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��15�4485 <br /> �on��nue to pay�a Lender�he amount of the separately des�gnated payrnen�s�hat were due when the <br /> insuran�e co�erage ceased �o l�e �n eff��t. Lender will acceP�,use an�.retain these paymen�s as a <br /> non--r�fundab�e loss res��-ve in li�u af Mortgage�nsuran�e. Such lass r�serve shai�be non-refundable, <br /> notw�thstand�ng the fact�hat�he L�an�s u�tirnate��paid in fuli, and Lender shall not be required to pa� <br /> Borrower a.r�y in�er�s�or earnings on such Ioss r�ser�e. Lender can na�onger rec�uire loss reser`re payrnents <br /> �f Mor�gage Insuran�e coverage��n the amaunt and for the p�r�od that L�nder re�uires)provided by an <br /> insurer sel�cted by L.�nder aga�n bec�mes ava�lab�e, is obta�ned, and Lender�requzres separateiy designate� <br /> payments taward�he premiums far Mor�gage�nsuran��. �f Lender requ�red Mor�gage�nsurance as a <br /> c�ndition af rnakxng�he Laan and Borrawer was required�o make separa�e�y d�signa�ed payments toward the <br /> premium�far Mor�gag��nsuranc�, Borrower sha��pay�h�prem�ums requir�d to main�ain N�or�gage <br /> Insurance in�ffec�, �r to pro�ride a non-refundable���s reserve, un�i�Lender's requirement for Mor�gage <br /> �nsurance�nds�n accordance�i�h any wri���n agreem�n�betw�n Borro�e�r and Lender providing for such <br /> termina��on or un�il terminati�n is require�.by Applicabie Law. Nothing in this Sec��an 1�affec�s <br /> Borr�wer's obligation t�pa�in�er�st at�he ra�e pro�ided in th�Not�. <br /> Nlartgage�nsuran.ce re�mUurses Lender(or any ent�t��hat purchases the Note� for cer�ain losses i��nay incur <br /> if Borrvwer does n�t repay�he L�an as agreed. Borrower is not a party�a the M�r�gage�nsurance. <br /> Mar�gage insurers e�aluate their total risk on all such insuran�e xn f�rc�from t��rne����rn�.e, and may en�er <br /> into agrecments v�ith a�h�r partxes�hat s�are or mod�fy�hcir r�sk, or reduce Iosses. These agreements are on <br /> t�rm�and Gondi��ons tha�are�a��sfac�ary�o the rnar�gage�nsurer and the o�her party (or par�i�s}t��hese <br /> agreemen�s. Th�se a�reemen�s may requ�re�h�mor�gage�nsurer to rnake payrnents using an�s�urce o�funds <br /> that th�mortgage insurer rnay haWe a�va��abl��wh�ch may include funds obtained from Mortgage�nsurance <br /> premiums}, <br /> As a resu�t of�hes�agre�men�s, L�nder, any pur�haser of�he N��e, another insur�r, any re�nsurer, any oth�r <br /> enti��, or an�aff�iiate of any�f��ae farego�ng, may re�ei�e�directly or indirec��y} arnoun�s tha�derive fram <br /> �ox zx�����b���.az����r����as}a por�i�x�.�f��rxow��`'s p�y����s�ox���gage�n�urance, in exchange for <br /> sharing or mod�fying th�mar�gage insur�r's risk, �r reducing Xflsses. �f such agr�ement pr�vides tha�an <br /> affilia�e af Lender ta.kes a share of�he insurer's risk in exchange f�r a share of th�premiums pa�d ta�ae <br /> insurer, �he arrangem�nt�s af�en�ermed "capti�e re�nsuranc�." Fur�her: <br /> 4a� Any such agreer�ents will nat affect the amounts�ha�Barrower has agreed�o pay for Martgage <br /> Insurance, �r any other terms af�he Loan. Such agreement�w���no��ncrease the amount <br /> Borrower wi��owe Fvr Mortgage Insurance, and they will not ent�tle�orrawer�o any refund. <br /> �h} Any such agreen��n#s will no�affect the rights Borrawer has-�f any-wi�h respect to the <br /> Mor�gage Insurance und�r the I�omeowners Protection Ac��F 1938 ar an.y other�aw. The��r�ghts <br /> rnay include the right�o rece��e cer�ain disci�sure�, to reques�and v�ta�n canceliat�on of tbe <br /> Mortgage Insuran�e, ��ha►ve�he Nior�gage Insurance#erm�nated automat�ca�ly, andlar to rece��e <br /> a refund�f any Mor�ga�e Insurance prem�u�ns that wer�unearned a�the time af such <br /> cance��a�io�.or�ermin��ion. <br /> �'[. Assignment vf Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forf�iture. A11 Misc�Ilaneous Pr�ceeds are her�by assxgn�d to <br /> and sha11 be pa�d�o I..,�nder, <br /> �f��ie Froper��is damaged, such Misc�I�aneous Proceeds shal�be appl�ed to restora��on or repair of the <br /> Pr�per��, if�he restorat�an ar repair zs econom�ca�ly feas�b��and I.�nder's securzty is n��lessene�. During <br /> such repair and restoratxon period, Lender sha��have the r�ght to hald such Miscel�an�ous Proceeds until <br /> Lender has had an�ppor�uni�y�o inspect such Proper���o ensure the wark has been comp�e��d�❑ Lender's <br /> NEBRASKA-Sinr�le Fami[y-Fann�e MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM IN5TRLIMENT �arm 3�28 1141 <br /> VMP� VMPStNEy(7 30�y <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 9 ot#7 <br />