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Z�15���51 <br /> int�rest from the date �f disbursement a� the same rate assessed on advances under the Coni.ract and shal� be <br /> payable,with interest,up�n no�ice from Lender�o Borrovver requesting payrnent. <br /> Inspec�ion. Lender or �ts a��nt may mat�� reasonable en�ries upon and inspect�ons af the Proper�y. Lender shall <br /> give Borrower no�ice a��he��me of or priar to an�nsp�c��on specifying reasonable cause far�he inspect�on. <br /> �ondemnatfon. The proceeds of any award ar cla�m for darnages,d�rec�or canse�uen�ial, in cQnn�cti�n v�xth an� <br /> condemna��on or other taking of any par�of the Prop�r�y, ar far �on�eyance in 1�eu af c�ndernnat�on, a�re hereby <br /> ass�gned and shaIl he paid�o Lender. <br /> �n th� event of a tata� �akzng �f�he PrQper�y, th�proceeds shall be app���d ta the sums secured by�h�s Secur��y <br /> �nstrument, v�heth�r or not �hen due, with any e�cess pazd t� Barrower. In �he ev�nt �f a par�ial taking of�he <br /> Praper�y in vvhxch�he fa�r mark�t�alue �f the Prop�rty�mmed�ateIy befare the tak�ng is equal to ar greater fihan <br /> �he amoun� of�he sums s�cured by�his Securxty Instrumen� immedzately befare the�akin�, unless Borr�wer and <br /> Lend�r otherwise agree in writing,�he surns secured by�his Se�uri�y�nst�-ument shal�be reduced by�he amount af <br /> the proceeds mu��rplied by�he follovv�ng fract��n: �a}�he tatal am�unt of the sums secured immediately b�fore�he <br /> taking, dzvzded by �b} the fair market�alue of the Propert�� i_mmediately hefar�the taking. An�ba�ance shall be <br /> paid �� Borr�wer. In �he event af a par�ial ta��ng of tihe Proper� in which the fa�.r rnarke� value of th� Proper�y <br /> irnmediatel�bef�re the taking i� less than the amoun�of�h� sums secured im�media�e�y befare �he tak�ng, l�.n.�.�55 <br /> Barrower and Lender atherwise agree in v�rr��ing or un�ess App�icable Law othervvise pra��des,�he proceeds sha�l <br /> b�appXxed�a�he sums secured by th�s Security�ns�rumen�v�hether ar no�th�sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Praperty is a�andoned��Barrower, �r if, after notice by Le�der to Barrower tha��he condemnor off�rs to <br /> make an award or settle a��aim for darnages,Bflrro��er fai1�to respond to Lender�vith�n the minimu.rn number af <br /> days es�abl�shed by Applicable Law after the da�e the no�ice is g�ven,Lender is au�hor�zed to cal�ect and app�y the <br /> pr�ceeds, at its optian, e�ther t� res�tira�ion �r repair Qf the Property ar to �he sums secured by this Securxty <br /> �nstrumen�,whether or not�h�n due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree �n writing, any app�zcat�on�f prvc�eds t�prin��pal shall not extend <br /> or pastpone the due date of the paymen�s due under�he�oritracti�r change the amount of such payments. <br /> Borrower No� Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Ex�ension �� �he time far payment ar <br /> modif cation af am�r�iza�ion of�he sums secured by�his Securi�y zns�rument granted by Lender t� Borrower or <br /> any successor in int��est of Borraw�r sha�l not operatie �o release the ��abxl�ty of th� ar�g�na� Borraw�r �r <br /> Borrower's succ�ssars in interes�. Lender shall na�be required�fl c�rnmence prnceedings agaxnst any successor xn <br /> �nter�s��r refuse to ex�end time far payment or oth�rwxse rnodify am�r�zzatxan of�he sums s�cur�d by this Secur�� <br /> Instrum�nt b� reason of any demand made by �h� �rigxn�� Borrovver ar Barrower's succ�ss�rs in in�eres�. Any <br /> farbearance by Lender�n exercis�ng any r��ht ar remedy sha��n��be a v�a�ver of�r preclude the �xercise of any <br /> r�ght or remedy. <br /> Successors and Assigns Bound; Jaint and Se�erai Liability; Acc�mmodatian Sxgners. The cavenan�s and <br /> agreements vf�his Securxty�ns�rurnen�sha��b�nd and benef�the �uccessars and assigns of Lender and Borrawer, <br /> sub�ect �o the prav�sians af sec�xan titl�d TransfQr of the Property or a Benef�cia� Int�rest fn B�rravver. <br /> Borrower's c�venants and agreem�nts shall be join�and several.Any person who c��-s�gns this Secur�ty�nstrument <br /> but has na personal lzab��zty under �he CQntract �"A�cvmm�datian S�gn�r"}: (a} is c�-sfgning this 5ecur��y <br /> �nstrument oniy �o mor�gage, gran� and can�ey �ha� Accamrnoda��on 5igner's zn�eres� in the Proper�y und�r �he <br /> terms of the 5ecurxty �nstrument; (b} is not p�rsonally ab�iga�ed to pay �he sums s�cured b� this Secur�t}T <br /> �nstrument;and�c}agrees that Lender and any other Borrawer may agree�a e�tend,mod�fy, farb�ar�r make any <br /> ac�omrnodatians wz�h re�ard to�.he t�rms of thxs Security Instrumen�t or th�Contrac�with�u�that AGcommoda�ion <br /> Sigzaer's consent. <br /> Loan Charges. If�he Iaan secured b� this Security Instrumen� is sub�ect �o a Iaw vrrhich s�ts rnaxirnum �oan <br /> charges, and�ha�lav��s fina�ly interpreted sfl that the interest�r a�h�r laan charges c�Ilected�r�o be callec�ed xn <br /> connect�on wi�th �he Toan exceed the perm�t�ed limits, th�n: �a� an� such ioan charge �hall be reduc�d b� �he <br /> amoun�nec�ssary�a reduce the charge to�he permi�ted��.mits and�b} any sums a�ready collected from Borro�er <br /> v�rhich exceeded permit�ed ��m�ts wi�l �e refunded �a Borrower. L�nder may choose �a make �his r�fund by <br /> reducinb�he pr�ncipal owed under fihe �antrac�or by m.ak�ng a direct paymen�t� Sorrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> p�r�n�ipal,�he r�ductxon will be trea�ed as a partxa�prepayment uxxder�he�an�rac�. <br /> Notices. Any no��ce to Borrflv�er provzded for in this Securi�y Instrument shall be g�ven by delivering i� or by <br /> ma�l�g zt by frst class ma��unless App��cab�e Law requ�res us�af an�ther rnethod.The not�ce shall be direc�ed ta <br /> the Property Address or any other address Borrower des�gna�es by not�ce t� Lend�r. Borrawer agr�es to prov�de <br /> Lender v���h Barrawer's mos�curreri�ma�ling address, as i�may change from.time-�o-time. An�no�ice�a Lender <br /> shall be giv�n by f rs�class mazl ta Lend�r's address s�a�ed herein or any other address Lender desi�na�es by nat�ce <br /> to Barrower. Any n��i�e pro�ided for in this Se�urity�nstrurnen�sha1l be deemed to have be�n giv�n�o Borr�wer <br /> or Lender when g��en as pravided�n�his paragraph. <br /> Ga�vern�ng Law; Se�erab�Iity.This Securi�y Instrum�nt sha�i be go�erned by federal Iavv and the Iaws of�he state <br /> of Nebraska. In th� e�en��hat any provision or clause of�his Secur��ty Instrument flr �h� Contract�onfl.ic�s vvz�h <br /> Appxzcah�e Law, such conflzct shall not affe�t o�her�ro��sions of�his Security �nstrumen�tir�he Gontract vvhich <br /> can be gi�en effect without the confl�ct�ng pro��sxan.T��h�s end the pravxsions�f th�s Securz��nstrumen�and the <br /> �ont�act are d�clared�o be severah��. <br /> Borrawer's Copy,�orrovver shal�be given one capy of�hzs S�curity�nstrumen�. <br /> C�20D4-2�14 Campliar�ce 5ystesrts,In�.FD6D-FBE7-2013L2.1�.I.$95 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Seaurity Instrusnent DL2036 Pa�e 3 0£5 w�vw.comp��ancesystems.cvm <br />
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