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Record & Re�turn to: 201504433 <br /> fanniello, Anderson, P.C. <br /> �Ittn: Loss Mitigatian SUBOR�IN[AT[OIV AGREEMEN7 <br /> �o '�} � 805 Route 146 � E]ATE: <br /> � Clifton Park, f�ew York 7.2065 � I � <br /> The parfies agree as follows: <br /> Holder of the ExiSting Mortgage("Holder") is: SECRETARY OF HQUSiNG AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT <br /> Address: 2488 E. 81ST STREET, SUfT�700, TULSA, DK 74�37 <br /> Martgagee in the new Mortgage or Modification nf Exisfing First Mortgage("Morkqagee") is: Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC <br /> Address: 475 Crosspoint Pkwy, Getzville, NY 14068 <br /> 1. 7'he properEy which is the subject ofi the lien of the New Mortgage�the"Property") is described as fallaws: <br /> Address: 112 E 14TH ST GRAND ISLANQ NE 68801 <br /> TaxID: 40�125285 <br /> Legal Description: SEE ATTACHED <br /> 2. The ho[der now owns and holds th�following morEgage(the"Existing Martgage"�and the bond or note <br /> which it secures: <br /> Mortgage made by Eric K. McCarville <br /> to SECREI'ARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT <br /> in the amount of Eleven Thousand Two Hundred Fortv�'hree dollars and seventy fo�r cents dollars <br /> $11,2A�3.74 da�ed 1 01812 0 1 4 and recorded on 1/30/2015 <br /> recorded in booklinstrumenf/volume 2p150�612 Page nla <br /> in the office of Miami-Qade County C[erk covering all or part of the property. <br /> 3_ The owner of the Property is about to sign and deli�er to Martgagee, a new mortgage or a modification of an <br /> existing first mortgage(either being known as the"New Mortgage")to secure the amount of <br /> Fifty Six Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Five dollars and Ninte Seven Cents doElars <br /> $56,935.97 and interest co�ering the praperty. <br /> 4. The Mortgagee wil[not accept the New Mortgage unless the Existing Mortgage is subordinated to it. <br /> In exchange for no dollars and no cents dnllar(s) $0.00 <br /> and other good and valuable consideratian and to induce Mortgagee to accept the New Mortgage <br /> �he Holder agrees to subordinate the lien of the Existing Mortgage#a the lien of the New Mortgage. <br /> 7he Existing Mortgage lien shall be subordinated in the amount secured by the New Mortgage and interest <br /> and advances already paid and to be paid in the future under the New Mortgage. Examples of the advances <br /> are brofc�rage commissions, fees for making the loan, mor�gage recording taxes, documentary starr�ps, fees <br /> for examinafion of title and surveys.Advances may be paid without notice to Holder. The maxirr�um amount <br /> of the lien of the Existing Mortgage that is subordinated is fhe amount secured by the EVew Mortgage and <br /> interest and advances as set fnrth hereinabo�e. <br /> The Agreement cannot be changed or ended except in writing signed by Holder and Mortgagee. <br /> 6. If there is more than one Holder, each shall be separately liable. The words"Holder" and"Mortgagee"shall <br /> include their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. If there is more#han one Holder <br /> or Mortgagee, the words"Holder"and"Mortgagee"used in this Agreerr�ent lnclude them. <br /> _ _ __ __ ___ <br />