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��15�4555 <br /> i��terest of t�ae Secu��ed Pa�-�y to t��e ex�e���of���e p��i��cipal su�n yet owi��g t�Se�ured Party in respeG�to the <br /> indebtedness described in Paragraph�a�ong vvith interest and�os�s aliocabl�there�o,hovve�er e�idenced. <br /> 4. So long as an�portion of�he described ob�iga�ion to Secured Party is autstanding and unpaid,thc <br /> pro�isions of�he I]eed of Trust of ot�er insirument of secur�ty�e�ween�he Deb�or and the Secured Pariy are <br /> con�rollin�as to�he Co��ateral in which Secured Party is to hav�a frsfi securi�y in�erest,includi��g any time there is <br /> a co��flict bet�vee����a��d���e pravis�ons of any lie�x i��st�-urnent g�-a���ed�o the Subo�d���atia�g CY�ed��or by fi��e Deb�a�-. <br /> 5. This Agreemen�is a cor��inuing,absolu�e and uncond�tianal agreeme���af subard�nation w�thaut re�ard <br /> to the validi�y or enforc�abi�it�af the Pr�missory Notes ar other ins�ru��nents of indeb�edness between the Deb�ar <br /> and the S�cured Par�y e�idencing sums du��r documents grantinb a s��urity in�er�st in the�ol�ateral,�rrespect��e <br /> of�he�ime or order of attachmetat ar perfect�on of the securit�interest�n the���Ia�eral or the arder of fiiing�he <br /> L3e�ds�f Trust or at��er inst�-u�ne���s of secu�-�ty wi���respect�a t��e�vlla�eY-al. <br /> �. This Agreement shall r�main in fuli force and effec�and is binding up�n the Subardinat�ng Credi�or and <br /> upon i�s success�rs and assigns,so iong as any portian of th�sums secured as described in ParagY�aph 3 are <br /> o��ts�and�nb and unpaid. <br /> 7, The Subordir�ating Credi��r agrees tha��he Promissor}�Not�s ar�ther instruments of i��debtedness af�he <br /> Deb�a�-e�ide��cing the obligatio��betv�een t��e Deb�or and the Secured Pa�-ty may fram�im��o time be�er�ewed, <br /> e�cf�nded,modif ed,comprornised,accelerated,settled o�•re�eased,vvithou�no#ice�a or con�ent by the Subordina�ing <br /> Creditor. <br /> . �� <br /> Steve�unzman,President and��� <br /> ��N��FEDERAL SAV�NGS AND L�AN <br /> ASS�G�ATIDN�F GR.AND ISLAI�D <br /> "Su�ordina�i��g Gred�tor" <br /> � <br /> Steve�unzman,Presiden�and�E� <br /> ��ME�'EL�ERAL SAV�7�IGS AND L�AN <br /> AS���IATIDI�[�F GRAND�SLA�I� <br /> "Secured Pa�-�y" <br /> STATF[»NEBRASI�A } <br /> �ss: <br /> C�UNTY C�F HALL } <br /> Before me, a I�otar� Public �ua�ified in said Coun�y, persona�ly came Steve �unzman as President and <br /> CE� ❑f HflME FEDERAL SAV�NGS A7�ID L�A�I ASSQ��ATI�N, knovvn�o me�o be th� identical persa�� who <br /> s�gned�he fore�oi��g Subordination Agre�men� on behalf of su�h �ntity, and acknow�edged ta execut��n thereof#o <br /> be his valuntary act and��ed o��behalf af�u�h en�it}�. <br /> VWi���ess my��and a��d No�aria�seai o��thi� ���� day af July, �D 15 . <br /> G�NERA�Nfl�"A�Y-S#ate�f Neb�a�ca Not bli� <br /> '?fs��� NAN�Y S KNAPi' <br /> �� My Com��.�x�.Aug.18,2�15 <br /> SUbhftohf 51�� <br />