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��15�4573 <br /> in the Proper�y and righ�s under�his Secur�ty Instrum.ent; and�d}takes such action as L�:nder may <br /> reasonabx�requ�re xfl assure tha�Lender's interes�in�he Property and righ�s under this Security �nstrurnen�, <br /> and Borr�wer's obligatio�.Cc�pay the sun�s secured by thzs Security�nstrument, sha11 continue unchang�d. <br /> Lender may require that Barrower pay such rei.nstatie�ent sums and expenses in one or more af the foixovving <br /> form�s, as selected by L�nder; �a}�ash; �b}money arder; �e}certified check, bank check, xreasurer's checl�ar <br /> cashxer's ch�k, �roWided any�uch check is drawn upon an institution whose depvsits are insured by a <br /> federal agency, in.strumentality or entity; or{d}Electro�uc Funds Transfer. Upvn reinsta�ement by Borrower, <br /> � this Security Ins�rument and obliga�ions secured hereby shall fully effective as if no acceler�tian had <br /> accurred. Howe�er,this righ�to reins�ate sha11 no�app�y Yn the case nf ac�elera�ion under Se�tion 18. <br /> ��. Sale of,Nate; Change vf Loan Servicer; Natice of Crievance. The Note or a pa.r�ia1 interes��n�he <br /> Na�e��agether with this Se�urity In�trument}can be sold one or more tirnes wi�hout prior n�tice�o <br /> Borrower. A sa.1e m�ght resul�in a change xn the en�ity�l�nov�n as�he "Lo�n�ervi�er"}that col�ec�s Periodic <br /> Payments du�under the Note and this 5ecur�t�Ins�rumenr and perfarms other rnortgage l�an s�rvicing <br /> obligations under the Nvte, this Securi�y Instrumen�, and Applicable Law. Ther�al�o might be one or more <br /> chang�s of the Loan Servicer unrela�ed ta a sa�e af�he No�e. Xf th�re is a change of the Loan Ser�icer, <br /> Barrower will be gx��n v�rr�itten nvtice of the change vvh�ch wzl� s�ate the name and address of the new Laan <br /> Serv�c�r, the address�o which gayments shauld be made anc�any other informatron RESPA r�quires�n <br /> Conne�tion with a nvtice of transfer af servxczng. If the Nate is sold and thereaf�er the Loan is servieed by a <br /> Loan Serv�c�r o�her than the pur�haser of the�ote, the mortgage loan ser�icing obliga�ions to Borrower wi11 <br /> remain with the Laan SerW�cer or be tran5ferred to a 5u�cess�r Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the <br /> Note purchaser uniess atherw�se prav�d�d by the N'nte purcha.ser. <br /> Neither B�rrower nor Lender ma�comm�nce,j oin, or be j o�ned ta any j udicial ac�xon�as ezth�r an <br /> _ xndi�rx�ival litigan�or the member af a class) that arise�from the n�her party's ac�ions pursuant to this <br /> Security�nstr�tment�r that al.leges tha��e other pa.r�y has breached any provxszon af, or any duty owed by <br /> reason�f,�h.�s Security Instrument,unt�l such Barrov�er�r Lender has notified the Qther parry�vcr�th such <br /> notice given�n compiianc��i�h the requirements of Section �5}�f such alleged breach and affarded the <br /> other party hereto a reasonable per�od after the giving of such notiGe to rake corr�cti�re ac�ion. If�pp�icable <br /> Law pro�ides a�ime per�vd�hzch must��apse before certain actian�an be taken, that time period wil�be <br /> de�rned to�be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of a�celeration and opportu�uty to cure <br /> gi�ren to B�rrower pursuant to Secrion�2 and the natice of acceleraxion gxven to�rro�ver pursuant to <br /> Section �8 shal.� be deem�d to sa�x�fy the notice and apport�xruty to rake cnrrecxiWe actxon provxsians of this <br /> Sec�ion 2�. <br /> 27. Ha�ardous Substanees. As used in�his�ec�ion 21: �a} "�'��ardous Sr,�hhsta�ces"are thos�substances <br /> def�ned as tnxic�r hazardou5 substanc,�s,po��utants, or was�es by En�rironmental Lavv and�h�fal�o�ring <br /> substances: gasoline, �erosene, a�ther flarrimable or toxi�petroieum praducts, tiaxrc pes��cides and herhxc�des, <br /> �o�atile solyents, ma.ter�als contarnxng asbestos ar f�rrnaldehyde, and radzoactive rnaterials; �b} <br /> "Enviranjnental�w"means federal �aurs and laws of the jurisdYc�Yon where the Praper�y�s io�ated that <br /> rela�e xa hea��h, safety or env�ronmenta�pr�tecti�n; �c} "Envirn�r�nent�l�leanup"includes any respQnse <br /> act�on, remediai action, or remo�al ac�ion, as defined in En�riranmental Law; and(d} an "ErtviYonment�al <br /> Cdnditiort"means a conditxon that can cause, contribute�v, or otherwise�rigger an Environmenta�. Cleanup. <br /> �rrower shali not cause or permi.��he presence,use, dispasal, storage, or release af any Hazardous <br /> Sub�tances, or threaten to rel�ase any Hazardous Subs�ances, on�r�n the Property. Barrow�r shal�not do, <br /> nor allow anyone else to da, anything affectxng the Property�a}that is in�rio�at�vn af any Enviranmental. <br /> Lavv, �b} which creates an En�ironmentai�ond�t�an, ar�c}wh�ch, due to the pres�nce,use, or release of a <br /> Haz�rdous Suhs�ance, creates a�ondi�ion thax ad�erse�y affects�he va.�ue Qf�he ProperC�r. The preceding t�ro <br /> N�SRASKA-5ingle Fam�ly-Far�nis Mael�recfdie Mac L1NI�ORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1 I41 <br /> VMP C�J VMP6(N��t1302)AO <br /> Walters Kluwer Financial 5ervices Pag�1�of 17 <br />