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Z�15���Z7 <br /> Transfer�f the P�operty or a Benef cxa�Intere�t in Borrower. If ali or any par�of th�Proper�y or any interest <br /> �n i� �s sald or transferred �or if a beneficial xn�er�s� �n Borrower �s sald or transferxed and Bonrower is not a <br /> na�tural person} �vi�hou� Lender's pr�ar wr��ten �onsent, Lender may, a� its optian, r�qu�r� irnm�dia�e payment in <br /> ful� of all sums secured by �his 5ecurity Instrumer��. �owever, �h�s �pt�on sha�I nfl� be exercised by Lender �f <br /> exerc�se�s pr�hibz�ed by federal law as of�he da�e of this Securi�y�nstrument. <br /> �f Lender exercises this option, Lender shall gi�e Borrower natice af acceleration. The nat�ce shall pr��ide a <br /> period af not �ess �han the minzmum number of days established by App�icable Law from the date the not�ce �s <br /> delivered or ma�led wi�hin which Sorravver mus�.pa�� a�� sums se�ured by this Security Instrurnent. �f B�rrower <br /> faiis�o pay these surns prior�a the exp�ra�ion of�h�s period, Lender may invoke any remedies permi�ted by this <br /> Secur�ty�ns�rurnen�w�thout further na��ce ar demand on Borrovver. <br /> Borrawer's Right to Reinsta�e. �f Barrawer m�ets cer�ain conditions, Borrower sha�� have the righ� �a have <br /> enforCement of this 5ecur��Zns�rumen� dis�ontinu�d at any�tirne prior to�he earlier af: �a} � days�ar such other <br /> per��d as Appl�cab�e Lavv may specify far r�insta��ment}before sal�af�he Pr�perty pursuant to any pawer of sale <br /> cantained in this Secur�ty Instrument; �r �b� en� af a j udbment enfor�xng th�s S�cur�ty Znstrumen�. Th�se <br /> ��nd����ns are �hat Barrovver: �a} pa�s L�nd�r a�� sum.s tivhich then tivould�e due under this Secur�t� Ins�rurnen� <br /> and�he�ontrac�as�f no a�ce�erat�on had�ccurred;�b�cur�s any default�f any other cavenants or agreements;{c� <br /> pays aIl expenses incurred in enforcing this Secur��y Instrument,�ncluding,bu�no�limited��,reasonabl�at�orneys' <br /> fees�o the e�tent perm�tted by Ia�v; and�d}takes such ac�ion as Lender may reasonably reyuire t�assure��he <br /> Iien Qf this Securi�y�ns�rumen�, Lender's rights in the Praperty and B�rroti�er's�bligation�o pay�he sums secured <br /> by this Securi�y Ins�rumen� shall contix�ue un�hanged. Upan reinstatement by Borrower, �his S�curit��ns�rumen� <br /> and the ob�igations �ecured here�y shall remain f�.11y �ff��ti�e as if nfl ac�elerat�an had oc�urred. Hfl�ever,th�s <br /> rzgh�tfl rein�tate shali not apply in the cas�of accel�ra�ion under the sec�iQn���Ied Transfer af the Property or a <br /> Benefrial In�er�st in Bor�rower. <br /> Hazardou�Substan�es.Borrflvver shall no�cause or permit�he presence,use,disposa�,storage,or re�ease of any <br /> Hazardous Su�s�ances�n ar in the Property.Borro�rer shalx no�do,n�r allo��anyane el�e ta do,any-� affect�ng <br /> �he Propet�ty �ha� is in viola�ion �f any Environmental Law. The pr�cedang �� sen�ences shall n�o� app1���a the <br /> presence,use,or stiQrage on�he ProperCy af smal�quantiti�s of�azardaus Subs�ances�hat are general�y recognized <br /> to be appropr�ate t�narma�residen�ia�uses and ta mazntenance of the Property. <br /> Borrov�rer shall promptly b��e Lender wr�tten notice af any�nv�st�ga�ion,claim,demand, la��vsu��or ac�ion by <br /> any governmental �r rebulatar�agency or pr��ate parry involving the ProperCy and an� Ha�ardous Substan�e or <br /> En��ronmerttal La�v of v�h�Gh Borravver has ac�uai knQwledge. �f Barrou�er learns, or �s not�fied by any <br /> governmen�al tir regu�atory autharity,that any�remo�al or other rern�d�a��on of any Hazardflus Substance affecting <br /> the Praper�y �s necessary, Barrov�er shal� pro�ptly tak� alI neces�ary rem�dia� a�t�ans in accordan�e wi�h � <br /> En�ronmen�al Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Ha.zard�us Substances" are th�se substances defned as�oxic or hazardous substances <br /> by En�ironmenta� Law and th� fQ��awing substan�es: gasoli�e, kerosene, �ther flamrnab�� ar t�xic petraleum <br /> praducts, toxic pest�Cides and herbicid�s, �ola�ile sol�rents, rnaterials ��nta�ning asbestos Qr farma�dehyde, and <br /> radioa�ti�e ma�er�als.As used�n�his paragraph, "En�ir�n.rnen�al La�w"means federal Ia�vs and�aws of�he state of <br /> Nebraska�haf re�ate to health,safety or environrnental pr�tection. <br /> Ac�e��rat�on; R�medies. I.�ender shall g�v� n�ti�e to Borrawer pr�or �a acce�era�ion fallow�ng Borrower's <br /> breach af any�ovenan�or agreemen�in this Securi�y Instrument ar�he Contraet under which accelera�tian <br /> i5 perm�tted tbu�no� pr�ar to accelerat�on under�he�ec��on titled Transfer of the Property�r a Bene�c�al <br /> Interest xn �3orrvwer, un��ss App��cable Law p�-oWides otherwise}. The nfltice shali specify: �a��he�efault; <br /> �b� �he act�on required t� cure the default; �c� a da�e, not less than the minimum number of days <br /> estab��5hed by App�zcable Law from the da�e the nntice is g�ven to Borrower, by wh�ch the defauit mus#b� <br /> cured; �nd �d} �hat faiiure to eure the defau�t �n or bef�re the da�e sp�ci�ed in the nv�i�e may result xn <br /> acce�eration vf the sums se�ured by this Security Ins�rur�.ent and sale of the Praperty. Ta the exfent <br /> perm���ed by lar�v,�he notice shaI�further infnrm �nrrawer af�he righ#to rQinsta�e after ac�e�erat�on and <br /> the righ�to bring a cour�action to assert the non--existen�e�f a default or any other defense of Borrav�er to <br /> ac�e�eration and saie. If the default is not cured on vr before �he da�e spe���ed �n th� nat��e,Lend�r afi its <br /> op�ian rnay requ�re immed�ate payment ir� full Qf all sums se�ured by �h�s Security Instrumen� w��hout <br /> further demand and may in�oke the pawer of�aXe and any o�her rerr�ed�e5 permit�ed by App��cab�e Law. <br /> T� �he extent permitted by iaw, Lender sha�� be en�itled �o colle�# aIl expen5es �ncurred in pursuing the <br /> remed�es prov�ded in this S�c�ion,�n�luding, but n4�Iimited to, reas�nab�e at�flrneys' fe�5 and costs o�t�t�e <br /> evidence. <br /> If the power of sale is�n�oked,Trus�ee shall re�ord a nat�ce tif defau��in each �vunty in wh�ch �ny par�of <br /> the Proper-�y is lv�ated and shall mail copies of�uch nat�ce in the rnanner prescrib�d by App�i�a�le Lavv to <br /> B�rrower and to the �ther per�ons pres�ribed by Appl��able Law. After the �ime requ�red b�Applicab�e <br /> Law, Trus�ee sha�l gi�� publi� noti�e �f sa�e �a �he per5on� and in �he manner pr�scribed by Applicable <br /> Law. Trus�ee,wi�hou#deman� on Borrawer,sh�ll sel�the Property a�pub�ic au�t�on to�he h�ghe�t b�dder <br /> at�he tirne and piace and under the terms desig�ated in�he no�ice of s�Ie in ane or more parcel�an�in any <br /> vrder Trustee determ�nes. Tru���e may p�stp�one sale of aIi or any par��� of the Praperty b� pubIi� <br /> announcement at the tirne and piare❑f any prew�ous�y schedu��d sale.Lender or�ts d�sxgn�e may purchase <br /> �he Pr�per�y at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of�be pric� b�d, Trustee sha�l deli�er to the purchaser Trustee's d�ed conveying <br /> the Fr�perty. The re�i�ais in �he Trustee`s deed�ha�I be prima fa�ie e�idence af the tru�h of�he staternents <br /> C�2��4-2014 Compliance Systems,Inc.FDSO-4B6C-�D 13L2.1 fl.1.895 <br /> Consumer Rcal Estate-Se�urity Instn.�ment DL2�3G Page�af 5 wwrv.compIiancesystems.�om <br />