<br /> 2'I. HazardausSu bstances.As used in this Section 21: �a} "Haza�dou�s Su�ista�ce.s"are those substan�es
<br /> defined as��xic or hazardous substances,pollutants,or�vastes b�Envu-onmental Law and the follo�ving
<br /> substanGes: gasolin�,kerosene,other flammabie or�flxic petroleum products,to�ie pesticides and herbicides,
<br /> va�ati�e sal�ents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and rad�oactive materials; �b}
<br /> "Enviro�me�tal Law"means federal�aws and laws of the�urisdicti�n wher�the Property is I�cate�tha�
<br /> relate to health, safety or environrnen�a.�protectian; �c} "E�vi�o�ine�tal�lea►�up"includes any response
<br /> action, remedial action, �r remova�action, as define�in.Environmerxtal Law; and�d}an "��r�i�or�►ne��al
<br /> Cvnc�itio�"means a c�nditian t�at can cause,cantribute to, or othe�ise trig�er an En�ironme�tai�leanup.
<br /> Bonower sha1l nat cause or permit the presence,use, disposal, storage,or release of any Ha�ardous
<br /> Substances,or threaten�o release any Hazardous Substan�es,on ar in the Property. Borra�ver shall not do,
<br /> nor a11ow anyane eise��do, anything affecting the�roperty(a]tha�is in via�atiori of any Environmental
<br /> Law,�b}which creates an Enviu-onmenta�Condition,or�c)which, due to the presenc�,use,or release of a
<br /> H�.�ardous Substa.nce,creates a caraditior�that adversel�affects the value of the Property.The precedi�g t�vo
<br /> sen�ences sha11 not appl�ta the presence,use,or storage on the Property of sma11 quantities of Hazardous
<br /> Substance�that are gen�rally reGa�n�zed to be appropriate ta normal resident�al uses and to maintenance of
<br /> the pr�perty�in�ludi�g,but not lirnited to,ha�ardous substa��es in consumer product��.
<br /> Barrower sha11 prampt�y gi���Lender writt�n notice of(a�any investigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or ather
<br /> action by any go�ernmcnta.l or rcgulatory agency or privatc par�y in�roiving the Property and any Hazardous
<br /> Substance or Environmental Law of which Borrot�r�r has actual knowledge,�b)any En�ironmental
<br /> Condition, inc�uding but n�t timited to,any spilring, �eaking,discharge, release or threat of release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substance,and�c}any conditian caused by the gresenc�,use ar rel�as�of a Hazardous Substance
<br /> wh�ch ad�ersely affects the�a1ue di the Property.If Borrower Iearns,or is natified by an�governmental or
<br /> regula#ory authority,ar any private party,that any removal ar ather rernediation of any Ha�ard�«s Substanee
<br /> affecting�he Property is necessary,Borrower shal�prompt�y tak�all necessary rernedia�actions in
<br /> aGcordance�vith Envu-onmental Law.NQ�hing herein shall creat�any obligation an Lender far a�
<br /> �a�ironmental Cl�anup.
<br /> Non-Un iform�ovenants.Borrawer and Lender covenant an.d agree as fo�lows;
<br /> 22. A�celQration;Remed ies.Lender shall give natice ta Barr�wer priar ta aCcelera�ion fa�lowing
<br /> �arrower's�reach af an�cvwenan�vr agreemenlc in this Security instrument tbut not prior�o
<br /> a��eleratian under Se�tion 18 un�ess Appi�eab�e Law pravides atherwise),The n�tice shaXl speeify: �a}
<br /> #he default;�b)the a�tion re�uir�d ta cure the default;�c}a date,nat less than 3� days fram the date
<br /> �he na�ice is giWen to Borrower,b�y which the default must be cur�cl;an��d}that failure to eure the
<br /> default on or before the date specified in the nvt�ce may result in acceleratian of the sums secured by
<br /> �his Security Instrurnen�and sale of the Property.The natice shall further inf�rm Borro�v�r af the
<br /> right tv reinstate after aCcelerativn and the r�ght tv bring a court actian ta assert the nvn-existence of a
<br /> default or�ny ather defense�f Borrawer to accelerativn and sale.If the defau�t is not cured on flr
<br /> befare the date specified in the notice,Lender at�ts opt�an may require immediate paym�nt in fu�i af
<br /> all sums se�ured by this Security Instrument without further�enaand and may�n��ke the pawer of sale
<br /> and�n�vther remedies perm�tted by App�icable Law.Lender shall be en�itled�a ca�lect a�l expenses
<br /> incurred in pursuing the rem�dies prfl�ide�in this�ecti�n 2�,including,but not limited tv,reas�nable
<br /> attarneys'fees and cas�s of tit�e evic�ence.
<br /> q�33414�8Gz1 Q233 3z1 141�
<br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddi�Mac L1h11FORM INSTRUMENT V111TH MERS Form 34�8 11a1
<br /> VMP� VMP6A(NE�(130�).0�
<br /> Wa[ters Kluwer Finan�ial Servicss Page 14 af 1�
<br />