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Z�15��5�5 <br /> TranSf�r af the Property or a�3en��cia1 Interest in �orrower. �f a1�or any part of the Praperry ar any�nt�r�st <br /> �n �t �s �o�d or transferred �or �f a benefcia� in�erest �n Borrower �s sold or transferred and Borrov�er is not a <br /> na�ura� ��er�on} wit�iout Lender's pr�ar wr��ten cansen�, Lender may, at its option, requir� irnm�di�.te pa�rm�nt in <br /> full of ail sums secured by �h�s Se�ur��y �ns�rumen�. Hov�ever, this opti�n sha�l no� b� �xe�cised by Lender �f <br /> e�erc�se is prohi�ited�y federal�aw as of the date af this Securit�Instrurn�n�. <br /> If Lend�r exercises �his opt�on, Lend�r shall give Barr�wer notice �f accel�rati�n. The notice shall provide a <br /> p�riod of nat less than�he rn�nimum mumber of days es�ab��shed by Applicable LaW from�he da�e the na�ice is <br /> deli��red or mailed wi�hin wh�ch Borrower must pay a�I sums b�this Securi�y �ns�rument. rf Barrovver <br /> fails ta �ay these sums pr�or to �he expiration of this periad, Lender may �n�oke any remedi�s perm��ed by thxs <br /> S��urifiy�nstrum�n�withou�fur�her no��ce or demand on Borrov��er. <br /> Borrower's Right �� Re�nS�a�e. �f Borrovver meets cer�a�n condit�ans, Borrower shall h�.ve the right ta ha�e <br /> enfor�ernent af this Secur�ty�n�trument discon��nued a�any�ime pr�or to the ear��er of: �a} S da�s�or such other <br /> period as Applicable La�v may spec�fy far reznstatemen�}��fore sa�e of�he Properfiy pursuan�to an�pnwer of sale <br /> contained in this 5ecurity Instru.inen�; or �b� entry of a judgment enfarcing thxs Security �ns�rument. Those <br /> �onditions are �hat Borrower: �a� pays Lender alI surns whi�h �hen wauld be due under�h�s 5ecuri�y �ns�rument <br /> and�he�,an�ra��as if no acceleration had occurred;�b}cure�any default of an���her co�enants or agre�ments;�c� <br /> pays ail exp�ns�s incurr�d in enforcing�his Securit}j Instrumen�,including,but not Iimited to,r�as�na�x�at�orn�ys' <br /> fees��the extent permit�ed�y lativ; and�d�tak�s such a�tion as Ler�der may reasonably require to assure�hat th� <br /> lien of t�h�s Security Ins�rumen�, Lender's r�ghts zn�he Pr�perty and Borrawer's obligat�on ta pay the sums secured <br /> by�hrs ���urity �nstrumen� shall �ont�nue unchanged. Upon reixistatement by Borrower, �his Securifiy Instrument <br /> and�he ob��gat�ans secured hereby shall rema� ful�y effective as if no acceleration had occurred, However, this <br /> rxght�o reinstate shail not apply in the case of acceleration under�he sec�i�n ti�led Transf�r of�he Proper�y�r a <br /> Benefic�al Interest in Borrower. <br /> Ha�ard�us Substances.Bnrrov�er shall no�cause or permx��he pr�sence,use,dxsposa�, starage, or rel�a�e of any <br /> Hazard�us Substances on or in th�Proper�y.Borrfl�er shall nat do,nor a�1ow anyone else to do,an�th�ng affecting <br /> �he Proper�y tha� is in violati�n af any En��ronmen�al Law. The preceding two sen�en��s sha1l n�t apply to �he <br /> presence,use, or s�orage�n�he Propez�y af srnall quant��ies of Ha�ardous Substan�es tha�are generall�r recogn�zed <br /> fia be ap��ropriat�ta normal residen�ial uses and�n mazntenance of�he Pr�perfiy. <br /> Borrow�r shal�promptly gi�e Lender written n��i�e af any in�estiga�i.on,c�a�m,demand, lawsu�t or other action by <br /> any gavernmentai or regulat�ry agency or pr��ra�e party involving th� ProperCy and an�Hazardous Substance �r <br /> Enviran�m�ntal La� of r�t��hxch Borr�vver has actua� knovviedge. �f Borrower learns, or Ys na��f ed by any <br /> gavernmental or regu�a�ory autharity,�ha�any remo�al or o�her r�media��on�f any Hazardaus Substance affecting <br /> �he Property is necessary, Borrawer shal� pramptly take aI� ne��ssary remed�a� ac�ions in a�cordance v�ith <br /> En��ran�m�ntal Law. <br /> As used �n�h�s paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�tan�es" are those sut�stances def�ned as ta��c ar hazardaus subs�ances <br /> by Env��ronmenta� Law and the foll�W�ng subs�ances: gasaline, �erosene, o�her flammable or tax�c petroleum <br /> products, �oxic pes��cides and herhicides, v��atile solvents, mater�als �on�aining asbe��as or formaldehyde, and <br /> radioacti��ma��r�a�s. As used in�his paragraph, "Environrnenta�La�"means federa�l�ws and IaWs of�he s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska�ha�relate t�hea�th,safety ar en��ran.�nental pro�ection. <br /> Acce�er;ation; Remed�es. Lender shall g��e notice to Earrnwer priar �a a�ee��ra��on fol�owir�g Borrower's <br /> breach+of any covenant vr agr��ment�n�hi5 Securi�y Instrument or the Ca�ntract under vvh��h ac�eiera�i�n <br /> is perm��ted �bu�not prior�o accel�ratian under�he sec�ion tit�ed Transfer af th�Property �r a Benefi��al <br /> In�eres�in I3orrower, un�ess Appli�ab�e Law prov�d�s vtherwise3. The natice shall spe��fy: (a) the default; <br /> (b� �he a�t�on required �o cure �he defau��; ��� a da�e, not tes� than �he minimum number of days <br /> es�a�lis�aed by Appli�able Law frorn�he da���he no��ce is given to Borrower, by vvhich the defaul�mus�be <br /> �ured; an�I �d} that failure to �ure �he defaul� an or befare the date specif�ed in the n�tice ma� resu�t in <br /> acceler���on �f �he sums secur�d by this Secur�ty Ins�rument and sale of the Property. T� the ex�ent <br /> permi���d by�aw, th�no�ic��hall furth�r inf�t-m Barrower of the right�❑ re�nst�te af�er a�ce�eratian and <br /> �he r�gh�to bring a cour�act�on to asser�the�vn-exis�en�e�f a default ar any o�her defense�f Borrnw�r�o <br /> acce�er�tion and sale.If the defauit �s no�cured on or befflre th�da�e sp��if�ed irn the nat�ce,Lender at its <br /> op�ion m�y require immed�a�e payment in fu�l of ail sums 5ecrxre� by this Security lr�5trum�nt withou� <br /> further demand and may invoke �he pawer of sale and any other remedies permit�ed by A.pplicable Law. <br /> Ta �he u�x�en� permi�ted by �aw, Lender sha�l be en�itled to callec�t ail expenses �n�urr�d rn pursu�ng the <br /> remedie5 pro��ded �n this S�ction,in�luding, but not Iimi�ed to, reasonable attorn�y�' fees and costs of title <br /> eviden��. <br /> If the power of sal��s in�oked,Trustee shal�re�ord a not�ce flf default�n each �ounty in wh��h any part of <br /> �he Property��lo�ated and sha�l mail c�pies of�uch noti���n th�mann�r pres�ri��d by App��cable Law to <br /> Barraw{�r and to �he a�her p�rsons prescr�bed by Appli�abie La�v. After �he t�m� r�quired ��App��cable <br /> Law, Trus�ee shali gi�ve pu�Zic no�ice �f sa�e t� �he persans and �n �he manner prescribed �y App(icable <br /> Law.Tr•u�tee,tivithout dernand on Borrower,shall sell the Prvper�y a�pub��� auc�ion t��the highest bidd�r <br /> at the ti�ne and p�ace and und�r the�crms designa�ed�n the no�ice of sale in one or more�parc�ls and in any <br /> �rder Trustee determ�nes. Trustee may postpone sa�e of a�l or any parc�l af the Property by publ�c <br /> announrernent at the tirne and plac�af any previousi�scheduled sale, Lender or its de5ignee ma�purchase <br /> the Pr�pert�at any 5ale. <br /> Upon r�ceipt of paymen.�of the pric� bid, Tru�tee shall deli�er t� th� pur�haser Truste�'s d�ed conve��ng <br /> th�Property. The rec�tais in the Trus��e'�d�ed shal� be prir�a fa��e evidenc�of�he�ruth af the s�atements <br /> C��Q04-2Q I4+�.ompliance 5ystems,�nc.FDbO-D 142-24l 3L2.1�_�.895 <br /> Consumer ReaI Estate-Security Inserument DL2436 Pa�e 4 of 5 w�nv.�o�npliancesystems.�vm <br />