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��15�4547 <br /> tC} "Lender"'is Qui�ken Loar�s I nC. <br /> Le�.�1er is a �Or��i�at1�n <br /> organized and existing under the law5 o f t h� �t a t L o f M i c h i g a n . <br /> L�ender's address�s 1��� l�Q�dward A�e, Detro�t, MI 4$�25-1��C <br /> ��} ��Trustee*!r� F�rs t Am�r��an Ti t1 e <br /> �E} "MER�" is M�rtgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. MERS is a separate corporation�ha�is acting <br /> ��lely as a nomince f�r Lencier and Lendcr's successa�rs and a�s��ns. MERS is the beneficiary unaler this <br /> �ecurity instrument. MERS is organi�ed and existing under the Ia��s of Delavvare, and has an addr�ss and <br /> telephone number of P.�, Box��2G,Flint,MI�85�1-2��6,tel. �$8�)679-MERS, <br /> 4F� "Not�" means the�ram�ssory nQte signed by Borrower ar�d dated �U n 2 �9, 2�1� .Th�Note <br /> sta.te�that�orro�nrer o�ves Lender E���lt,y Th�2e ThQUS an� TW4 HUndreC� <br /> 5�v�nty Fi�� and �Q11�� <br /> Dollars�iJ.S. $ �3,���.�� }plus interest. Borro�er has promised ta pay this debt in reguiar <br /> Periodic Payments and to pay the d�bt in fu�i n�t later than �►U�U S t �, ���� , <br /> �G� "Pr�perty"means th�property that is d�scribed be�o�v under�he heading"Tran�fer of Rights in the <br /> Property," <br /> {H} "Loan"means the debt e�idenced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment charges and Iate charges due <br /> under the�ote, and a�l sums due under this 5ecurity Instrument,plus inter�st. <br /> �I� "Riders"means all Riders to this Security Instrurner�t that are ex�cute�by B�rrawer, The fallo�ving Riders <br /> ar�t�be e�ecuted b}�Barro�ver[check box as applicable}; <br /> [�Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Rider 0 5ecand Home Rider <br /> �Ballaon R�der 0 P�arined Unit Deve�opment Rider C� 1-4 Family l��.der <br /> �VA Rider �Biweel�ly Payment Rider ��ther(s) [specify] <br /> Legal Attached <br /> {J} "Appli�ableLaw" means a11 controll�ng applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulat�ons, <br /> ardinances and administrative rules and orders(that have th�effe�t of law)as well as ait applicable f�nal, <br /> nan-appealable judicial opinions. <br /> {K� "Commun�ty►4s�oeiationDues, F�es,and Assessments"rneans a11 c�ues, fces, assessmcnts and�ther <br /> charges�hat are imposed on Borro�er or the Prap�r�by a con�.ominium assaciat�on,homeowners <br /> ass�ciatian ar similar organization. <br /> tL} "E�eetranicFundsTransfer"means any transfer of funds, other than a�ransaction or�ginated by check, <br /> draf�,or similar paper instrument,which is initiate�through an electronic terminal,tele�hQnie ��strument, <br /> camputer,ar magn�tic tape so as to order,instruct,or authorize a finan�ial�nstitution to debit or credit an <br /> account. Such term includes,but is not limited to,pa�nt-af-sa�e transfers, automa�ed t�ller r�achine <br /> transactions,transfers in.itiated by telephone,wir�transfers,and automated clearinghouse transfers. <br /> �IIA� "Es�rvw f�ems"means those items that are described in Sectian�. <br /> NE6RAS1{A�ingle Family-Fannie 1�Ia�lFreddie Mac L1N1FC]RM Ih1STRUMENT WITH MERS Farm 3t?ZS 1141 <br /> VMP C�7 VMP6A�NE}{130�}.04 <br /> Wo�ters Kluwer Fina��ial 5er�i�es Page�of 17 <br /> q�33414�8621 Q�33 3�1 Q217 <br />