /> used to i�terpret or d�f ne the prv�isions o�this Deed af T�-us�. <br /> Merger, There shall be no me�-ger of the interest or estate created by this Deed of Trust vuith any other interest or <br /> es�a�e in the Property a#any tim� he#d by or for the 1a�nefit af Lender in any capacity, withaut the wri�ten consen# <br /> of Lender. <br /> Go�erning Law, This Deed of Trust will be gv�erned by federal law applic�ble to Lender and, ta the extent no� <br /> preempted by�ederal lawu,the faws of the 5�ate of Nehraska without regard#o i�s canflic#s af law pro�is�ans. This <br /> Deed of Trust has been ac�ep�ed by Lender�n the S�a#e of Nebraska. <br /> No 1�Vaiver by Lender. Trus�or understands Lender wil� not give up an�of Lender's rights under this Deed��Trust <br /> uniess Lender does so i� wri#ing. The fact tha� Lender delays or omi�s to exercise any right wil� not mean that <br /> L�nder has gi�en up �hat right. If L�nde�-does agree in writing tv gi�e up ❑ne afi Lender's ri�h�s, �hat d�es no# <br /> mean Trustor w�ll not haWe ta c�mply with the other pro�isi�ns �f this Deed o�Trust. Trustor also unde�-stands <br /> #hat if�ender does consen�tv a reques�, that da�s �ot mean tha� Trustor will nat ha�e to get �ender's cansent <br /> again if the situation happens again. Trustor further understands tha#just because Lender consents ta fln�or mare <br /> ofi Trusto�'s �eques�s, that daes not mean Lender will be �equire� �n consen�to any of Trus�or's future reques�s. <br /> Trus�or wai��s pres�ntment,demand for paymen�, protes�, and no#ice of dishan�r, <br /> Se�erabili#y. I�a court finds �hat any pra�ision of this Deed a�Trus� is not valid or shouid not be enforced, that <br /> facf by i�self wiil not mean that the rest of this Deed o#Trust wil! no�be�afid or en�a�ced. Ther�fore, a cour�will <br /> enfvrce the res�❑f the pro�isions af th[s Deed o�Trust e�en if a pra�is�on of this �eed a�Trus#may be faund�a be <br /> in�alid or unenforceabl�. <br /> Succ�ssars and Assigns. Subje�t ta any limi#a�ions s�a#ed in this Deed o�Trust on transfe�v�Trustor's int�rest, <br /> this Deed of Trus�shail be binding upon and �nure �o th� bene�it ��F the parties, their successo�s and assigns. �f <br /> ownership o�the Property becornes �ested in a person vther than Trustor, Lender, with�u�nv#ice�o Trus�or, may <br /> deal with Trustor's successors wi�h reference to this Deed ❑f Trust and the lndebtedness by way o�forbearance or <br /> ex��nsion withou�reieas�ng Trust�r fram the obiigations of this Deed af Trus�or lia#�ili�y undsr the Indeb�edness. <br /> Time is of the Ess�nce. Time is of�he essence in the perfiarmance of this Deed af Trust. <br /> 1lVai�er af Homestead Exernption. Trustor here�y releases and wai�es a�l rights and benefi#s ofi the homestead <br /> ex�mption laws��the State❑�N�braska as to a�l Indeb�edness secured b�this Deed of Trust. <br /> DEFIIVtTI�NS. Th�fallowing words shal�have the following rneanings when used in�his❑��d a�Trust: <br /> Benef�cia�-y. The wo�-d "Beneficiary"means BANK aF THE 1111E5T,and its successors and assigns. <br /> Borrower. The word "BQrrower"means BRENT W DARLING and in�iudes a�l co�sign�rs and co-makers signing the <br /> Cr�dit Agreernent and a�l their successors and assigns, <br /> � �redit A reement. The wards"Credit Agreement" mean#he credit agreement da#ed June 3Q, �Q'15, with �r�dit <br /> �[n7i� [��$'�5,�0�,�❑ from Trusfor t� Len�er, to ether with �I1 �-enewals o# extensians of modifica�ion <br /> J , , s �f, <br /> r.e#ir�ancings of, conso�idations of, and substitu�ions fo�the pr�missary nate or agreement. The maturity date o� <br /> this Deed of Trust is July 5, �0��. NOT�CE T� TRLISTOR: THE CRE�fT A�REEMENT CQNTAl1V5 A VARIABLE <br /> tNTEREST RATE, <br /> []eed of Trust. The wvrds "Deed of T�ust" mean #his Deed o�Trust among Trus�or, �ender, and Trustee, and <br /> includes withou� lim�tation a1l assignmen# and seeur�ty in�eres� pro�isions re�at€ng ta the Personai Prope�y and <br /> Ren�s. <br /> En�ir�nmental Laws. The wvrds "En�ironm�ntal Laws" mean any and ail s�a#e, federal and �o�al s�atut�s, <br /> regulations and ord�nances relat[ng �a the pratection of human health or �he en��ronment, including wi#haut <br /> limitation th� Cornprehensi�e Environmentaf Response, Compensat�on, and Liability Act a� �98Q, as amended, 42 <br /> LJ.S.C. Section 9���f, et seq. �"CERCLA"}, the 5uperfund Amendments and Reau#harizat�on Ac�o� 1986, Pub. L, <br /> No. 99-499�"SARA"},#he Ha�ardous M�terials Transpartation AGt, �9 U.S.C. Sec�ion �8��1,et seq.,the Resou�-Ge <br /> ��nsenration and Reca�ery ac�, 42 U.S.C. Section �9Q'I, et seq., or�ther applicable state or fede�al faws, rules, <br /> flr regulations adopted pursuan�thereto. <br /> E�ent o�❑�fau[t. The words"E�en�of Defaul�"mean any vf�he e�ents of def�u�t se#fvrth in this Deed of Trus#in <br /> �he e�en#s of default sect�on o�this Deed o€Trust. <br /> Exis��ng lndeb�edness. Th�wo�ds "Exist�ng Ind�b�edness" m�an the indebtedness described in the Exis�ing Liens <br /> pro�ision o#this �eed af Trust. <br /> Hazardous Substances, The wo�-ds "Hazardaus Subs�ances" mean materials that, beGause af their quantity, <br /> �oncenfration ar physical, cherni�af or in�ect[ous charac��ristics, may cause or pose a presen� o�potential hazard <br /> to human hea�th or the envirvnmenf when improperly used, t�-eat�d, stor�d,dispased of, generated, manufactur�ai, <br /> transpor�ed or other-wise handle�. The wot�ds "Ha�ardous Subs�ances" are used in #heir�ery broadest s�nse and <br /> �ncluc€e withou# limita�ion any and al1 hazardous or tvxi� substances, materials or waste as defined by or �is�ed <br /> under the En�ironmental Laws. The te�m "Hazardaus Substances"also includes,wi�hout lirnitation, pe#ro�eum and <br />