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� ��15�4545 <br /> 14. Loan �ha rges. Lender may �harge Borrower Fees.for SEI'VZC�S performed in connection with <br /> Barrower's defau�t, for th� purpose af pratecting Lender's in�erest ir�the Property and rights under this Security <br /> Instrument, inc]uding,hut not limited ta, attarneys' f�es,prop�rty:inspection and�aluation fees. In regard t� any <br /> other fees,the absen�e of express authority in this Security Instrument to charg�a sp�cific f��tv Barrower shall not <br /> . <br /> be c�nstrued as a prohibitian on the charging�f such fee. Lender rnay nflt chazge fees that are expressly prahibited <br /> by this 5�curity Instrument or hy Applicable Law. <br /> Ifthe Laan is su�ject to a law which sets maxu�num Ioan charges,.and that Iaw is finally interpreted sv that <br /> the interest or other loan charges �vllected or tv be callected in connectian with the Loan exceed th� permitted <br /> limits,then:�a�any such laan charge sha11 be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge ta the permitted <br /> limit; and (b} any sums already �ollected from Bvrrower which exceeded permit�ed lirnits will b� refunded to <br /> B�rr�wer. Lender may ch��se ta make th7s refund hy redu�ing the principal awed under the Note or�y making a <br /> direct payment tv Sarcower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction wi11 be treated as a partial prepayment <br /> without any prepaym�nt�harge�whether or not a prepayment�harge is pro�ided for under the Note�. Borrower's <br /> acceptance of any such refund made by direct payment tv Borrnwer will constitute a wai�er of any right of actinn <br /> B�rrower might have arising out of such o�ercharge. <br /> ' 15. Notic�s. A�1 notices given by Borrower or Lender in cannection with this Security Instrument must be <br /> in writing. Any notice tn Borrower in cannectron with this Secwrity Instrument shall he deemed to ha�e been�i�en <br /> to Borrawer when mailed by first class mail ar wh�n deii�ered to B�rrawer's notice address if sent by other <br /> means. Natice to any one Borrower shall constitute notxce ta aIl Barrawers unless Appli�able Law expressly <br /> requires otherwise. The natice address shall be the Prop�rty Address unless Borrower has designated a su�stitute <br /> n�tice address by n�ti�e t� Lender. Borruwer shall prornptly n�tify Lender af Borrow�r's change of address. If <br /> L�nder specifies a procedure for reporting Sorrawer's change of address,then Borrower sha�l anly report a chang� <br /> oF address through that specified procedure. There may be only one designated notice address under this Se�urity <br /> Instrument at any one time. Any n�tice to Lender sha11 he gi�en by delivering it ar by mailing it by first class mail <br /> ta Lender's address stated herein unless Lender has designated an�ther address by notice to Borrower. Any notice in <br /> �onn�ctian with this 5ecurity Instrument shall not be deemed t�ha�e b�en gi�en ta Lender until a�tually recei�ed�y <br /> Lender. If any notice required by this Security Instrument is a�so required under Applicable Law,th�Applicable <br /> Law requirement will satisfy the corresponding requirernent under this Secwity Instrurnent. <br /> 1�. Go�erning Law; Se�erabiiity; Rules oF�onstru�tion. This Security Instivment shall be go��rned <br /> 3�y federal law and the Iaw�f the jurisdiction in which the Pr�perty is located. A11 rights and 4bligations contain�d <br /> in this Se�urity Instrument are subje�t t❑ any requirements and limitatians of Applica�ie Law. Applica�le Law <br /> might explicit�y or impiicit�y a11aw th�parties to agree by c�ntract ar it might be s�ent,but suGh silence shall not be <br /> c�nstrued as a prohibition against agre�ment by contract. In the event that any pro�isi�n or clause�f this 5ecurity <br /> Instrum�nt ar the No#e canflicts with Applicah�e Law,su�h canflict shall not affect other pro�isions vf this 5ecurity <br /> Instrument or the Note which can be gi�en effect without#he confli�ting pro�isian. <br /> As used in �his. Security Instrument: �a)ward� of the masculine gender shatl mean and include <br /> c�rrespandin�neuter words or words of the ferninine ge�der,(b)words in the sit�gular shall mean and inc�ude the <br /> plural and�ice�ersa;and[c}the ward"may"gives so�e discretion withaut any o�ligatian to take any action. <br /> 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be gi�en on�capy,�f the Nate and of this Security Instrurnent. <br /> 18. Transfer�f the Property ar a Beneficial Interest�n,Borrower. As used in this Section 18,"Interes# <br /> in th�Pr�p�rty"means any xegal or beneficial interest in the Property,including,but nat limited to,those beneficial <br /> interests transferred in a band for deed,contra�t for deed,inst�allment sales contract or escrow�greement,the intent <br /> of which is the hansfer af titte by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. <br /> If all or any part of'the Prop�rty ar any Interest in the Prap�riy is sotd or transferred(or if Borrawer is n�t a <br /> natural person and a beneficial interest in B�rrow�r is sold or transferred}withaut L�nd�r's privr written consent, <br /> Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this 5ecwrity Instn�ment. Hav►re�er, t�is <br /> option shall not be exercised�y Lender if such ex�rcise is pr�hibited by Applicabl�Law. <br /> If L�nder exercises this vption,L�nder shall gi�e B�rrawer notice of acceleratian. The notice shall pro�ide <br /> a periad af not �ess than 3� days from the dat� the notic� �s given in accardance with Section 15 withi.n which <br /> . <br /> Nsbraska Deed af Trust—Single Fam[iy—Fannic Mae�F'reddie Mac ila�fvrm Instrumcnt Form 3�2811�I <br /> 1�iERS Mvd�tied ;� <br /> The Compliancc Saurce,Inc. Fagt lU�f I4 Modifird by Compliance Souree I4301NE�SI�O Re�.�4123 <br /> �rww.compliancrsvurce.eam , �2�UD-ZD13,The CompY�enee Sout�ce,In�. <br /> . <br /> � 4 2 � — � D � [3 'I 2 3 � <br />