<br /> change of grade,ar for any other injury t�or decrease in the value af the Praperty�callcctrvely,
<br /> the"Awards"�;
<br /> �. Ta�Cer�iorar�. A�1 refunds9 rebates or cred�ts in cannection vv�th reduction in r�al
<br /> estate tax�s and assessm�nts charged against the PrQperty as a result af ta�certiorari or any
<br /> applications ar pr�ceedtngs for reduction;
<br /> 1. R._ i�hts. The r�ght, �n the name and an l�ehalf of Borrower,ta appear in and defend
<br /> any action�r praceeding braught vvith resp�ct�o the Praperty and t�commenc�any acti�n ar
<br /> pro�eeding t�protect the ii�terest of Lender in the Property;
<br /> rn. A r� eem�nts,. AlI a.greements,contra.cts, certrfiGates, instruments,�'21S1.G}�11.5�5,
<br /> Permits, Iicenses,p�ans, specifications and ather d�cuments,noVv or hereafter entered into,and
<br /> ail rights there�n a.nd ther�to,respecting or perta�ning to the use, occupat�on,construction,
<br /> management ar operation�f the Land and any par�thereof and a.ny Improvements �r any
<br /> business or activity conducted on the Land and any part thereof and aIl r�ght}tit�e and interest of
<br /> Barrovver therein and thereunder, �ncluding,wit��.aut Iiz�n.itation,the right,upon the happenir�g of
<br /> and during the cont�nuance af any E�ent of Defau�t,to recei�e and collect any sums payab�e t�
<br /> Barrovver thereunder;
<br /> - n, lntan i�b�es. A11 tradenames,tenant or guest�ists,ad�ertising materia�s,teleph�n�
<br /> ��chang�numbers identified in such materia�s9 trademarks, serv�cemarks, logos,cap,yr�ghts,
<br /> goodwi�l,booi�s and records and al�ather gen�ral in#angibles re�ating ta or used in connecti�n
<br /> with the operati�n of�he Proper��; �
<br /> a. A�counts. AIl reser�es, es�raws and deposit accaunts ma�n�ained by Borravv�r
<br /> wrth respect to the Pr�perty,including without limitation,the Accaunts and a�l cash,checl�s,
<br /> drafts, cer�ificates, securities, investment property, financial assets,instr�ments and other
<br /> property held therein from tim�to time and a�1 pr�ceeds,products,d�stributions or d��idends or
<br /> substituti�ns th�re�n and thereof�c�1Ze�ti�e�y,th�"Accnunt�"};
<br /> p. Accaunts Receivable. A��rights,title and�nterest of Borrovver arising from the
<br /> aperation of the Prop�rty in and.to a�l payrnents f�r ga�ds ar pro��rty so�d�r leased or for
<br /> services rendered,v�hether or not yet earned by performance, and nat ev�denced by an instrument
<br /> �r chattel paper, (her�inafter refer�red to as "A.��oun�s Recei�able"}including,vvi�hout lirniting
<br /> the generality of the forego�ng, �i� a11 accaunt�,cantract rights,book d�bts, and notes arrs�n�
<br /> from the aperati�n of a mab���hom�park an the �roper�y or aris�ng from the sale, I�ase or
<br /> exchange af goods or other property andlor the performance of services,�ii}Borrower's right to
<br /> payment from any consumer credit lcharge card argani�ation or entity�such as,ar similar to,the
<br /> �rgan��ations or�ntities vvh�ch sponsor and administer the Arner�can E�press Card,the Visa
<br /> � �ar�i or the Mastercard}, �i���Borrow�r's rights�n,ta and under a�i purchase orders far gaods,
<br /> services or other praper�y, �iv)Barrow�r's rZghts to any goods, services or ather proper��
<br /> represented by an�of the foregoi�g, �v�m�nies d�e ta ar t�becam�du�ta Borrower under all
<br /> contra�ts f�r the saie, Iease or e�change of gaods or other property andlor the perfarmance af
<br /> services including the right to pa�ment of any interest or finance�harges in respect thereto
<br /> �whether❑r nnt yet earned b�performance on the part❑f Borrower}and��i}a�l cnlla�eral
<br /> security and guaranties of an�kind given by any person or entity Vvith respect to any of the
<br /> 3
<br /> 7958�.�Oa�6�EMF US 563I7250�1
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