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� ��15�4545 <br /> non-refundabte,notwithstanding the fact that the Laan is u�timate2y paid in full,and Lender shall not be required to <br /> pay Borrvwer any interest or�arnings on such I�ss resetve. Lender can no longer require loss reserve payments if <br /> Mortgage Insurance co�ecage[in the amount�nd for the periad that Lender requires}pro�ided by an insurer selected <br /> by Lender a�ain becomes available, is vbtain�d, and Lender requires separately designated payments toward the <br /> pr�miums for Mortgage Insurance. If Lender requir�d Mortga�e Insuranc�as a candition vf rnaking the L�an and <br /> Borrower was required to make s�parately designa�ed payments toward the prerniums far Mortgage �nsurance, <br /> Sarrower shali pay the premiums irequired to maintain Martga�e�nswrance in effe�t,or ta pro�ide a n�n-refundable <br /> Ioss reserve, until Lender's r�quirernent for Niortgage Insurance ends in accordan�e with any written agreement <br /> between Bvrrower and Lender pro�iding far such#ermination or until termination is required by App�icahle Law. <br /> Nathing in thi�Section 1�affects Borrawer's obiigation to pay inter�st at the rate pra�ided in the Note. <br /> Mortgage �nsuranc� reim�burses Lender �ar any entity that purchases the Not�} far certain �asses it may <br /> incur if Borrawer daes nat repay the Loan as agreed. Borrower is not a party to the Mortgage Insurance. <br /> Mortgage insurers e�aluate their total risk on alI such insurance in fQrce from time to time,and may enter <br /> inta agreements with ath�r parties that share ar madify th�ir risk,or reduce Iosses. TheSe agreements are an terms <br /> and conditions that are satisfactary to th� mortgag� inswrer and the other party �or parties} to th�se agreements. <br /> These agreements may require the mortgage insurer tv make paym�nts using any source of funds that the mortgage <br /> insurer may ha�e available�which may inciude funds obtained fr�m Mortgage Insurance premiums}. <br /> As a result of these agreements,Lender,any pur�haser af the Note,anather insurer,any reinsurer,any other <br /> entity, or any affiliate of any af the foregoing, may recei�e �directly or indirectly} amounts that derive fr�m (or <br /> might be characterized as} a portion vf Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insurance, in exchange for sharing or <br /> madifying the mortgage insurer's risk, or reducing losses. If such agreement pra�ides that an a�liate of Lender <br /> takes a share of the insurer's risk in exchange fQr a share of the premiums paid to the insurer, the arrangement is <br /> often#erm�d"capti�e reinsurance." Further: • <br /> (a) Any su�h agreements will n�t affect the amaunts that Barrnw�r has agreed to pay for Mvrtgage <br /> Iasuran��,�r any other terms of the Laan. Su�h agr�eemeo#s will not an�rease the amvunt Borrower wili owe <br /> for Martgage InSuran�e,and they w�ll not�at�tle Barrnwer ta any refund. <br /> �h} Aoy such agreernents will not aff'ert the rights Borrvwer has — if any — with respect t� the <br /> Mortgage Insurance und�r the Home�wners Prat��tian Act af 1998 ar any ather law. These rights may <br /> inelude th�right tn reeei�e certain disclosures,ta request and nbtain can�ellafion of tbe Mvrtgage Insurance, <br /> to ha�e the M�rtgage Insurance terminated automaticaliy, aadlar to recei�e a refund of any Martga�� <br /> Insurance premiums that were unearned at the time�f�uch�ancellati�n or terrninati�n. <br /> 11. Ass�gnment of Misce�Ianeous Praceeds; Forfeiture. AI1 Miscellanevus Proce�ds are hereby <br /> assigned to and shall be paid to Lender. ; <br /> If the Pr❑perty is damaged, suc�h Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be app�i�d to restaration vr repair of the <br /> ' Prop�rty, if the re`staration or repair is econ4mically feasible and Lender's se�urity is not lessened. During such <br /> repair and restoratian period,L�nder sha11 ha�e the right t�hold such Misceilane�us Pr�ceeds until Lender has had <br /> an opportunity to inspect such Praperty ta�nsur�the wvrk has be�n campiet�d t� L�nder's sat�sfaction,pra�id�d <br /> that su�h insp�ction shall be undet�ta�cen promptiy, Lender may pay for the repairs and restoration in a single <br /> dishursement or in a s�ries of pr�gress payr�ents as the work is cvmpleted. L]nless an agreement is made in writing <br /> vr App�ica�le Law requires interest to be paid vn such Misc�llan�ous Proceeds,Lender shall not be required to pay <br /> �nrrower any interest or earnings on such Miscellaneous Praceeds, If the restoration or repair is not economically <br /> f�asible or Lender's security would be lessenet�,the Miscellaneaus Proceeds shall�e applied to the sums secured by <br /> this Se�urity Instru.ment, whether or nat th�n due,with th�excess, if any,paid to Borrower. 5uch Miscellaneous <br /> Proc�eds shall be applied in the order pro�ided fvr in Sectian 2. <br /> In the e�ent af a total taking,destructi�n,ar loss in value vf the Froperty,the Misceltaneous Proceeds shall <br /> be applied tn the sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument,whether or not then due,with the excess,if any,paid to <br /> B�rrower. , <br /> In the�vent of a partial taking,destruction,or�oss in value of the Pr�p�rty in which the fair market�a�ue of <br /> the Praperty imrnediately b�fore the partia]#aking,destruction,or lass in value is equal ta�r greater#han the am�unt <br /> . � <br /> Nebraska Detd ofTrust�ing�t Family—Fanni��MaelFreddie Mac L]niform Ins#rument Form 30�8 ll�l <br /> MERS Mndifcd <br /> Th�Cnmpliancc Sourct,Ync. 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