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<br /> � � 'his Instrument Prepared by: o� � � ��' �, �
<br /> � = :i� atr�ck Townsend� Stacl�tan LLP z� �' � �m � �
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<br /> � roperty: . o
<br /> U.S, J��.N�. I�ATI��A]L ASS��I�7�'I�N, as Trustee for the Certifi�atehnlders of
<br /> ��tigr�up �ammereial Martgage Securities Inc., Cornmercial Mortgage Pass-Thraugh
<br /> �ertificates, Series �013-��J11 �"Notehold�r"}, hereb� dec�ares that it is �he current la�vful
<br /> a�vner and halder af the �nde�atedn�ss se�ured b� that I�eed �f Trust, Security Agreement and
<br /> As�ignment of Leases and Rents dated as af March�, 2�13, originally fram Grand Island Mobi�e
<br /> Home Cammunity, LLC, a Dela�vare �imited liabil�t� company �"Borrower"�, to First Arnerican
<br /> Title Insuranc� �ornpan�, as Tru�t�e, far �he b�nef�� of Citigr�up �labal Mark�ts Realty �orp,,
<br /> as b�nefiCiaxy �"Urigina� Lender"�, whi�h �vas recordec� an the l l�h day �f Maxch, ��13, as
<br /> Ir�strurnent Na. ��13�183 5 in the mortgage rec�rds af Hall. �aunty, Nebrasl�a �"M�rtgage
<br /> Re�ards"}, as assigned pursuant t� an assignment recorded as Instrument No. 201305�40, in
<br /> Mor�gage Rec�rds (as assigned, th� "Deed of Trust"�, a.nd further s�cured by that certain
<br /> Assignment of Rents ("Assignment of Rents"} recarded March 11, ��13, as Instrument IwI�.
<br /> ��13�1 S 3�, in Mortgage Recar�s, as assign�d pursuant ta an as signment recarded June �5,
<br /> 2�13, as In�trument Na. 2�I 3�5�41, in Mortga�e Records, and �riginal Lender has requested in
<br /> vvriting tha�.th�s Deed of Re�onveyance be e�ecuted and delivered,
<br /> In cons�deratron of such pa�ment and in accor�lance v�ith the request of the ben�frciary,
<br /> the Trustee recon�eys to the person �r persons entitled thereto all the r�ght, tittle, znterest and
<br /> ciaim acquir�d by#he Trustee pursuant to the I]eed of Tru�t in the Propert��as d�f�ned l��low�.
<br /> Not�vithstanding the re��n�eyance of the I�eed of Trust and the Assignment of Rents as
<br /> provided herein,that�ertain Pramissory Note, made b�Borrower, in favor af�riginal Lender, �n
<br /> the principal amount of$59,���,���.�� �the "Nnte"�, whiCh xs secured by the Deed �f Trust and
<br /> the Assignment �f Rents� shall remain in fu11 forc� and effect an�i is not cancelled and aI�
<br /> indemn�ties and �ther abligatians under the Deed of Trust and the Assignment �f Ren�s vvhich,
<br /> by their terms, surv�ve a rel�a.se af the �ien of the Deed of T�ust and the Assignment of Rents
<br /> shall remain in fuil f�rce and effect and are nnt cancelled. The obligati�ns �f Borra�ver under the .
<br /> l�ot� are being assumed by �ach��ia Defeasance �itigraup ��13-G�J11 III LLC, a De�avvare
<br /> limit�d ��ab��ity compan� �"Success�r �orrovver"), pursuant to that �er�ai.n I]efeasance
<br /> Assignm�nt, Assumptian and R�lease Agreement dated as oI' the date hereaf by and am�ng
<br /> B�rr�wer, Successor Borro-�rer,l�ot�holder and the other parti�s signatory theret�.
<br /> Furtherm�re, notwithstand�ng anything to the �ontrary �ontained herein? the Iien created
<br /> against the real property described in the D�ed of Trust(the"Property"}is re�eased in its entirety
<br /> and in a11 respects, Noteholder shall ha�e no continuing rights, interests or privil�ges vvha�soever
<br /> with respect ta the Property, or a�.y p�rtion thereof� and Nateholder sha11 have no rights of action,
<br /> �� ������ �
<br />