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Z�15����� <br /> L�AN�: lQOD12D41 <br /> flammabl� or toxi� petraleurn products, �axic pesticides and herbicides, �olatile sol�ents, rnaterials <br /> cvntaining asb�st�s ar farmaldeh}�de, and radiaacti�e rr�aterials. As used �n this paragraph 15, <br /> "En�ironmental Law" means federai laws and laws af the jurisdiction�rvher�the Property is I��ated�hat <br /> relate ta health, saf�ty ar enviranrnental protection, <br /> N�N-UNlF�RM CaVENANTS. Barrvwer and Lend�r fu�ther co�enant and agree as foliows: <br /> '!�'. As�ignment of Rents. Bv�raw�r un��nd�ti�nally assigns and transfers ta Lende�all the rents <br /> and re�enues af�he�rop�rt�. Bo�rower au��o���es Len�er�r�ende�'s agents ta co�le�t the rents and <br /> r�Wenues and her�h�dir�cts�ach t�nant o#the Property t�pay the�ents tv Lender o�Lender's agents. <br /> Hovvever,pri�r to Lende�'s notice to B�r�aw�r vf gorrowe�'s breach�f any cavenant or agreement in the <br /> 5e�urity fns�rument, Borrower shail call�ct and rec�ive all ren#s and r��enue�vf the Property as trus�ee <br /> for the benef�t of Lender and Sorrower. This assignment of rents constitutes an absoiute assignment <br /> and nvt an ass�gnmen�far additional security only. <br /> �f Lendergi�es no��ce of breach to B�rr�wer:�a}afl r�nts re�i�ed by Borr�wer shall be held�y Barr�wer <br /> as trus�ee for benefit of Lender anly,t�be app�ied#o the surns se�ured by the 5�cur�ty Instrumen�; �b} <br /> �ender shal�be enti�led to cvlie�t and r�cei�e a�l of the r�nts of the Prop�r�y; and�c}each t�nant af the <br /> Prop�rty shall pay all rents due and unpa�d to Lender or Lender's agent on Lender's written demand ta <br /> the�enan#, <br /> 8orra�er has nat exe�uted any priar assignment of the rents and has not and will nvt p�rf�rm any <br /> a�t�hat wau�d pre�en�Lender from exercising its rights under this paragraph �?. <br /> Lend�r shall not�e�equired ta�nter upon, take�ontrnl of or maintain the Pr�perty bef�r�or after <br /> gi�ing noti�e of brea�h to Borrower. Howe�er, Lender or a judicially appoin#ed rece�ver may do so at <br /> any time there is a brea�h.Any appl�cation of rents shal[no#�ure or wai�e any de�ault or in�alidate any <br /> other right or�emedy of Lender.This�ssignment af rents of the Praperty shall terrninate►►vhen the debt <br /> secured by�he Se�ur�ty Instrument is paid in fu��. <br /> �8. Foreclosure Pr�c�dure.If Lender requ�res immediate payrnent in full under para�raph 9, <br /> Lender rnay�n��ke th�pc�w�r of sale and any ath�r remedies permit�ed by app�icable law.Lender <br /> shaii be entitled ta cvll�ct all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies under this paragra�h <br /> 18, includ�ng, bu�not limited to, reas�nable attorneys'fees and cos�s of title erridence. <br /> If the power�f sale is��r�vked,Truste�sha�l record a no#ice of defaul�in ea�h county in which <br /> any par�of thQ Property is located�nd shal!mail cnpies of such notice in the manner prescribed <br /> by applicable fa�►vto Borrowerand tothe other persons prescribed by a�plicable Iaw.Afterthe time <br /> req uired by applicable law,'Trustee shall g���puhlic not��e�f sale t�th�persons and in th�rnanner <br /> prescribed by applica�le law.Trust�e,withvut�ernand on Borrower,shall s�ll the Rroperty at publi� <br /> . auctian t��he highest bidder at the�ime�nd plaGe and under�he terms d�s�gnated in the no#ice <br /> of saie�n�ne�r mvr��arce�s ar�c�ir�any order Trustee d�termi�e�.Trust�e may postpone sale�f <br /> alf or any parcel of the PrQperty �y�u��ic announc�ment at the time and place of an�pre�iausly <br /> scheduled sal�. Lend�r ar its de��gne�may purchas�the Praperty at any sa�e. <br /> If the Lender's interes�in this 5ecurit� 1ns#rument is h�ld �y the Se�reta�y and th�S�cretary <br /> requires immediat� paymen�in fu�l under Paragraph 9,the Secretary may in�a�Ce the nonjudiciai <br /> pvwer of sale pra�i�ed �n the Single Family N�ortgag�F�rect�sure Act of�I 99�4"Act"�41�U.S.C. <br /> 3l5'� �t seq.� hy requesting a fvreclasure cvmrnission�r de�ignated under the►4ct t�co�mence <br /> foreGlosure and to se�� the Properky as pro�ided in the Ac�. No�hing in the prec�ding sentenc� <br /> sha�l depri�e the Secretary af any rights oth�nrvise a�aila�le to a Lend�r und�r this Paragraph'�S <br /> or appli�abie law. <br /> Lipan receipt of payment nf the price bid,Trustee shall deli►►er�o the purchaser Trustee's dee� <br /> c�nveyin�the Praperty.The r��i�als in the Trus�ee's d�ed shall be pr�ma fa�ie e�id�n�e vf thetruth <br /> af thestatements made th�rein.Trustee shall apply the pr�ce�ds vf thesa�e in thefollow�ng arde�: <br /> 4a�to all costs and exp�nses of exercisin�the power of sale,and the sa�e,includin�the payment <br /> of the Trustee's fees actually incurred, nat ta exceed 4.�Q°/Q of the principal <br /> amaunt of the n�te at the tim� of the declarati�n af defau�t, and reasvnable attarneys' fees as <br /> perrni�ted by larn►; �bj ta all sums secured by this�ecurity Instrum�nt; an� �c�any excess t�the <br /> p�rsvn Qr persans ler�all�e�titl��!tv�t. <br /> 'i 9, Recnn�eyance.Upfln payment af a�l sums secured b�rthis Secu�i�y Ins�rument,Lendershall reques� <br /> Trustee to reConvey�he Pra�erty and shall surrender�his Se�urity Instrument and all note�e�idencing <br /> d�bt s��ured by this 5ecurity Instr�ument to Trustee.Trustee snall recon�ey the Proper�y withou#warranty <br /> an�without�harge to the p�rson or persons�egally en#itled to'rt. Such person ar persans shail pay any <br /> rec�rdation costs. <br /> ��. 5ub�titut�Truste�, L�nder, at its option, may f�am fime f�time remo�e Trustee and app�int a <br /> successor trustee to any T�ustee appainted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this <br /> Security I nstrument is recorded.W�thout c�nveyance of the Property,the successar trustee shall succeed <br /> to a�l the tit�e, po�v�r and duties canferred upon Trustee her�in and by applicabie law. <br /> 21. Request fc�r Notices.Barrawer requests�hat copies of the notices of default and sale be s�nt ta <br /> Sorro►�rer's a�dress which is the Property Address. <br /> . �, <br /> FHA Nebraska Deed�f Trust-419G Initlal5: <br /> E�Iie Mae,��c. Page�vf 7 NEEFHADE �9�4 <br /> NEEFHADE <br /> �fi1211�0�5❑2:3�PM PST <br /> .. . <br /> . <br />