<br /> an Event of D�fault, Lender shall have th� right to inst�tut� a proceeding ar pr�ceedings f�r the
<br /> total or partial foreclosure �f this S�curity Instrurnent and any ar a11 of the other ��curity
<br /> Insixuments whether �� court action, po�ver of sale or otherw�se, under any applicable provision
<br /> �f law, for all of the D�bt or the porti�n af the Debt al�acated to the Pra�erty in the Laan
<br /> Agreement, a.nd the lien and the secur�ty interest created by the other Se�urity Instruments shall
<br /> c�ntinue in full farce and �ffect withaut �oss of pri�rity as a ��en and security inter�st securing
<br /> the payment of that partion of the Debt then due and payable but sti�1 outstanding. Borr�wer
<br /> a�kr�owledges and agrees that the Pro�ert�and the other Individual Properties are �ocated in on�
<br /> or more States and count�es, and therefore Lender sha�l be permitted to enf�rce payment of the
<br /> Debt and the performance of any term, covenant or conditian af the 1tiTote, this Se�urity
<br /> Instrument,the Laan Documents or�h� other Security Instruments and exercis�any and all rights
<br /> arrd remedies under the �Tote, this Security Instrument, the other Loan I]ocuments ar the other
<br /> Security Ins�ruments, or as provided by law or at equity, by ane or more proceedings, v�hether
<br /> contemp�raneous, cansecutive �r bath, to be determined by Lender, in its sole discretion, in any
<br /> �ne or more of the States or caunties in which the Proper�y or any other Individual Property is
<br /> l�cated. Ne�ther the acceptance of this Security Instrument, the ath�r Loan Dacuments or the
<br /> other Security Instruments nor the enforcement thereof in any one State or county, �hether by
<br /> caurt act�on, fareclasure, power of sale or atherwise, shal.i pr�judic� ar in any wa.� limit ❑r
<br /> preclude �nfar�ement b� c�ur� a�tion, forec�osure, pov�er af sale or atherWise, of the 1�Tote, this
<br /> S e�uri ty I n strument, the other L o an D o cuments, ar any other S e curit� Instruments thraugh ane
<br /> or more additional praceedings in that State or county �r in any other State �r county. Any and
<br /> al� surns recei�ed l�y Lender under the Nate, this Security Instrument, and the oth�r Laan
<br /> D�cuments sha�l b� applied to the Debt in such arder and priority as Lender sha�l determine, in
<br /> its sole discr�tion, �w�.thout r�gard to the Allocated Loan Arnaunt for the Prop�rty or any other
<br /> Individual Propert�ar the a�praised value af the Praperty or any Individual Property.
<br /> Article 1$ -- STATE-SPE�IFIC PRUVISIUNS
<br /> Secti�n l�.l. PRINGIPLES �F ��NSTRUCTZ�N. In the event of any �ncons�stencies
<br /> between the terms and con�it��ns af this Ar�icle 1 S and the other terms and conditions of th��
<br /> Security Instrument,the terms and conditions of this Article 1$ sha�l contra�and be b�r�ding.
<br /> S�ctiQn 18.Z. The Words "Barrav�er hereby abs��utel� and uncanditranally assigns ta
<br /> Lender and Truste�" are hereby deleted fram S e�ti�n 1.2 af this Security Instrurn�nt entitled
<br /> "Ass�gnment of Leases and Rents" and the words "Barrower hereby absolutely and
<br /> unc�nditianally assigns to Lender and Trustee, and grants ta Lender and Trustee a security
<br /> �nterest �pursuant to Section 52-17�1 et. seq. af the Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska�
<br /> in," are hereby subst�tuted therefor.
<br /> Seetiv� 1.5.3. POVVER�F SALE aR FaRECL�SURE. At any time f�llovving the occurrence
<br /> and during the continuance of any Event af Default, Trustee may, and upon written request �f
<br /> Lender sha11, by such agents as it may app�int, �rith or�vithout entry, sell a�� the Pr�perty as an
<br /> entirety or in parcels as Lender sha�l request in wr�ting, �r, in the absence of such requ�st, as
<br /> Trustee may det�rmine, at public aucti�n at the Property or at the ��urthouse in the Count� in
<br /> vvhich the property is �ocated, at su�h time, in such mar�ner and upon such terms as Trustee may
<br /> fzx and briefl�specified in the notice of sale and as may be required by�avv, �hich noti�e of sale
<br /> shall state the t�me when, and the p�ace v�rhere,the sale is t� be held, sha11 contain a�r�.ef_ ger�era�
<br /> rs
<br /> ?958�.000�66 EMF US 5�287842�1
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