� ��15�4545
<br /> instrument. MERS is organized and existing under the laws of Delaware, and has an addr�ss and telephvne
<br /> number of P.�.Box����,Flint,MI 4�5�1-2��6,tel.�885}679-MERS.
<br /> {F'� "Nvte" means the promissory nat� signed by Borrvwer and dated.Tuae 24, ��1�. The Note states that
<br /> Harrow�r ow�s Lender Eighty Fvur Thousand and�OI1D�hs Dollars�U.S.$84,�44.�U}plus in�ecest. Borrawer
<br /> has pramised to pay this debt in regular Feriodic Payments and#v pay the debt in fu11 nut Iater than July 1,�034.
<br /> �G] "Prop�rty" means the property that is d�scrib�d below under the heading "Transfer �f Rights in the
<br /> Property."
<br /> �H] "Lflan"means the deht e�idenced by the Note,plus interest,any prepayment charges and�ate charges due
<br /> under the Note,and ali sums due under this Se�urifiy Instrument,plus interest.
<br /> �
<br /> � "Riders" means a11 Riders to this Security Instrument that are exe�uted �y Bonower. The fallowing
<br /> Riders ar�to be exe�uted by Borrawer[check box as applicable�:_
<br /> ❑ Adjustable Rate Rid�r ❑ ��ndominium Rider ❑ Secand Home Rider
<br /> ❑ Ballo�n Rider ❑ Planned Unit Deve�opment R.id�r ❑ Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> ❑ 1-4 Family Rider ❑ Re�oca�le Trust Rid�r
<br /> .
<br /> ❑ �ther[s}[sp ec i fy] 4 •
<br /> (J] "AppIicabie Law"means ail contralling applicabie federal,state and lo�al statutes,regutations,ardinances
<br /> and administrativ� rules and orders �tha� ha�e the ef�ect af law] as w�ll as a11 applicable final, nan-appealable
<br /> judicial opinions.
<br /> (I{} "�ammunity Assa�iation Dues, Fees, aad A�5es5ments" means aIl dues, fees, assessments and other
<br /> charges that are imp�sed on Borrower�r the Pmperty by a condominium associatian,hQrneowners association �r
<br /> similar organization. '
<br /> .
<br /> (L� "E�ecfroni� Funds Traasfer�'' means any tcansfer of fwnds, other than a firansaction�riginated by check,
<br /> draft,ar simi�ar paper instrument,which is initiated through an�Ie�trnnic terminal,telephonic instrument,computer,
<br /> or rnagnetic tape so as#a order,instruct,ar authorize a Fina�ncial institutian to debit�r credit an accvunt. Such term
<br /> includes, but is not �imited to, point-af-sale transfers, automated#elier machine transactians,tra.nsfers initiaxed by
<br /> telephQne,wire transfers,and automated clearinghouse transfers.
<br /> [M} "Escrow Items"means those items that are descri�ed in Sectian 3.
<br /> .
<br /> (N} "Miscellaneaus Proceeds"means any campensatian, settlement,award a�damages, vr praceeds paid by
<br /> any third pariy�other than insurance proceeds paid�nder the coverages described in Seciion 5} for: (i}damage ta,
<br /> or destructian af,the Prop�rty;�ii}c�ndemnation ar other tak�ng af aII or any part of the Praperty;�iii�con�eyance
<br /> in lieu of�andemnation;�r{i��misrepresentat�vns of,or omissions as to,the�a1ue andlvr condition of�he Fraperiy.
<br /> t�} "Mor#gage Insurance" means insurance pratecting Lender against the nonpayment of,or default on,the
<br /> Loan.
<br /> (P) "Peri�di� Payment" means the regularly scheduled amount due for (i) principal and interest under the
<br /> Note,plus�ii]any amounts under Section 3 of this Security Instrument. �
<br /> •
<br /> Nebraska D�ed vf Tru�t�ingte F�miiy F�nnir MaelFreddle Mac Llnifarm instrumeot Form 3U�S 1141
<br /> MERS Modified
<br /> The Camplian�e Saurcc,Inc. Page 2 of 1� Modititd by Compiisncc Sourct 143�1NE 48I4�Rev.04I13
<br /> www.cnmplianccsaurce.tom �ZU�D-�013,The Comptiance Sour�ce,Inc.
<br /> � 4 2 � — 2 � [] � '1 2 3 �
<br /> , ..
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