<br /> �I�} Ta� Certiorari. A�l refunds,rebat�s ar credits in connect��n with reduction in real
<br /> estate taxes and assessments charged against the Property as a result af tax certiarari ar any
<br /> applications or proceedings for reduction;
<br /> �1} Rights. The right, �n the na.me and on behalf af Borro�rer,to appear in and def�nd
<br /> any actian ar �aroceeding brought v�rith r�spect to the Praperty and to c�rnmence any a�tion �r
<br /> proceeding to protect the i.nterest or Le�der in the Property;
<br /> �m) A reements. All agreements, contracts, certificates, instruments, franchises,
<br /> Permits, Iicenses, plans, spec�fications and other �lacuments, now or her�after entered into, and
<br /> al� r�ghts therein and thereto, respecting or perta�ning to the use, a�cupatian, constructian,
<br /> rnanagement or operation of the Land and an� part thereof and any Impravements ar any
<br /> busine�s ar acti�vxty canducted on the Land and any part thereof and all right, titl.e and interest of
<br /> Borrawer therein and thereunder, including, w�thout limitation, the r�ght, upan the happening of
<br /> and during the continuance of any Evcnt af Defau�t, to receive an�i collect any sums payable to
<br /> Borrower thereund�r;
<br /> �n� Intan�r�l�s. All tradenames,tenant ar guest lists, advertising rnaterials,telephone
<br /> exchange numbers identified in such rnaterials, trademarks, servicemarks, logos, copyrights,
<br /> goodwi�l, books and records and a11 other general intangibles relating t� or used in cannection
<br /> with the operation�f the Propertyy
<br /> �o} ACC�UlltS. Al� r�serves, escr�Ws and deposit accou.nts mair�tain�d by Borra�ver
<br /> v�xth respect t� the Property, inc�uding withaut limitatian, the Accounts and a11 cash, checks,
<br /> drafts, certificates, securities, investment proper�y, financial assets, instruments and other
<br /> pr�perty h��d therein fr�m time to time and a�l proceeds, products, distr�butions or dividends ar
<br /> substitutians thereon and thereof�collectively,the"Accvunts"�;
<br /> �p} Accounts Receivable. All r�ghts, title and �nterest of B�rrovver arisin� fram the
<br /> operatian of the Praper�y in and to all payments for goods or property so�d or leased or for
<br /> services rend�red, whether or not yet earned by perfarmance, and not evidenced by an instrument
<br /> or chattel paper, �hereinafter referred to as "Accounts Re�ei�able"} including, without limit�ng
<br /> the genera�ity af the foregoin�, �i) a1I accaunts, contract rights, boQk debts, and notes ar�sing
<br /> from the operataon of a rnobi�e hame parl� on th� Properfy ar arising frorn the sale, lease or
<br /> exchange of goods ar other property andlar the perfarmance �f services, (ii} Borrov�rer's right to
<br /> paym�nt fram any cansumer credit lcharge card organizatian ar entit� (such as, or s�milar to,the
<br /> organizations or entities v�hi�h sponsar and administer the American E�press Card, the Visa
<br /> Card or the Mastercard�, (iii) Borrovver7 s rights in, tn and under all purchase arders for goods,
<br /> services or ather praper�y, �iv� Barrower's right� to any goods, services �r other property
<br /> represented by any of the fQregoing, ��} monies due to or ta become due ta Borrnw�r under all
<br /> contracts f�r the �ale, lease or exchan�e of goods or other property and.lar the performance �f
<br /> services includin� the right to pa�rnent Qf any interest ar finance charges in r�spect thereto
<br /> �whether or not yet earned b� perforrnance �n th� part �r Borr��ver} and �vi} all collateral
<br /> security and guaranties Df a11� klrlC� �1V�Z1 by any persan or entity vvith r�spect to any of the
<br /> forego�ng. ACC�LlritS Receivable shall. include th�se now ex�sting ar her�after �reated,
<br /> substituti�ns therefore, praceeds (whether cash or nan-cash, mova�le, or irnmovable, tangib�e ar
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