<br /> Art�c�e 1 — �rants of Security
<br /> Sectinn l.l. Property^Mort��. Borra�ver daes hereb� irrevocably grant, bargain,
<br /> se�1, assign, vvarrant, transf�r, convey t� Trustee, in trust, �]L�ITH A P��ER �F SALE and
<br /> pledge, grant a security interest to Lender, its successors and assxgns, for the benefit af Lender
<br /> and its successors and assigns �n and to the fallowing praperty, rights, interests and estates now
<br /> o�ned, or hereafter acquired b�Borrower�c��lective�}�,the "Praperty"}:
<br /> �a� Land. The real property d�s�r�b�d in E�h�bit A attached hereto and made a part
<br /> hereaf�co�lect�vely,the"Land"�;
<br /> (b} Addit�ona� Land. A11 additional l�and�, estates and developmcnt rights hereafter
<br /> acquired by Borrower far use in cannecti�n with the Land and the development of the Land and
<br /> all addit��nal lands arid estates therein which may, fram time t�time, by supplemental rnor�gage
<br /> or otherwise be e�pressly made subject to the �ien of this Security Instrument;
<br /> �c) Intentionall �mitted.
<br /> �d} Intentionall��mitted.
<br /> �e� Im�rovements. The l�uildings, each port�an of the Property constitutzng a base or
<br /> faundation f�r mabile home structures and an� additional po�.ian of the Praperty leased in
<br /> cannect�on therev�rith �each, a "Pad Site" and cal�ect�v��y, the "Pad Sites") structures, f��tures,
<br /> additions, enlargements, e�tensions, modificat�ons, repairs, rep�acements and irnprovements naw
<br /> ar her�after ere�ted�r l�cated on the Land(callect�vely,the"Improvem�nts"�;
<br /> �� Easernents. All easem�nts, rights-af-way or use, rights, strips and gores af�and,
<br /> streets, wa�s, alle�rs, passages, sevver right�, �vater, water courses, �rater rights an� po�vers, air
<br /> rights and devel�pment rights, and a1� estates, rights, titles, inter�sts, privilege�, l�.b�rties,
<br /> servi.tudes, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenar�ces of an� nature whatsaever, in any v�ay
<br /> nov� or hereafter belonging, re�ating or per�aining to the Land and the Improvements�and the
<br /> reversians and rema�nders, and all land lying in the bed af any street, raad or avenue, �pened or
<br /> proposed, in front of or adj oining the Land, to the center line thereof and all the estates, rights,
<br /> tlt�.�5, interests, rights of dawer, rights �f cu.rtesy, property, -passession, claim and dernand
<br /> whatsaever7 both at Iaw and in equ�ty, af Borrower of, in and to the Land and the Improvernents�
<br /> and every p ar�and p arc el therea f,v�ith the ap�urtenance s th�reta y
<br /> �g� Fixtures and Persanal Proper�. All machinery, equipment, m�bile home units or
<br /> rnanufactured housing units �each a "Mobile Hnme" and callectively, "MobiYe Homes"},
<br /> fi�tures �including, but nat limited t�, all heat�ng, air conditianing, p�umbing, lighting,
<br /> cornrnunicatians and elevat�r fixtures}, furniture, software used in ar ta operate any af the
<br /> foregoing and oth�r property of every kind and nature �rhatsae�er a�vned by Borrovver, or in
<br /> �rhich Barro�ver has or sha11 ha�� an interest, naw ar hereafter lacated upan the Land and the
<br /> Improvem�nts, or appurtenant thereto, and usa�le ul connection wi.th the present or future
<br /> aperation and occupancy of the Land and the Impro-vements and all building equ�pment,
<br /> materia�s and supplies af an� nature whatsoever owned by Borro�ver, ar in which B�rr�wer has
<br /> or shal� have an interest, n�W or hereafter �ocat�d upon the Land and the Impro�ements, or
<br /> appurtenant thereto, �r usable in connect�on vvith the present ar future aperation and accupanc�
<br /> z
<br /> 79582.d0�066 EMF_US 56287842v1
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