<br /> A11 of Debt�r's rights,title and interests in,ta and under the folloVving property,ri�hts, interests
<br /> and�stat�s whether now awned,or hereaft�r acquxred b�Debtar(cal�ect�ve�y,the"Propert�"):
<br /> Land. The real property described in Exh�bit A attached hereto and m�d�a par�hereof
<br /> ���llectively,the"Land"};
<br /> a. Land. Th�real prapert�described in E�.h�h�t A attached heret�and made a par�
<br /> hereof�collectivelyy the"Land"};
<br /> b. Addit�ona�Land. AlI addit�onal lands, esta�es and development rights hereafter
<br /> a�quired by Borrower for use in connectzan�vrth the Land and the de�elopment of the Land and
<br /> all additional lands and estates therein which may, fram time to tirne,by supplementai mortgage
<br /> or atherw�s�be express�y made subject to the l�en af that certain Deed of Trust, Security
<br /> Agreement and Assignment�f Leases and Rents dated as af July 1 ,��I 5 made by Debtor to
<br /> First American Title Insurance Cainpany,as trustee for the benef�t af Se�ured Party�as
<br /> amended,restated,rep�aced, supplern�nted or otherwise modified from time ta time,the
<br /> "Security Instrument"};
<br /> �. Intentiona��y�rn�tte�.
<br /> d. Intentionallv�rnitt�d.
<br /> --.....�.�
<br /> e. Impravements. The bu�ld�ngs,ea�h portion of t��e Praperty canstitut�ng a base ar
<br /> foundation f�r mnbile home structur�s and any additional portion of the Prop�rty l�ased in
<br /> connectian therewith�each,a"Pad Site"and callectively,the{`Pad Sites"} structures,fixtures,
<br /> additions,enla�gements, e�tensians,modificati�ns,repairs,replacements and impro�ements now
<br /> ❑r hereafter erected or located on the Land�co�lectively,the"Improvements"};
<br /> f. Easements. All easements,rights�vf-vvay or use,rights, strips and gares�f land,
<br /> streets,Vvays, alleys,passagess sevver r�ghts,water,water courses,wa.ter rights and povvers,air
<br /> rights and de�elapment rights, and�.�1 estates,rights,titles� interests,privileges,liberties,
<br /> servitudes,ten�ments,hereditam�nts ar�d appurtenances af any nature whatsoev�r,in any way
<br /> now�r hereafter belongi.ng,relating or per�a�n�ng to the Land an�the Impro�ements�and the
<br /> re�ersians and remaindersy and al� land�ying in the bed of any street,raad ar ave�.ue�apened ar
<br /> prap�sed, in frant of or adj oining the Land,to the center Iine thereaf and a�l the�stat�s,rights,
<br /> titl�s, interests,r�ghts af dovver,rights af curtesy,proper�y, possess��n,c�airn and demand
<br /> what��ever,both at�a�v and in equit�, af Borrower of,in and to the Land and the ImprQ�ements�
<br /> and e�rery part and par�el thereof,with the appurtenances thereto;
<br /> g. F��tures a.nd Persanal Pro�erty. Al�machinery,equipment,mob�le home un�ts or
<br /> manufaGtured housing units�each a"Mahile Home"and�ollect�vely, "Mob��e H�mes"�,
<br /> fixtures�in��uding,�ut not l�mited to, a�l heating,air canditioning,p�umb�ng, lighting,
<br /> communicati�ns and e�evator fixtures�, furniture, software used in or to operat�any af the
<br /> faregoing and other property af every krnd ar�d nature whatsoever o�n�d by Barro�ver,or in
<br /> v�hich Borrower has ar shai�have an int�rest,now ar hereafter�acated upon the Land and the
<br /> Improvements, or appurtenant thereta, and usab�e in connection v�ith the present or future
<br /> I
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