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��15�454� <br /> ��� "Lender" �s Ho�ne Federa� Sa��i ngs and Laan Assn �f Grand Is�and <br /> Lender�s a Sa�i ngs and Loan <br /> �rganiz�d and ex�st�ng under the Iavvs of Th� St�t� of �ebraska . <br /> Lender's address zs �21 5outh Locust St Grand I s�l and NE �88�1 <br /> Lrender is the bene�G�ary under th�s SeGurity�nstrum.ent. <br /> �D� "Trusfiee" is Arend R Ba�ck, Attarn�y <br /> {E� "�V�te" means the pramissory note si�ned by Borrawer and da�ed J u�y D 1, 2�1 a . The Not� <br /> stat�s�ha�Borrowe�r awes Lender DNE HUNDRED THIRTY F4llR THD�SA�VD F�UR H�NDRED <br /> FIFTEEN A�D UqI10� <br /> Dol�ars�[�.5. �134,41a.04 }p�us interest, Borro�ver has promised�a pay this debt in r�gular <br /> PeriadiG Pa�ments and�a pay the deb��n ful�not later than Augu st l, 2�3� . <br /> {F� "Propsrty" means�he property�hat is des�:ribed belaw under the heading "Transfer of Righ�s in the <br /> Praperty.„ <br /> {�} "Loan" rneans the d�bt e�idenced by the Nate,p�us interes�, any prepa�ment charges and�at�charges due <br /> under the Note, and alx sums due under this Security Instrument, p�us�nterest. <br /> 4H} "Riders" means a11 Rid�rs to this Securi�y�nstrument tha�are�xecuted by Borrawer. Th�fol�awing Rzdexs <br /> are ta be execu��d by Borr�wer [check b�x as applicab�e]: <br /> [� Adjustab�e Ra�e Rzder � Cond�min�um Ri�er �Se�ond H�me R�der <br /> [�Ball��n Rider � P�anned Unit I�eUeloprnen��.ider � �.-4 Fam��y Rider <br /> [�]VA Rider 0 Biweek�y Pa�ment Rider 0 C)�her(s} [�pecify� <br /> 4[} "Applicable Law" means al��nntr���ing appiicable federal, sta�e and�oca� statu�es, regulations, ordinances <br /> and administrativ�rules and arders �that ha�e the effect�f law}as w�i� as a�l app�icable fi.nai, nan-appealable <br /> �udi�ial opinions. <br /> �J� "�vmmunity Assvciat�vn Dues. Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessment�and other <br /> charges tha�are�nr�pased an Barro�ver ar�he Pr�perty by a candominiun�assoc�atian, homeflwners <br /> associat�on 4r simi�ar arganiza�ion, <br /> �Ky "E�ectroni� Funds Transfer" means any�ransfer af funds, other than a�ran�actian ariginated by�heck, <br /> d�aft, or simi.lar paper ins�rument, which is in�tiate�through an electronic�erminal, telephonic in��rumen�, <br /> co�mputer, ar rnagne�ic tape sn as to order, ins�ruct, or au�horize a financia�institut�on to debit ar credit an <br /> account. Such term�nclud�s, but is n����mited to, pflint�-�f sale t�ansfers, automa�ed�e��er maChine <br /> transactians, �ransfers initiated b��e�ephone, wir�transfers, and autama��d clearinghause transfers. <br /> �L} "Escr�w Items" means thos�items that are de�crib�d in 5ect��n 3. <br /> �M} "Nl�scellaneaus Proceeds" means any compensatian, se�tlernent, av�rard af damages, or p�o�eeds paid by <br /> any third party��ther than insurance proce�ds�aid unde�r the�oWerages des�ribed�n Sec�ion 5}for: (i} <br /> damage to, �r�estruction of, the Prop�r�y; �ii}�ond�mnat�an or��her ta�ing of a��or any part of the <br /> P�-aperty; ��ii}con��yance in Iieu of c�nd�nlnation; or��v} rnisrepresentations of, ar om�s�ions as to, the <br /> va�u�andlar canditian af�he Pro �r� . <br /> N�BAASKA-5ingie Farr�i�y-Fannie MaelFre�fc�ie Mac UIVtFdRM INSTRUM�NT Farfn 3Q28 11a1 <br /> VMP[� VMFfi�NE}��3a2] <br /> WvEters Kluwer Finan�iaE S�r�ices Page�af 7 7 <br />